Sunday, October 4, 2009

This weeks promise: God promises to fill you with joy!

This weeks promise: God promises to fill you with joy!

Acts 13:52 And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.

This is something that many people just don't understand. A believer is filled with JOY no matter what their circumstances at the time are. I have often felt that I was so full of joy that I was going to burst! It's God's gift t
o us. I think He is letting us partake in a small measure of the joy He feels because we have come home to Him.

So what if you're not feeling this joy? Does that mean you're not saved? No, it means that you're going through a dry spell most likely. There
are "seasons" in this joy simply because we're human and dealing with our flesh. It can come over you at the most unexpected times and places. Often it does if we are thinking about the Lord or some aspect of Him and then the Holy Spirit just fills us up all over again. When it does dissipate and even seem to leave at times, it is our flesh getting in the way.

Hebrews 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

God doesn't take the joy away. This joy is always available but we must be focused on Him and not on ourselves to feel it. If you aren’t feeling this joy, all you need to do is focus on Jesus as the above verse says. Focus on Him and what He’s done for you personally. Usually when we’re not feeling this joy it’s because we’ve allowed ourselves to get all wrapped up in our every day circumstances, or all the things that we see as “going wrong” or being “bad”, that need to be fixed so we can be “happy”. What we’re doing is not only focusing on the negative, but we are focusing on ourselves rather then on our Savior. Shift your focus back to Him, to all that He’s done for you; starting with your salvation and the joy comes rushing right back in.

So enjoy this special gift to you from the Lord.

Come and join us on!


Proverbs 27:1 Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.”

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