Saturday, March 21, 2015

Unbelieving pastors?

Unbelieving pastors?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A study by Tufts University has called attention to the presence of Protestant pastors who do not believe what they preach, something the authors describe as a nearly "invisible phenomenon" of "unbelieving clergy."

Ambiguity regarding who is a believer in Jesus and who is a nonbeliever, the report said, is a result of the pluralism that has been fostered by many religious leaders for at least a century.

"God is many different things to different people, and since we can't know if one of these conceptions is the right one, we should honor them all," the authors wrote in summarizing the pluralistic view.

Rather than relying on statistical evidence to point to a conclusion, the study employs anecdotal stories of five ministers whose identities have been obscured. Even the authors admit they couldn't draw any reliable generalizations from such a small sample of clergy, but what they found, they said, does deserve a closer look.

One pastor, a Methodist, said he no longer believes that God exists, but his church members do not know that he is an atheist. Most of them, he said, don't even believe Jesus literally rose from the dead or literally was born of a virgin.

Another pastor, from the United Church of Christ, said he didn't even believe in the doctrinal content of the Christian faith at the beginning of his ministry, but he continues to preach as if he believes because it's the way of life he knows.

A Presbyterian pastor in the study said he remains in ministry largely for financial reasons and acknowledged that if he were to make known that he rejects most tenets of the Christian faith he would obliterate his "ability to earn a living this way."

A Church of Christ pastor explained how he continues to lead his church despite losing all theological confidence.

"Here's how I'm handling my job on Sunday mornings: I see it as play acting. I see myself as taking on the role of a believer in a worship service, and performing," the pastor said.

He describes himself as an atheistic agnostic and said he still needs the ministerial job and no longer believes hypocrisy is wrong.

A Southern Baptist pastor included in the study said he was attracted to Christianity as a religion of love and now has become an atheist. If someone would offer him $200,000, he said, he'd leave the ministry right away.

...."If they will not remove themselves from the ministry, they must be removed. If they lack the integrity to resign their pulpits, the churches must muster the integrity to eject them," Mohler wrote at "If they will not 'out' themselves, it is the duty of faithful Christians to 'out' them. The caterpillars are hard at work. Will it take a report from an atheist to awaken the church to the danger?..



Preachers Who Don't Believe - The Scandal of Apostate Pastors

Are there clergy who don't believe in God? That is the question posed by a new report that is certain to receive considerable attention - and rightly so. Few church members are likely to be disinterested in whether their pastor believes in God.

The study was conducted by the Center for Cognitive Studies at Tufts University, under the direction of Daniel C. Dennett and Linda LaScola. Dennett, of course, is one of the primary figures in the "New Atheism" - the newly aggressive and influential atheist movement that has gained a considerable hearing among the intellectual elites and the media.....

Interestingly, Dennett also proposes a new interpretation of theological liberalism. Noting that many modern people claim to be Christians while holding to virtually no specific theological content, Dennett suggests that their mode of faith should not be described as "belief," but rather as "believing in belief."

Given Dennett's own atheistic agenda, we can rightly assume that he would be thrilled to see Christian ministers and believers abandon the faith. Indeed, the New Atheists have made this a stated aim. Thus, this new research report, "Preachers Who Are Not Believers," should be read within that framework. Nevertheless, it must be read. This report demands the attention of anyone concerned with the integrity of the Christian church and the Christian faith.

Dennett and LaScola undertook their project with the goal of looking for unbelieving pastors and ministers who continue to serve their churches in "secret disbelief." Their "small and self-selected" sample of ministers represents a microcosm of the theological collapse at the heart of many churches and denominations.

In their report, Dennett and LaScola present case studies of five unbelieving ministers, three from liberal denominations ("the liberals") and two from conservative denominations ("the literals").

Wes, a Methodist, lost his confidence in the Bible while attending a liberal Christian college and seminary..........

........Rick, a campus minister for the United Church of Christ, perhaps the most liberal Protestant denomination, was an agnostic in college and seems to have lost all belief by the time he graduated from seminary.............

........He doesn't like to call himself an atheist, but: "If not believing in a supernatural, theistic god is what distinguishes an atheist, then I am one too."

Darryl is a Presbyterian who sees himself as a "progressive-minded" pastor who wants to see his kind of non-doctrinal Christianity "given validity in some way." He acknowledges that he is more a pantheist than a theist, and thinks that many of the more educated members of his church hold to the same liberal beliefs as his own. And those beliefs (or unbeliefs) are stated clearly: "I reject the virgin birth. I reject substitutionary atonement. I reject the divinity of Jesus. I reject heaven and hell in the traditional sense, and I am not alone."

Amazingly, Darryl is candid about the fact that he remains in the ministry largely for financial reasons. It is how he provides for his family. If he openly espoused his beliefs, "I may be burning bridges in terms of my ability to earn a living this way."

Adam ministers in the Church of Christ, a conservative denomination. After years in the ministry, he began to lose all theological confidence. After reading a series of books, he became convinced that the atheists have better arguments than believers. He has moved fully into an atheist mode, yet he continues to lead his church in worship. How? "Here's how I'm handling my job on Sunday mornings: I see it as play acting. I see myself as taking on the role of a believer in a worship service, and performing."........

.......John is identified as a Southern Baptist minister who has primarily served as a worship leader......

.....He is clearly not being honest with his church members. He rejects all belief in God and all Christian truth claims out of hand. He is a determined atheist. Once again, this unbelieving minister admits that he stays in the ministry because of finances....

.....Early in their report, Dennett and LaScola point to a problem of definition. Many churches and denominations have adopted such fluid and doctrineless identities that determining who is a believer and who is an unbeliever has become difficult. Their statement deserves a close reading:

The ambiguity about who is a believer and who is an unbeliever follows inexorably from the pluralism that has been assiduously fostered by many religious leaders for a century and more: God is many different things to different people, and since we can't know if one of these conceptions is the right one, we should honor them all. This counsel of tolerance creates a gentle fog that shrouds the question of belief in God in so much indeterminacy that if asked whether they believed in God, many people could sincerely say that they don't know what they are being asked.

In other words, some theologians and denominations have embraced a theology so fluid and indeterminate that even an atheist cannot tell the believers and unbelievers apart.

"Preachers Who Are Not Believers" is a stunning and revealing report that lays bare a level of heresy, apostasy, and hypocrisy that staggers the mind.



This next one really blew me away and shows why we’re having the problems in our churches that we’re having:

Priests Who Teach the Difference

“Moreover, they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the profane, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.” (Ezekiel 44:23)

In Ezekiel 41-43 God provides the specifications for what will be the construction of the perfect Temple which all the former earthly iterations were only a veiled copy. All the previous ones were desecrated or misused in some way, but the final one will not give rise to those imperfections brought about by human frailty and failure to keep the whole of God’s Word concerning service to the One True God. In the latter half of Ezekiel 44 is described what will be the equally perfect service of the Levitical priests who serve directly in God’s very sanctuary before His very presence. But in addition there are some requirements pertaining to their responsibilities to the people as well. I cannot help but wonder that if every member of the New Testament church is now designated a priest (1 Pe. 2:5) if this might also be alluding to something we are supposed to do. I would argue in earnest that in fact this is something once common in the church which has all but disappeared today: teaching “the difference between the holy and the profane” and “the clean and unclean”.

One of the advantages of no longer teaching how to distinguish between “the holy and the profane” or “the clean and the unclean” is never having to justify why something biblically “profane” or “unclean” has been allowed to enter and take root in one’s church. Such distinctions require putting something under the scrutiny of God’s Word and closely examining the kind of spiritual fruit produced. This is why there is so often a strong connection between the dilution or even disappearance of the Bible from the pulpit and the rest of a church’s activities embracing worldly approaches in place of biblical ones. If the Word is not taught, it is far less likely anyone will be equipped to contrast the “profane” or “unclean” practices which has been allowed entrance and even incorporation into what is called “church”.

This most commonly comes up when something is challenged as being “worldly” and the response provided, “What is wrong with making church relevant to the modern day?” There is a lack of knowledge of the definition of the biblical standard much less how to apply it, replaced by the new standard of how well something emulates and stimulates as close as possible the implementation of its earthly counterpart. So the lyrics are no longer important, only that the sound is polished and professional; the message from the pulpit cannot make anyone uncomfortable and must always be “positive” and “uplifting”; it is not possible to hold anyone accountable for sin because that is considered unloving and judgmental, even though by biblical standards it is so judged in the most extreme terms. Since there is no difference designated within the church proper “between the holy and the profane” or “the clean and the unclean”, why are we surprised when so-called believers cannot and do not make any such distinction in the course of everyday life?

And so goes all the polls and research confirming that there is no longer a statistical difference between “church-goers” and “non-church-goers” for any moral or spiritual issue that can be named. The divorce rate and attitude about divorce? No difference. The stance on homosexuality, sex, and even adultery? No difference. Abortion, euthanasia, or almost any health-related issue? Statistically the same. The majority claiming the label “Christian” are incapable of making the distinction between “the holy and the profane” as well as “the clean and the unclean” within the walls of the church, so why are we surprised they are equally incapable of effecting such differences when they leave for life outside in the real world?

But this leads to a situation in our church meetings which God takes to a whole other level. It begins by not being able to discern such differences but gives way to incorporating them in church activities to the point where things are not just “wrong”, but have the devastating opposite effect of the intended goal of worship.

“You shall say to the rebellious ones, to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD, “Enough of all your abominations, O house of Israel, when you brought in foreigners, uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in My sanctuary to profane it, even My house, when you offered My food, the fat and the blood; for they made My covenant void—this in addition to all your abominations. (Ezekiel 44:6-7)

God calls it “your abominations”. When people can no longer tell the difference it is not long until they adopt things which by God’s standards are unquestionably “profane” and/or “unclean”. First the standard is dropped of maintaining that everything must be biblically “holy” or “clean” and the doorway is therefore flung open to allowing entrance and permanent residence of things out-and-out “profane” or “unclean”. (This is really at the heart of the discussion when something is designated as being “Emergent”, “Ecumenical”, or “Purpose Driven”.) And I cannot help but notice that in this particular instance God associates the problem not just with the abominations themselves, but through whom they were allowed entrance, people “uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh” — people who were not and are not His people in any way, shape, or form by biblical standards. This is what happens when we bring people in who are made members but are not actually saved.

I do not know the exact date or time it happened, but over the course of the past 30 or so years a complete reversal has occurred. Instead of church being a place of fellowship and discipleship, and the onus of reaching the unsaved remained upon each believer as they worked and lived in the everyday world, everything was redirected to bringing everyone to a single place for some kind of “one stop religious shop”. Instead of taking the Gospel out to the unsaved where they lived, church has been turned inside out so that it is supposed to be something that lures everyone in. Once upon a time an unsaved visitor to your church would be immersed in what it means when Christians worship and fellowship together in the Word and might actually be convicted that there was something in their own life not measuring up to what they witnessed in this gathering; today they are more likely not to be threatened with nor see any difference at all. What kind of evangelism is that?

“When the prince enters, he shall go in by way of the porch of the gate and go out by the same way. But when the people of the land come before the LORD at the appointed feasts, he who enters by way of the north gate to worship shall go out by way of the south gate. And he who enters by way of the south gate shall go out by way of the north gate. No one shall return by way of the gate by which he entered but shall go straight out. When they go in, the prince shall go in among them; and when they go out, he shall go out.” (Ezekiel 46:8-10)

In this description of God’s vision for a perfect implementation of worship, no one leaves His presence to go back out into the world by the same way they initially entered. It is alluding to God’s desire that His people do not come together simply as an insulation against the world, acting one way when in the world and another when gathered together in His presence, but are supposed to return not just changed but refusing to go back to the practices they came from. Biblical gatherings are supposed to be a source of strength for going out into the world and living according to God’s Word and ways and to instill in the participants the desire not to return to the same condition they came from. They are supposed to return to the world different, not the same as when they started out.

This theme of not returning to the old life, of not going back the way you came, is repeated in Scripture such as when God commanded the prophet sent to the northern kingdom of Israel not to “return by the way which you came”. (1 Ki. 13:9). The ultimate example is Egypt as the symbol of the old life to which no one should desire to return. Jesus repeatedly preached to those who came into personal contact with Him not to sin any more, to live a life changed from the heart and proven in the respective changes to one’s behavior.

This is why some of us today are so passionate in our reactions to church growth approaches, especially when making such “seeker sensitive”. It not only promotes activities completely opposite to the biblical standard, but give way to practices which are completely antithetical to God’s Word and ways. Such proponents commonly assert that to merely say one believes in Christ without actually leaving the desires and ways of the old life to exclusively pursue His is enough. Since they no longer make the distinction within their church between the earthly and the biblical, why should they make those distinctions when it comes to what one does when they leave such weekly meetings to return to the world? If there is no difference at church, why should there be any difference anywhere else?

If you are one of the few remaining Bible-believing, Christ-consumed believers in this present age, you have probably struggled at one time or another with the question of why so many people claim the label “Christian” but the polls clearly show this cannot possibly be the case. If the majority of those raising their hands were truly putting their faith and God’s Word into practice, most social problems would disappear overnight. There would be no “issue” over abortion, or access to pornography, or social injustice, or any number of moral dilemmas because that majority would be schooled in the difference between “the holy and the profane” and “the clean and the unclean” and demand such a standard be maintained in and out of the church.

I know that many Bible-believing Christians clearly see what is going on behind the major issues of our day in a general, prophetic sense, but for some reason do not grasp that the grass roots problem is not as much about the ignorance and evil we can always expect from the world, but that the church is no longer itself aware of the difference. We will never be able to successfully engage the world effectively until we face the fact that much of what is going on under the umbrella “church” is in fact biblically defined “abomination”. The sooner that the church returns to adhering to the standard of differentiating between “holy and profane” and “clean and unclean”, the sooner all those other issues will be materially impacted. I think we are going to have to become the priests who teach the difference.

posted with permission

Divorced FROM Church?

Feeling alienated from Church? If so, you are NOT alone!

Divorced FROM Church?

By Eric Barger

Repulsed by Emergent thinking, liberal theology, endorsements of the book "The Shack," or the Purpose Driven and "Seeker" philosophies, many authentic believers are being confronted with one of the most unsettling situations a Christian will ever be confronted with. Since alarming numbers of once-trustworthy pulpits and leaders are trumpeting varieties of Emergent and other heresies, what is the dedicated Bible-believer to do? Should we stay or must we go? While God may call some to try to warn others and to initiate a return to orthodoxy within their local churches, many are faced with either accepting or putting up with error or with leaving.

A recurring painful theme I read in many emails each month is the plight of so many brothers and sisters who've been treated as theological outcasts due to their continued stand for God's truths. Often, the letters start out by saying "We've been members of the "so and so" church for 40 years but now we just stay home."

The fact is many saints have been disfellowshipped without a hearing and have been disenfranchised for simply believing the Bible. The crux of the issue is that the same sort of destruction that came upon the older "mainline" denominations 100-150 years ago is now being revisited on the Evangelicals of our day. It is literally Satan's redo of deceit as once-sound, Bible-believing churches, denominations and seminaries are being reduced to theological ruins by the likes of today's counterfeit versions of Christianity. As in at least one example below, many who write are also desperately concerned for family and friends who have been consumed by liberal or Emergent darkness.

I have been up since well before dawn this morning considering how just one email update would be able to hold all of the letters we've received concerning this troubling topic. Simply, it cannot. However, here below I have selected just a few with the common theme "Divorced FROM Church." Here below are several letters which reflect tragic and sometimes desperate situations that many in the Church are facing in our day. I know many of you can imagine that as we read and answer letters such as these, our hearts break for those writing. I constantly try and remind folks, though, that our solace is in knowing Him in a genuine and personal way. Also, with the predicted apostasy underway, maintaining orthodox, biblical thinking in these end-times takes fortitude and stamina that only the Holy Spirit can provide. To my reply letters I usually add, "hang in there!"

If the letters here are not descriptive of your church situations, thank God. But if these letters describe what is happening to you, take heart for you are not alone. Regardless, I do challenge each reader to examine through the prism of scripture what is being taught and what we are accepting. Ask questions. Be inquisitive and, yes, respectfully and biblically demand answers from those who seek to lead you. I also exhort each of us to speak up when Emergent heresy comes knocking at our church's door. If it hasn't yet, it eventually will.

* Not sure what the Emerging Church actually is? Check out the video clip from Eric's seminar teaching "The Errors of the Emergent Church." Click here for the section "What is the Emergent Church?"

Rob Bell and Deception


I don't need or expect a response, but I just want to let you know I've already listened 3 times to Eric's presentations on CD from Jan Markell's Oct. conference. He is absolutely outstanding in his discernment messages and I'm ordering 2 extra sets of Cd's to circulate. Ten thousand people in my area go to Rob Bell's Mars Hill Emergent church, including my own precious son and family. People just don't understand what is going on & don't get it, which grieves me deeply. I seem to be arguing to brick walls! I personally taught music to Rob's kids. Middle C is always Middle C. I didn't deceive his children but he is deceiving mine and now my adorable grandson with his message of relativism and "What ifs?" He wasn't that way at 1st....he was an incredible, right on Bible teacher, so I encouraged my son to go there. The changes were slow and subtle and now many in this "Bible-belt" area are among those who have "fallen away and are following deceiving spirits and things taught by demons."

Thank you for your ministry...please don't ever give up! There are a "remnant" of us out there who need your teaching to help contend for the faith and to be effective watchmen on the wall.

In the Dust of our Rabbi,
M.G. (Michigan)

Click here to view slides pertaining to Rob Bell from Eric's presentation "The Errors of the Emergent Church."

Rick Warren on a Pedestal


I heard you on Jan Markell - and I just wanted to tell you thank you so much! I have been unhappy with our church for some time - and I think it is because our pastor puts Rick Warren on a pedestal and he preaches political correctness and inclusiveness - is that part of the Emergent church? Your testimony was very touching thank you so much for sharing it! I will be praying for your ministry and coming back to your website!

S.W. (Georgia)

Thanks for your encouraging words!

As for the question you have about your Pastor, it's hard to say if he is Emergent but many evangelicals are falling into liberal theological traps because of Warren and also because of the pervading and deceptive pressure of political correctness we see all around us.

I have developed a quick resource to help identify the Emergent heresy inside of churches. It's not all inclusive in scope but the piece I am talking about is a good starting point when examining whether a church or teacher has fallen into the Emergent cesspool.

Find "How to Spot the Emergent Church" by clicking here. Also note that at the end of the article there is a link that leads to the same article formatted so you can print it, tri-fold it and give it out to anyone you wish.

God bless you!


Concerned Nazarene (Received January 14, 2010, at 5:47am from Facebook)


I am "Concerned Nazarene", who recently left my home church of 5 years because it has become an apostate church, heavily teaching the characteristics of not only the Emergent Church hub, but all its little spokes, like "Kingdom Now", "Dominionism", and "Open Theism". My former pastor has deconstructed the Lord's Prayer to teach people that we are living in the Millennial Reign right here, right now, and he called it "On Earth, as it is in Heaven". You can hear this heresy for yourself at
His last sermon, on Jan 9th was a doozy!

Anyhow, we have about 200 people in our church, about a 50% decline from where we were three years ago. Nevertheless, God has given me this knowledge of the Emergent Church, I believe, so that I can "fight" against it.

I LOVED your video, it was very easy to listen to, and it touched on many of the key teachers, and characteristics.
I was wondering how I might obtain several copies of the DVD? Most of the people from my old church will not have any fellowship with me, but I still feel the urgency to keep them informed.

May the Lord keep you and bless you, and encourage you to keep fighting for the Truth of His Word! Know that you are prayed for often, and you are not alone in this fight!

A.H. (Ohio)

For more, see the menu "The Church of the Nazarene and the Emergent Church"

Reprimanded for Exposing "The Shack"


I appreciate your site and study in areas that have caused confusion and that have mislead thousands, for instance the book "The Shack". I knew in my heart just from glancing at a few excerpts from that book there was something drastically wrong with the book. My Pastor has encouraged staff and other members of the church to read it saying if you want to serve God and make a difference the book can help you. I told my Pastor the book only made me to study harder to learn to teach against many things such as The Shack taught that I see the book The Shack as complete heresy and no born again believer ought to read it. I was reprimanded sharply and told to keep my mouth shut. So now I speak out all the more against such things as the shack and the so called emergent church. I see those as diabolical. Unfortunately now I no longer have a church to attend since many in my area are now becoming "seeker friendly" of which I say it is all garbage. It is a deep shame what is taught today as truth in many churches. Thanks again for your ministry.

A.F. (Connecticut)

Want more info on "The Shack"? Read here or view video clip from "The Death of Discernment" DVD here.

The "Self-Amputation" of the Church

What a blessing the Lord Jesus is! And I praise Him for your willingness to display His presence in your writing. I read your personal testimony and also your email response to the church member regarding the seminar on Purpose Driven Life and Purpose Driven Church. There is a sort of "Christian veneer" that does appeal to a world full of people who seek the convenient and comfortable, advertised and sold to them like a spiritual "product necessity". Looking for salvation? We have an "app" for that.....I am a born-again, blood-bought believer in Jesus, and I am seeing in my lifetime what appears to be the self-amputation of the reach of the Church in our world today. Thankfully, my last statement does not apply to each and every group of believers as individuals or as corporate worshippers, but how heart-breaking to know that some souls are embracing this carefully crafted sparkling "new" message, and why shouldn't they after all, because they're hearing it from the pulpits and the publishers! And now we have to be careful about which "Bible" to read, given all the current translations and paraphrases designed to package the Word of God in a more "sellable" format. My intent in this message to you is simple and clear: KEEP GOING! I learned a long time ago that when you're in the center of God's will, you're in the crosshairs of the devil, and Satan won't lighten up on you when you declare the Truth of The Word, Jesus, the Lord. I will joyfully commit prayer to your ministry, and to blessing and protection for you and your family on the Authority of the Word. Press on, brother!

K.W. (North Carolina)

Posted with permission:


More Thoughts on... Divorced FROM Church?

By Eric Barger

Since sending "Divorced FROM Church?" to our email subscribers on January 17, we have received a steady stream of comments and response. Rarely has an email update or newsletter struck such a chord. Many of you who read my thoughts in "Divorced FROM Church?" have experienced the pain of watching your local church and even your denomination implode theologically. In the early days of my walk with God, Melanie and I experienced this and, even though I was certainly a babe when it came to understanding doctrine and theology, I vividly remember what it feels like to be ostracized by others who had drunk the kool-aid of spiritual liberalism and who were trying their best to give me a sip.

For a season we stood, prayed and dialogued with many in that first church we were a part of. I can't say how much progress we made there but I cared enough for the people that I wasn't going to give up and just go away, as I'm certain some there would have liked. I had blindly gone into Christianity thinking that, if a church, book store, radio station or individual claimed to be Christian, then they actually were Christian. In the message "
The MOST Dangerous Cult" I tell how we were called by God and how at the same time I came face to face with the realization that not everything that says "Christian" is deserving of that title.

I was certainly "wild fire" in those days but I knew the Jesus who had miraculously delivered me from years of drug abuse and, though I had yet to read the entire Bible through, God was as real as anything I knew in the natural realm. Regardless of how green I may have been in the faith, I was His and He was mine and nobody - especially those who were claiming beliefs against the Cross, the resurrection and this wonderful salvation - was going to separate us. (Read my testimony "How I Came 'From Rock to Rock'
'" here.)

I have said all of this to say that I truly understand how each of those whose letters appear below have felt. Space limitations here will not allow me to reproduce all of the correspondence we have received on this but allow me to share just a few at random. Some of you reading this will surely appreciate the fact that you've been shielded from having to experience what some others have experienced because of devilish doctrines being promoted and accepted all around us. As you read the letters below, I encourage you to consider just how you would handle the situation if you and your family and friends were to encounter the false teaching and false teachers about which the New Testament constantly warns us. They are indeed going to be more pervasive throughout the professing Church as the end-times proceed.

One note first...

Parishioners aren't the only ones feeling alone. Just imagine yourself a God-fearing, biblically-minded pastor who is watching as his once-solid denomination theologically goes down in flames. Countless leaders are feeling relentless pressure to acquiesce to the likes of Emergent, "seeker" and Purpose Driven philosophies as their congregations and other local church leaders are drawn like moths to an open flame to these unsound and unbiblical ideas.

Even the best are affected adversely. After all, when denominational leadership, peers and even the Bible college or seminary you've attended seem intent on forwarding the theology and philosophy of Emergents like Brian McLaren, it is bound to be disconcerting at very least. Some react almost subconsciously by slowly moving away from staunch biblical standards. Others resign their positions rather than be associated with the "new" Christianity. And still others are forced out of their churches by those demanding a shift from the authentic to what is nothing less than fraudulent religion.

Believers in the know must support godly pastors and staff, realizing that though they (and we) are not perfect, their job in proclaiming the unadulterated truth is getting harder and harder as the end-time deception deepens.

Two passages come to mind as I close.

2 Timothy 4:1-4 exhorts leaders what they must do and prophetically assures us that the very syndrome I've discussed here was indeed bound to proliferate through the Church in the end-days. Though we are instructed to carefully execute the preaching and proclaiming of the truth, many will reject the truths of Christianity and install people into leadership to tell them what they want to hear ("fables" i.e. myths) - instead of what is accurate and legitimate.

Paul writes: I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but aftertheir own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Secondly, for the many that have written or called us expressing how lonely their stand for truth has been, don't despair! As you can see from just these few letters, you are not alone.

Elijah mistakenly thought he was the only prophet - perhaps the only Israelite - who had not forsaken God and His truths. However, God brought him reassurance that, instead, he was not alone. I Kings 19:18 says:

Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

Indeed, Church, there are many in the Remnant who are refusing to bow to false religion and embrace its worthless gods! To them we say a resounding "AMEN!"


Grieving Over The Church


Thank you for posting the article on "Divorced From the Church" on my email. However, I am still crying over it. It does make me not feel all alone but I am so grieved by the deception in the churches. My daughter gave her information about "The Shack" to her pastor-led small group last week and received judgments from it before they even read the materials. These pastors were missionaries! They are not seeing through this stuff. It just breaks my heart. Thank you for your ministry. God is truly using it to open eyes. All I can rest on is that our God is Sovereign. Grieving over the church,

- L.S. (Internet)

Alarmed at The Church


I found your site through my Olive Tree Ministries newsletter. I am so thankful for every ministry who still takes a stand for the Word of God in this upside down world we have found ourselves in.

I have been very, very alarmed at the church I belong to as I have watch the pastor bring in "The Purpose Driven Life", and "The Shack". My husband and I have become so alarmed and put off by the "seeker sensitive" garbage we are witnessing in our church that we now watch a trusted and true preacher of NOTHING BUT the Gospel on TV on Sundays.

We don't want to "forsake the assembling of ourselves together," but it has become increasingly difficult to find a pastor who sticks to the Blood of Jesus as THE ONLY way, and feeds the sheep so we can grow in "grace and in the knowledge of our Savior, Jesus Christ."

We are truly living in the perilous times the Bible talks about. Thank the Lord God for the Internet, and thank you for being true to His Calling upon your life.

- K.M. (Florida)

Calling Out Apostasy

Thank you Eric for what you are doing. We have just left our church for the same reasons. Calling out apostasy is a very important thing to be doing in this time. Knowing that so many others are dealing with the same thing makes it a little easier!

- C.L. (California)

Wandered From Church to Church

This was such a great email and I do want to thank you so much. I have forwarded it to many on my email list...whether they will like it or not...I pray that God will open their eyes. One of my relatives is a Nazarene Pastor....I hope I hear back from him....We desperately need this discernment today....We have wandered from church to church for the past five years since moving to this retirement community and have seen such changes it's astounding. We are now 'trying' a PCA church....

- J.K. (Pennsylvania)

Not In Vain
Keep up the good work, Eric. It is not in vain. As for the church, we just don't go any more. I've only been saved for 17 years and I see the same old thing being repackaged and given out to the congregation. All the Rick Warren stuff and the rest has taken over almost all of the churches in my area. We did find a small Pentecostal church that does not entertain and the pastor preaches the Word only so we go there but we will not join or become involved. I always thought that our whole family would be part of a church. Our daughter and her husband feel the same way. They do not want their children learning what is being taught in the churches. They teach them at home instead. Bless you for being a watchman. I remain undone and ruined by who He is.

- L.B. (Pennsylvania)

We Weren't Alone!

When we received your email tonight, telling of other believers that have been cast off or had to leave their church, it shocked me! We weren't alone! We have gone to 15 churches in our area, and have been grieved by what we found. It started around 2007.We had a good country church that taught sound doctrine, but the new pastor changed over night. He cast out mature Christians and installed unknown people in the church board. They acted like tyrants! So, we left. Each day, I cry out to the Lord for a church family, but can find no sound doctrine. Relatives say we are being too picky, but I know what the Lord has shown me. I believe He has given me the gift of discernment. I feel absolutely crushed. But I will not deny my Lord just to fulfill the exhortation by the writer of Hebrews 10:25. When two or more are gather in the Lord's name, He promises He is there. We thought about starting a home church, but nobody seems to care. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!

- P.M. (Washington)

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