
 Fresh Hope Chat is cheaper than Therapy!

I realized it might be easier for everyone if I gave the chat thread it's own that's what I did!  Now it should be easy for everyone to find it!  I hope you all had a great day today.  It was a really busy one for me.  I found a way to make blogs totally private so I worked on setting one up for counseling, like I had in the private forum on FH before.  Then of course had to do more on each of the other blogs as well.  Still a lot of work left to do, but they're all getting there.

Only problem is that I won't be able to do as much tomorrow as it will have to be a short day for me.  Two of my grandkids, Elijah and Alissa, are in a dance at school tomorrow and my granddaughter Cassandra is now back from Italy so I'm hoping to get to see her too.  So don't worry if I don't get a lot done tomorrow, I'll work on them more every day.  

Hope to see you all soon, and I hope you all like having this on it's own page!


  1. You won't believe what happened to me when writing today's study! I'd been working on it for 3 hours and was almost done...only about 2-3 sentences left to type, when all of a sudden my computer shut down! I couldn't believe it! I was devastated because I hadn't saved it as I'd gone along like I normally do. All that work...gone! All I could do was pray, so I did. I told the Lord that I knew He was in control and that I wasn't going to complain or whine this time. I didn't understand, but then who ever said I needed to lol. BUT, I'd sure appreciate it if He could save at least some of my work. I had no idea "how' He could lol, but then He's God, not me. Then, I restarted my computer twice as I wanted to be sure it was running right and then came to the blog again. It showed a blank page where I'd been writing, but I went and looked at the list of all the posts I've done, just in case, and guess what? It was listed! God saved it! And He didn't just save some of it, but saved every single last word I'd written so far! Isn't that awesome???? So of course I thanked Him, typed the last couple of sentences and clicked, "publish" LOL So "More Lessons from Elijah" is all ready finally! I hope you all enjoy it! I've gotta go get busy now as it's a busy day for me!

  2. God is good! The Blog is looking good Cindy...

  3. Thanks Marianne! Still have a lot of work to do though, but then that always seems to be the case lol

    1. Hi My friends.I was able to reply to one blog and this is the second one where I can answer.Unfortunately,I couldn't get a reply box in the private pain chat.Cindy,I hope people are getting to talk to you.I bet you still need a rest,huh?All the blogs.And I know you must miss FH.I know this is not the right day(march 8th)but I had to reply somewhere and this was my 39th anniversary.Hello Lorrie,Lee,Cheryl,Kel Catt,Marianne.I wonder if john is able to post here?
      Well I have been sitting here for way too long.Really bad week.I have bookmarked this chat(or was it the pain chat?)
      Cindy,I so wish you would be able to take some time to rest and refresh yourself.Elijah did and God shored him up and I pray that for you.I will be back.

  4. Hi Cindy! how are you doing? Sorry it took me so long to get here, I had to figure out how to get an account. lol

  5. Hi every day today here in Southern Cal. good to see some of us here...(((hugs)))

  6. I been watching NCAA basketball earlier today start watching western on GET TV network what upz playerz
    I can't believe Kansas lost that game LOL!

  7. OH yeah Lulu it been warm here in SO CAL you are so right I think we just got whole year in rain storm in last storm we had I don't see jack on extended forecast

    Well one thing for sure my flowers are coming and blooming

  8. Hi everyone.... Cindy everything is looking good.

  9. Hi Everyone!! Cool blog! Lee just let everyone know that this is here. I knew there were more blogs but haven't gotten to all of them yet. Thanks Lee! And thank you, Cindy for doing all of this. LOVE the title. Lorrie originated it, and it sure has got it's use. LOL
    LOVE your testimony too Cindy. Our Lord always answers and shows us His love. I'm so happy that He save the study for you, and for us!
    I'm making pork roast with apples and onions, LOL. A recipe I found, when I was looking for one for pork roast and apples, to make sure what spices I could use, for some reason onions just appealed to me, when I read it, so I'm trying it. I sure hope it doesn't ruin a perfectly good loin roast! Anyway, I'd better go get it out of the oven and feed my starving husband. lol But, I'll be back.

  10. Yeah boys everybody check in now some people are still on FB let see anybody start coming in I know I didn't know about this thread until they blab on FB

  11. Thanks Cheryl! Today's bible study day;, so have to get ready before they come over. First I need more coffee t wake up more. Did everyone remember to set their clocks forward? Seems strange to be "springing forward" with a couple of feet of snow on the ground still lol

  12. morning, yup we sprang's a nice cool morning here. Have a good Bible study Cindy...and a nice day!

  13. I still tired I am going to church later on LOL!

    going be nice warm day here in SO CAL infamous Santa Ana winds may be kicking it

  14. Testing 1-2-3. I tried signing up for my own google account because Daniel didn't appreciate my using his.... but it didn't work for me last night. So, trying again. Miss everyone here! Leigh

  15. 84 degrees this after noon, not much of a breeze, at least here in long beach...praying you all have a nice Sunday...

  16. It mid 80s here in North Hollyweird yeah welcome everybody

  17. Hello, everyone! HAPPY MONDAY!! I'm sorry that I didn't post in here, on Sunday. I pretty much stayed away from the computer, as much as I could. I had to post a POLL over on the FB page, because one person wants it all to be a "secret" group. Pretty aggravating to me, and I don't even care if that person comes here and see my post. I won't hide my Lord. He doesn't, so I would be betraying my Lord if I hide Him or my faith in Him. But, I did a compromise and made it so someone would have to search for the group, in order to join and see the posts. But, I refuse to make it secret!

    But, I am constantly posting for them to come over here, and obviously, very few are listening. Why am I posting this here? Because I don't like hiding my feelings and if I don't get it out, I'm going to explode all over them!! ...again...
    I told them that if they want a prayer request, to come here and post in the "contact us" feature and it would be posted for them.

    Thank you, everyone, who has come in here to post. Thank you, Lee, for letting us know that this chat blog is here.
    I truly miss our, and really hope it comes back, but this blog is good too. We can still fellowship.

    OK, hopefully that rant is over. The matter is not over, but at least I got that out of my system. Sorry to poo poo all over your blog, Cindy, but this is a gripe that I've had for a long time, and I know I'm not alone in my feelings. That's why you didn't get a private email. LOL

    It's after 7am, so I'd better get a move on, if I'm going to make somewhat of a living today. LOL
    I hope everyone has a great Monday, and an even better week.

    Love all of you!!

  18. Morning all! Sorry I didn't get back here yesterday. I fell asleep right after the bible study, and couldn't stop yawning during the last part of it lol. I've been up for a few hours but still feel real sleepy so don't know how much I'll get done today. Hopefully I'll be able to copy a lot over to the blogs, as I can usually copy and paste no matter how tired I am lol

    You're such a sweetie Cheryl. I understand how you feel, but the Lord said this would happen. It's just another sign of the times we're living in. It seems strange to think of Christians fulfilling one of the signs, but it's true none the less. We'll see even more of it too as more and more of them stop believing in the pre-trib rapture, and others just plain stop caring one way or the other, figuring it'll be generations more before He returns, if He returns at all. Sad, but that's what He said would happen, and so it is.

    But we've got our little group here, and that's wonderful. It certainly lets you know who you're real friends are doesn't it?

    Well, I'd better at least go get dressed. Maybe that'll perk me up some. Have a good day everyone!

  19. BTW I felt that quake that happen in Eureka my part of state got 4.0 I went back to sleep LOL!

    Don't ask if not 6.0 or up I am so jaded I go back to bed or do my biz

  20. Hi all,

    Yeah I don't get it either Cheryl. I think Cindy's right and its very aggravating but we can't force people to do what they don't want. :(

    Well things have been both good and bad around here. I'm getting things done around the house I haven't had time for, doing a lot of bible study, spending a lot of time with hubby and daughter but I'm also having problems with my back and neck. My back and neck muscles got tense and knotted and I'm having a hard time sleeping. I had to sleep in a very weird uncomfortable position. Icy hot, Stan rubbing my knots out and heating pad and a sock filled with rice are all helping. Fill a sock with rice tie it off at the end and warm it up in the microwave and you got yourself a great heating pad! It works great on areas like the neck where a standard heating pad is hard to mold to your body. I have also found that a back scratcher works great to rub out knots on parts of your back that are hard to reach yourself. Turn it around so your using the back of the scratcher instead of the tines. I guess necessity is the mother of invention after all!

    1. That is SO true Lee, about necessity being the mother of invention LOL I don't know how many things like that I've "invented" or "discovered" how ever you want to put it, to help with pain. But then too, it's something I'm accustomed to doing - not to find things to help with pain, but to find ways to use the things I already have around the house, to do other things with. When you don't have a lot of money, you have to be creative, and actually, I think it's a lot more fun that way anyway. Some of my grandkids (and my kids when they were young) favorite toys are things I've made or constructed out of other stuff around the house.There's some things I wish I'd known how to patent, like when my kids were babies I used an old shoe storage thing that hung in the closet to hold their bathtub toys. I just punched holes in the bottom of each "pouch" and it worked great. Now of course they sell that exact same thing for big bucks LOL

      I bet a lot of us have done things like that. In fact, we should start a separate page just for things like that as I bet we could all learn a thing or two from each other that would really come in handy...just like the things you mentioned in your post. What do you think? Do you want me to start a page for that? Or should I hold off and see if anyone will actually participate first? Wait...didn't we have a thread similar to that in the women's forum? If I can find it, I can copy it to start the page with and then we can just add to it..... Let me know what you think ok?

      I'm sorry you're having such trouble with your back and neck. Is it from work do you think? I absolutely hate it when my neck gets bad. To me it's worse then the back pain just because there's not a lot you can do to take the pressure off your neck since you can't exactly remove your head to give it a break lol

    2. Cindy, I would be interested in a page like that too. So, count me in!!

  21. Lee, that's a great idea! I never thought about using the back of a scratcher to get the knots out, in places we can't reach. Also the rice remedy. I think it was mention, in the pain forum, but forgot all about it.
    To get Ed to rub my back, is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.........both impossible. LOL

    Thanks Cindy. In addition to the things that Jesus did warn us about (thank you for reminding me, although I do recall His words, every single day, now), I'm just frustrated with one particular person. I think I need to talk to you about this, because they have now brought your name into it, but I'll email you about it. This ordeal is keeping me from fellowshipping with my Christian friends, because once I finish writing a PM back, I'm so worn out, and so late with supper that I have to leave, and take care of home. That's not fair, and I miss all of you, so much. Cindy, I helped you moderate Fresh-Hope for a while, but still cannot imagine HOW you did it for 11 years, and still be able to field nasty PM's and emails.

    Anyway, LOL, I should be getting dressed to leave for work, but I wanted to come in here and say good morning to my dear, Christian friends. You all are who make me want to be a better person. I know I've told you, before, but needed to say it again, today.
    Love always,

    1. Why don't you just give me a call Cheryl? Honestly, it would be easier for me as talking is much easier then writing ...know what I mean? As for the nasty stuff, it used to really get to me, especially the very first couple of years as nothing like that had ever happened to me before. Not that nothing bad's ever happened, but I've had folks say things to and about me that absolutely stunned me and had me in tears. I couldn't believe anyone would say such things about another human being, much less that a christian would. After the hurt, I'd get really angry. Jason helped me a lot back then and talked me through them, and of course the Lord helped even more. After the third year though, it got to where there simply wasn't anything that anyone could say that was really "new" anymore LOL and since I'd already been through it, it didn't affect me so badly and I was able to shrug it off for the most part and not take it personally. Not always, but "usually" I was able to anyway. It's when it hits you emotionally that it takes up your time. At first I always thought I had to respond to those kind of things, but I finally learned that responding generally doesn't help anyone, so now I just delete them, often without even reading it all. People are going to do, say and believe what they want to, no matter what I say or you or anyone else says.

      Just like atheists are going to keep on bashing God no matter what we say, or druggies are going to do drugs no matter how many reasons they're given to quit. It's not until the other person wants to know the truth that anything will change, and when they write or say things like that, they aren't interested in the truth, they're only interested in creating division. And you know what the Lord says about that. He warns us to watch out for those who try to cause divisions (Rom 16:17) and in 1 Cor 1:10 as well as many other places, pleads with us not to be that way, but to instead love one another the way He loves us, and be the body of Christ He intends us to be. Finally telling us in Titus 3:10 to warn a divisive person twice, but after that, if they continue not to have anything to do with them because they'll just continue to divide members of the body from each other, which is the opposite of what He wants. Honestly, by the time someone writes something like that, they've usually been spoken to before already, which is why I generally don't bother any more. That and just experience showing me that they aren't going to change. I don't mean to imply that I don't care about them - I do, and it's because I do that I don't answer and just let them alone, cause otherwise, it just causes them to continue to sin. (not that I don't sin...of course I do...but you know what I mean) And yeah, it still hurts, even now when I hear those things, but then I remember how rotten and stubborn I was before the Lord changed my heart and how rotten I can still be at times, and I can forgive them and let it go.

      I hope that helps some, but do call me. I'd like to talk to you anyway when you have time.

    2. Thank you, Cindy. I think I needed to "hear" all that you wrote. I will call you on Thursday. I work tomorrow and leave quite early, and then I'm usually not home until well after 7 or 8pm your time, so Thursday is my day off, so I can call you at a decent hour. Yeah, I do need to talk with you about this, because it is bothering me. This person was on the board, and wasn't nice there either.
      I'm about to talk with Bek and consider a ban, but I want to speak to you about it, first, because I would rather try to understand this person, first.........before I take the next step. I had more PM's this evening, but muted the conversation and didn't reply.

    3. That will work good for me too hon, as I've usually been asleep anywhere between 5 and 7 lately lol

      Can't wait to hear from you - not because of that, but just because I enjoy talking to you!

  22. Lulu, we've finally had some nice weather here too where it's actually been in the 40's for the last couple of days. Everyone's just loving it! But it's going way down tomorrow and we're supposed to get more snow. Believe it or not, even with the temps that high we've still got a couple of feet of snow on the ground. Everyone sick and tired of the snow and ice now and just want spring to really show up and stay. A lot of folks have run out of propane or oil or wood to heat their homes with. Not a day goes by when there's not something on the news about folks running out and the companies not getting them supplied quickly enough. Last week they had to shut down one of the schools because they didn't have any oil for heat. Not a good situation at all. Plus the price for it all is so high that no one can afford it anyway except those who are wealthy.

    I hope you have a good day at work, and Ron too! Say hi to him for me ok?

    Kelly, I can't imagine being around earthquakes like that... little ones, yeah. We get those here, but nothing really big. That would scare me to death!

    Leigh, I hope your account is working for you now and that you're doing well.. No headaches are allowed! Hope the boys are both feeling well now too.

    Well, I guess I'd better get busy copying stuff and moving it to the bogs some more. See you all later!

    1. Cindy, I'm sorry. I thought I replied to your post, here. LOL, I'm spoiled by, and this is a little hard to follow, but better than fb, so I'll get used to it.
      I pray that these people will find a way to stay warm, and I pray that you and Bruce don't run out of propane, again, and that the Lord is watching over all of you. ((hugs))

    2. Thanks hon, we're all set for now anyway. I asked the Lord to make it rain instead and it looks like He just might do it! LOL boy are they going to be surprised! (the weathermen I mean)

  23. Morning everyone! Well it's actually a few minutes past noon, so "Good afternoon!"

    (((Cheryl)) - I'm sorry you're having to deal with that. I hope you'll be able to call Cindy and talk to her directly. Cindy, I know just what you mean about talking being a lot simpler than typing it all out.

    I'm just busy painting my living room today. We finished our den last week - got the new carpet in on Tuesday and some new furniture on Thursday (both badly needed)... Daniel sold our old sofa on Craigslist in less than 24 hours. His ad was humorous (he wasn't trying to be, it just turned out that way). An older couple at church found out about it - they're redoing their den too, so Daniel went to their house on Saturday and took pictures of their furniture, placed a Craigslist ad for them, and theirs sold in 24 hours also! Maybe he should start a little business! (He charged ME a commission to do our ad -- but of course not them. ;-) )

    Lee, I'm sorry you're having some pain but happy that you have found some ways to deal with it.

    This is when I'd normally be watching Hawaii 5-0, but Cindy -- I'm trying to give it up!!! This is hard! Going to listen to Dr. McGee's "Thru the Bible" in a few minutes.

    Wonder how Jtheb and Eileen are doing? Has anybody heard?

    1. I sure wish you could come over and paint my office when you're done, and then my bathroom, Bruce's bathroom, both bedrooms, and the living then the kitchen will need to be done again too LOL I can keep you busy for awhile, that's for sure!

    2. Hey don't worry if I know METV they still have contract with CBS carry Hawaii Five O for another 3 years don't worry it be on again

      Seriosuly that advantage of cruising ET wires you find out stuff

      BTW I hear Raising hope that stupid show get cancel by Fox I just waiting for Fox cancel American idol that show way done

  24. Oh no, it listed me as Daniel again -- this is LEIGH!

    1. LOL, I thought, at first that I was reading a message from our Daniel10, from the board! Then as I was reading, I realized that it was you, Leigh. hahaha! That's too funny. I wish I could help you figure out how to control that sign on thing, but for some reason this thing keeps signing me out. It didn't at first, but now it is.
      Sounds like Daniel could be an entrepreneur! WTG on the selling!!

  25. Afternoon all...KellyAnn, we didn't feel a thing down here, we're in Long Beach...but wow, a 6.9 is a good size quake!
    Ron and I have been working tons of hours, 6 days a week...makes for better pay check for me, but Ron's on salary, so not so much for him....Summer is here in full force this week, in the 80's all week, fire warning all over the place...Like KellyAnn said, Santa Ana winds a blowing through....
    Cheryl, (((hugs))) Iloveu....
    Leigh, hey, you can come over here a paint!!! YES.... :)
    Cindy, glad you've gotten some warmer weather...I bet your tired of all that snow, I was wondering about Jenn and Bob today, praying for them and the kids, how's Bob's job? and how are the kids?
    Hey Lee, great seeing you here guys still have snow on the ground?

    1. We're supposed to have a nor'easter today lol, but I asked the Lord for rain instead and I have a feeling that's what we're gonna get. Boy are they gonna be surprised!

      Bob and Jenn and doing well. He's still working, although it's a temp job and he doesn't like it. He's applied for a couple of other jobs since then and one of them sounds like they might hire him. I hope so for their sake; but I know that the Lord will give him the right job at the right time, so I'm not worried about it. Thank you for your prayers though, as it is hard on them.

    2. Glad they are doing well it's gotta be hard getting up and going to a job he doesn't like! I will continue to pray for a job for him Cindy....

  26. Hi all,

    Glad to see you "Daniel" lol Don't feel bad Leigh. Sometimes Stan will have me get on his facebook account to do something for him and I'll forget I'm in his account and reply on something somebody else posted and then realize its not my account. lol

    Not sure where I first heard about the rice heating pad but I've had mine for awhile. Last Christmas at work they gave all the residents rice heating pads. I helped fill them with the rice and sewing up the end. We had 5 of us all together and the boss's husband had actually sewed up the material, which was flannel, except for a hole to put the rice in. So we only had to sew that little spot, with the five of us it didn't take to long, just a couple hours as we had almost a hundred to do. Just about every resident has a microwave in their apartment so they could heat them up themselves.

    I think my problem is a pinched nerve in my neck. I have an apointment next wednesday with Stan's primary. I could go to mine but she doesn't have an opening until April. Dave knows me anyway as he is/was Chelsea and Katie's primary too.

    Speaking of which Stan has an appointment tomorrow. We went in last week as he has been having problems with itching a lot and my sisters husband checked Stan's blood sugars and they were high. Itching can be a sign of diabetes. Well they did the blood work and it showed Stan's blood sugars have been borderline high during the last 3 months. Dave said that he wants to check a few things and then put Stan on an oral medication for his blood sugars and have him go to some nutritional classes and an exercise regimen as he thinks Stan can keep it from turning into full blown diabetes with diet and exercise. We'll find out more tomorrow.

  27. Lulu you posted while I was a typing! Nah we don't have much snow on the ground at all now but ask me again tomorrow! rotflol we are supposed to get some snow tonight.

  28. wow, I didn't know itching can be a sign of diabetes....praying for Stan...and for your neck Lee! how'd you do that? your suppose to be taking it easy young lady! you need a good chiropractor Lee!
    We've had one of them rice heating pads for years...we love ours...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. BTW it not diabetes I know some people get itchy feeling from eating too much potato chips I get that feel I break out rash that how crazy my skin is

      SO sad about your Aunt Isabel in SO CAL

  29. Looks good Cindy.....nice to know some are still floating past here. I have missed my daily dose of FH. I have been a bit dejected since it shut down. Out out of interest, when is the new site going to be ready do you think?

  30. Good morning Fresh-Hope! Just popping in! On my way out to work, soon. Have a great "hump day"! LOL

  31. Morning all! I think it's just too hard to reply individually to everyone so from now on I'm just going to reply like I used to at FH, all in one post LOL

    Not sure Steve. We have till April 9th to get it done. The man that's doing it wants to be very careful as he's only going to have one shot at transferring everything. So for right now, he's doing a lot of homework and reading up on "how to" to refresh his memory. There's no guarantee it will work, but we want to give it the best shot we can. If it doesn't work, then we'll just start a new board which won't take but a day to do. I don't know if you were here the last time we switched over to a new board, but when we did, we lost some members as they didn't get carried over for some reason and had to re register and we lost some threads, but got most of them. So all in all it was a success. But then I've known other owners who've done this any number of times and have never been able to transfer their threads and always lose them all. So we'll just have to wait and see. But that's why I'm copying as much as I can over to the blog, "just in case".

    My oldest son was just here this morning. He's moving to Austin, Texas and leaves this weekend. I think the move will be really good for him.

    Well, I'd better get busy I guess!

    I hope you all have a great day!

  32. Hi everyone. Steve, I know what you mean about missing your daily dose of FH-- I feel the same way! Cindy, I hope everything goes well with the transfer. Still painting. Hope everybody's having a nice day. Love, Leigh (I think I'm still signed in under my Daniel's account. I tried changing it and don't think it's letting me. I'm sure it's something simple that he can correct for me. In the meantime, this is not THE Daniel of Fresh-Hope. lol)

  33. Well what do you know, it's back to my account again.

  34. Hi Leigh! Hey so far all I've found on FH is a thread about how to make home made cleaners and stuff like that. What do you guys what me to name the page? Would one of you want to be an author and do it? I'll do it, but didn't want to hog all the glory for myself lol

  35. I got good title Fresh Hope Unofficial Home improvement thread


  36. Hi Every one!
    It took me a long time to navigate here.
    Cheryl, I was glad to hear that your job is working out so well.
    You sure had to go through some bad ones to get there.
    Some people have a problem with google. Maybe that's
    why they didn't want to come here from facebook.
    It's a whole new skill set for me.

    Kelly, Good name for the Low Tech ideas.

    Lee, My son gave me a corn bag for Christmas. I've been
    thinking of pasting some eyes on it, like a pet. In fact it
    is on my shoulders now. Sorry you are having problems
    with your neck and shoulders. There is so much going on
    in that area of our bodies. I re-injured myself last month,
    when I moved the thick snow off my mother's car. Better
    me than her. I recently bought a foam roller. It is a high
    density foam cylinder measuring 6" in diameter by 30" long.
    You put it on the floor and roll the offending muscle group on it.
    It heats me up, and gives a deep massage. I hope you get some
    relief soon.
    Well I hope I can find my way here again. Love to my fresh hope family,

  37. Is that time of the year again I think of putting new plants in front flower bed I just waiting for more selection at local home and garden center

    I think going drought resistant plants too since Cali going have bad drought season

    1. Ron and I have been talking about that also Kellyann, what flowers are you planting?

  38. Breaking news CNN reporting that debirs was found of that disappeared plane crash

    Just breaking off the wires right now

    I just saw Wolf Man Blizter yada yada about it

    OH yeah I been call Wolf Wolfman for years

  39. I hope it is true they found the plane

    I found very funny some of passanger family almost drunk Raider fan one of official at Beingug airport they give those poor people run around

  40. Morning...ready to head out the door, nice quiet morning here...
    Texas huh? pray all goes well for him Cindy....
    have a wonderful Thursday every one! (((hugs)))

  41. Morning all! My goodness, it's actually afternoon or will be in a couple of minutes! Oh well, that's what I get for first writing down what the Lord's been showing me the last couple of days lol

    I like that title Kelly! "Fresh Hope Unofficial Home improvement thread" only problem is that it's way too long. Titles for the pages need to be short as they show up as tabs up top.

    Those are great ideas too Catt! You'll have to add those to the thread once it's started! (look on the tabs at the top to find it)

    Planting things???? We're in the middle of a snow storm and it's only 13 degrees here right now! The low is supposed to be below 0 tonight again. Up in northern NH they're expecting a foot and a half of snow. We won't get anywhere near that this time thankfully! But, being a nor'easter, the winds are high so we may have power outages. It's been a very long winter, that's for sure. But at least we had a few days of a break.

    Hope everyone has a good day today! Guess I'd better get a move on if I'm going to get anything done. Love you guys!

  42. OK you guys, I went ahead and made the new page, but put it on the end times chat board as it has more room. Here's a link. You'll have to copy and paste it though:

    It's on it's own tab so you can find it easily, and is called: HouseHold Tips
    I hope Lee and Catt and everyone will add theirs to it!

  43. Hi all,

    You know Catt, I think Chelsea has some eyes I can get from her and glue them unto my rice sock! Thanks for the idea.

    Lulu I haven't been doing anything I shouldn't have. I've been a good girl, well most of the time lol. I was laying down on the couch reading a book and that's when It happened. I was laying in a very weird position. I'm not sure if its a nerve pinch in my neck or if I did something to my shoulder. It is feeling a better but I've still got the tingling in my fingers and occasionally the pins and needles sensation in my arm and shoulder.

    Cindy, hope everything works out for your sons move. Sometimes moving away from a situation or bad influences is the best thing we can do for ourselves. Keeping him in prayer.

    Well Stan had his doctor appointment this morning, for some reason I kept thinking on Tuesday it was wednesday so I messed up on which day he was to go. Anyway, They are having him try to stop the diabetes with diet and exercise for right now. He goes back in 6 weeks for more blood work. In the meantime he has to check his blood sugars once a say and start the nutrition course. I get to go with him and the first class is tomorrow morning. This weekend we are going to try to get the treadmill we've been saving for so we can get him walking. We have an exercise bike but he hates it and he'd rather walk than ride so we've been saving for it plus I have the gift card I got form work for Christmas still to go towards it.

  44. Hi again.I'm afraid I have been reading so long and still am not caught up.I think I am going to love the blogs as I am sure all my family is on FB.So I am going to write freely ,anything I need to.
    You know what?I have been itching so bad!!I quit taking my metformin as my numbers are so low.After about 2&1/2 weeks I started getting high sugar levels,which put me to sleep,like I am all drugged up.And I was also getting low lows.Like 50's and 60's and that causes internal shakes and dizziness and nausea.Then I would have to rush and eat some jelly.And itch?!?I have been back on the meds about 10 days and this morning I am still scratching my face.And my hair make my face itch worse.Leigh,I will watch for Daniel 10 and then I won't miss any of your posts.I am going to have e-mail notifications so I can get back in the swing of things with my peeps,Love and miss you all

  45. I want to thank everyone who's been willing to give the blogs a try and who've kept me company here. I have what I hope is good news for you all though. After talking to Cheryl yesterday, I became aware that some folks were having problems signing in so they could post, and others couldn't figure out "how to post' or "how to reply". then of course there are those that don't like google. I'd chosen this blog because the other one is definitely associated with google whereas this one is only associated with them in a round about way as you don't have to use any account you set up. The more I thought about it all, I decided that maybe using the blogs as a transition simply wasn't reasonable.

    So, I've asked Alan to go ahead and just set up an empty board for me. Instead of copying stuff over to this blog, I can instead copy it over to the board. I won't have as much time since I've already spent a great deal of time copying things over here, but that's the way the cookie crumbles as the saying goes lol. This will likely interfere with us transferring over all the threads from our board, but then there was never any guarantee that would work anyway, and I think you guys would feel better, and safer, on a board instead of a blog. Therefore I'm willing to do that.

    I'm guessing, and it's only a guess, and hoping, that we can have the board ready for you guys to post on by Monday. At least that's what I'm going for. I can't guarantee that though. It simply depends on how much work it's going to be for Alan and how much time he will have to do it. As for my part, once he has it started, I'll do whatever it takes to have it done for you by then. So as long as he can have the basic board up by Sunday, you'll be able to post there by Monday, God willing. Prayers for Alan to have the time and ability to do this would be very helpful.

    Regardless of all that though, what I can guarantee, God willing, is that eventually, I will have the board ready for you to post on, and you'll never have to check this blog again. I'm not going to send out another mass email about this though, so it would be helpful if you'd each let as many others know about it as you can.

    I will post here and on twitter when the board is ready for you to post on, and if necessary a temporary web address for us until the domain name is switched over to the new board.

    So obviously, I'm going to be VERY busy from now till then. Know that I love you guys and am thinking of you all and keeping you in my prayers. I will post here once a day at least just to let everyone know "the latest" news.

  46. I think that best just hang out site if you know what I mean Cindy

    Well today going be Santa Ana winds event we on red fire alert

    My allergies are acting up I may shop at Walgreens get more allergy pills

    I feel like you know what really lousy

  47. Don't worry Cindy give me a url I be there I got google account I prefer so called message board say Hi Yada yada report Breaking news

    I do bad Seinfeld impression I KNOW LOL!

  48. Cindy , Google owns Blogger .

    Things were going well again in 2002. We had hundreds of thousands of users, though still just a few people. And then something no one expected happened: Google wanted to buy us. Yes, that Google.

    We liked Google a lot. And they liked blogs. So we were amenable to the idea. And it worked out nicely.

    Now we're a small (but slightly bigger than before) team in Google focusing on helping people have their own voice on the web and organizing the world's information from the personal perspective. Which has pretty much always been our whole deal.

  49. I think this Google format is very confusing even I had admit it myself

    I just hope we be back at regular Fresh Hope forum it near future HOPEFULLY IN A MONTH LOL!

  50. Cindy....
    Got your email this morning about possibly having a board to post on by Monday... that would be great... I am praying that it will go easy for you and for Alan...

  51. Hope everyone had a good day yesterday. Mine was really busy and really wonderful. The kids were here for most of the day. They stayed till 6pm and we really enjoyed visiting with them and watching the grandkids play. Everyone had a good time. I feel so very blessed each time I get to spend time with them!

    Today's going to be another very busy day as besides working on FH stuff like yesterday, the bible study here at my house will be starting in a few short minutes, so I've got to get moving! But, I wanted to stop in and let you all know I'm still here and we're working hard to get you all a board to post on again!

    Love you all and hope you get to enjoy the day with the Lord!

    1. I got to make a birthday cake for Ron with Jazzy! so Sunday was a great day! glad you had a good day also! Love you too...

  52. I have no email yet Cindy. You plan to send one my way ?

    1. I tried to send it again, but it keeps bouncing and says it's not a valid email address.... if you click on the "fresh hope' tab on the blog, you can read it there though.

    2. That's strange Cindy. Never had a problem before. I don't think you are entering a correct email address. Try this one or These are the correct ones. Either one will get me an email.

  53. Hi all,

    Busy weekend this weekend. Stan had his diabetes class on Friday, got some movies from the movie rental store and Chelsea spent the night. We got 12 years a slave and The Book Thief, both good movies. The book Thief is about a girl during WWII and her relationships with her adopted parents, the neighbors and the Jewish man her parents are hiding. Very underrated movie. 12 years a slave was pretty good too.

    Saturday we did the shopping and stuff then today Stan and Chelsea went to play golf. Chelsea is really happy she did great and had her best score ever. Stan didn't do to bad either.

    Poor Stan, right now he is making cole slaw. Tomorrow we are having a type of bean stew so he's got the beans soaking. He was chopping up the cabbage for the cole slaw and accidentally put it in the wrong bowl. He put it in the bowl that has the beans soaking in it! lol He was able to save most of it and like he said it wont matter if there's a bit of cabbage in the soaking beans.

  54. you should have gotten it June...did you check your junk mail? I'll send it again though it's simply a copy of what I wrote on the main page of the blog.

    We're running surprise there I suppose, but we're working on it for you all!

  55. HEY What up playera this for SO CAL folks anybody felt that quake today LOL!

    It was at one time 4.7 quake now it downgraded 4.4 quake

    It was rolling jolt in my area it center near Westwood near 405 freeway I THINK

    1. ya we were rocking an a rolling here chair at work rolled a 4.4 is quit small... pray there aren't any bigger ones...but it's been 20 years since Northridge....

  56. No , it isn't in my junk folder either. I haven't received it.

    1. I tried to send it again, but it keeps bouncing and says it's not a valid email address.... if you click on the "fresh hope' tab on the blog, you can read it there though.

  57. stopping in to say HI....and checking on updates about the new board..
    Ron and I had a short but sweet Jazz of a Jazzy weekend...Jazzy helped me make a cake for Ron, and Lyn and Dave came over, so Sunday was a fun day!
    praying all are well.....healthy happy and wise! Happy St. Patty's day to all!

  58. boy, earthquakes for you guys and we've broken the record for the coldest March ever on record here. It's below 0 even now and I'm so sick of it.

    I'm glad you had a good weekend though Lulu. We had fun with Elijah and Grace too. They decorated butterflies (large foam ones) and we talked about how Jesus gives us a new nature so just like caterpillars become butterflies, we become new creatures when we accept Jesus. LOL They didn't get it yet, they're still a bit young, but it's a start.

  59. Yeah was just baby quake luckly like 4.4 they downgraded it yeah I know we expect so called big one I am jaded

    I be glad when unofficial new board be online I try post stories on Today news can't do it LOL!

    Google having me go through the loops I give it up OH WELL Russia and Ukraine exchange firing today and US put sanctions on Syria AGAIN

    Only network covering you know who Al Jazeera English news gee MSNBC get with the program

    No wonder why my fellow Deadline Hollyweird forum members goof on you just sayin

  60. the news is so depressing.....yet I'm a news junky....I be looking up a lot lately.....
    tired tonite , on my way to bed, pray you all had a wonderful and hugs to you all...

  61. I'm working on the temporary board for us right now. Once I have that ready I'll give you all the link to it and we can use that until FH is transferred over to the other server, IF it can be done without losing the threads we have on it already. But at least for now, soon you'll be able to post on a board instead of a blog. IT will not be the same kind of board, as it's not vbulletin, but it will be a board.

  62. I hope so right now I try post breaking story look like Israel bomb one of Syria air base just now according to IDF blog

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Stopping by to say hello... :) and it looks like everyone here pretty much has the hang of this wonderful blog.. Looks great (((((((Cindy)))))))

  65. Hi I am just here for a min as survivor and Criminal minds are coming on and Larry gets so mad at me cause he always has to pause it for me.I do try,gotta go,be right back.I am back.It's 10:00 and I just did our meds and Tyler is in bed.He has been banned from the bus for 2 days so he is staying with us as Robin has to be at work at 6:00,And she will pick him up and bring him back out here.Shooting rubber-bands at people on the bus!!!
    Hi Daniel Leigh.Hi Cheryl,Cindy Catt and everyone.Cindy,I know I said we couldn't wait to get FH back but please take it easy on yourself!We may be old but we can still learn a few tricks_like Twitter,lol.
    It has been pretty today ,though I have not gone outside.I did cook supper,lemon pepper Talapia and mashed potatoes.Took about 20 min.Spent the rest of the week in bed( sorry,I wish y'all could too when you need too)Did go out yesterday.I forgot.I had to get the dreaded Mammogram(where's our smilies when we need them?)Results were no cancer,yay.I try to get them in Jan. so the bill pays my deductable.
    By the way,who is June Holmes?Is she someone on FH I don't know?Just curious.
    I was about to say my life is so boring but it really isn't.Things are changing with Steven and the boys gone.If I choose to I can jump right in their life and help out alot.And I'm sure I will when ever possible.So things,they are a'changin.
    I pray you all stay well and peaceful til next time,Love Ruthanne

  66. Yeah I seen June at FH FB Page she is over there she too tired of google alert also yeah she is around I am here

  67. Hi everyone. Ruthanne, it's fun to read your posts. You have a talent of cramming a lot into a few sentences and I can follow it. LOL, that's saying a lot, and is a compliment, btw. LOL Oh, and June Holmes is Jillian, from the board. Since she already posted that on FB, it's no different posting it here.
    And all that junk about google. LOL, folks think that fb is the best thing since sliced bread. But, all the web crawlers will find anything we type, no matter where we are, or how "private" we make our accounts. And yeah, they found us on too. All they have to do is type in your name. Or type in an interest about you, and BAM, you come right up there on the search list. But, the web crawlers are most of the time, BOTS, and they work tirelessly 24/7, looking for key words and phrases or even just symbols....such as......"@" in an email address. Then they use that email address to send all kinds of spam with dangerous links to hack into your accounts. Don't think that you are safe ANYWHERE on the internet, because you are not. So, if you don't care about anything you type, or don't care if your email address or home address, or town you live in is plastered all over the world wide web, then OK, then don't worry about google either.
    OH, LOL, I made a "secret, private" prayer request room in FB, and posted that if anyone wanted in there, aside from my own friends list (whom I put in there automatically, with the option to decline), and sent a PM to that person who has been harassing me, with the link to ask to join. Guess what! LOL, they have yet to ask, but I know they got my PM, because even though I told them not to respond to my PM, because I'm don't have the time or patience to deal with the drama that they seem to thrive on, they said "thank you" in response, but has never asked to join. This person got their way, and now is satisfied in their own sick mind, and has moved on. LOL So be it. Because I don't have the time, nor patience for selfishness, especially when it is mixed with drama.

    Cindy, you could write a BOOK about your 11 years of experience with Fresh-Hope. I'd be buying the first edition, if you did. LOL I know that FH is not about the trolls and naysayers, and just plain nasty people, who call themselves Christians and are not, but your online life in the last 11 years has certainly been an eye opener.
    Thank you, for all the work you have done, and everything that you have been through, to make a good, safe Christian place to call "home". Thank you, for your Bible studies, and the seemingly tireless efforts that you have made to lead people to Christ. I say "seemingly" because it has not been an easy road for you. But, you know that God never promised anything was going to be easy for any of us, and that's why you've put forth your best foot, and then some, to keep on keeping on. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

    OH.............and for the record..........your blogs are just fine with me. We have been so spoiled, for so long with a user friendly message board. It's time we move deal the changes that we are faced with, just like you do.

    I also changed the group's name in facebook to a name that is nowhere near the name of fresh-hope, and took down your logo. I did that because I stupidly did not even think about the fact that you paid for [and continue to pay for] that domain name and the logo associated with it. After the Lord smacked me over the head with His 2x4, I complied with the law of the land. Took me long enough, huh?

    1. oh Cheryl, you didn't have to do that, after all I gave permission for that, so in that way it wasn't against the law. Wish I could give you a hug. I know exactly what you're up against on building that site as we're having some similar problems.

      I did want to say one thing about privacy though. I cannot speak for other sites, but because I use vbulletin which is a professional software package, the forums that I made private can NOT be seen by web crawlers and spiders, unless I change the permissions in that forum and allow it, which of course I never would. There are other reasons that I can say for sure that anything posted in our private forums is truly private, but it would take too long to get into right now. Of course that privacy also assumes that the person posting isn't repeating that information anywhere else online, or that someone else doesn't repeat it elsewhere online. On FH I'm able to take care of anything like that that happens, and put a stop to it, but I obviously can't control what folks say on other sites. I'm also very careful about who we allow into a private forum and that's one of the reasons why. I have made mistakes on that in the past, but it was quickly taken care of before any damage could be done. Knowing this about FH though, please do NOT assume that's true on any other message board. it depends on what kind of software the board is using and what the setting on the private forums are and other things like that. So if you're in a private forum elsewhere, you might want to ask the staff if web crawlers are able to access that forum. If they say they are, please don't get angry at the staff. They're most likely doing the best they can with what they have and either can't afford or don't know about other ways to do it..

      Anyway I've gotta go relax again, but wanted to stop in and reply.

  68. OK, this thing told me that my HTML could not be accepted. That my message has to be, at most, 4,000+ characters, so I guess I typed it too long. LOL
    Anyway, the rest of my post is here:
    OK, sorry that my posts have such a black cloud over them. I just don't feel real good medically, and FB is really making me wish I never heard of it. And now I'm in the middle of learning how to re-build an existing website all by myself, for my job, and I haven't a clue where to start. Got the programs, got the ability, but don't know how to link it in. And I know that as soon as I figure it out, the current server host is going to ban our IP address, thinking they've got a hacker. Even if we call them and tell them what we are doing, then I'm sure they will grow a burr and block us anyway. LOL Reason being is that we pay them monthly to host our site, but we have very little ability to make changes to it's form, or add any features. The only thing we've always been able to do is change the data. Any time we need to change anything else, we've had to send them a ticket, stating what we want. Then they come back and say it's going to take way more than that to accomplish it, and send us a quote that is in the thousands to do. Sorry, but that does not compute, so we are going to do it ourselves. They aren't going to like it much.

    OK, now that I've written a book, and have my headache back, I'm going to submit this.

  69. I remember when my oldest son got banned from the bus for a few days LOL We made him walk to school. He had to get up early to get there on time, and it was quite a long walk! But he never got banned again and appreciated the bus ride a whole lot more after that ROTLOL!

    Sorry guys, I'm not up to doing much at all today but posted on the news thread for you all.

  70. Cindy, thank you for letting us know about Karen's passing. I know she is with our Lord, and is no longer in any pain.
    I also forgot to tell ya'll about someone else who we know and love. Our Kel (Kel2) from the board has had a major loss this week. On tuesday, the KOMO news helicopter crashed outside the studio and killed the two occupants and severely injured another, who was on the ground. Kel needs our prayers, because she has lost 2 co-workers. The pilot and a retired photographer who came back to work as a contractor for KOMO.
    Here's the story that gets right to the heart.

    1. I'm sorry, I meant to reply to this as well. If anyone hears from Kel, please let her know I've continued to pray for her, ok?

  71. You can copy that link, and paste it into your browser to access it, since it didn't turn into a hyperlink when I submitted it. But, you can also google KOMO helicopter crash to get the coverage on it.

  72. Speaking of news did anybody troll Ynet facebook page just NOW LOL!

    Israel found something like tunnel,7340,L-4501658,00.html


    Can you say busted ittttt

  73. I be waving HI to every one....getting ready to head out the door for work...
    have a great day! TGIF

  74. Sorry all, still not feeling too great and really not up to replying to each person even though I want to. I'll have to try again later today if I can. If not, then God willing tomorrow will be a lot better.

    God bless each and every one of you and thank you for keeping me company here. I wish I could say more, but I just can't right now.

    1. Cindy, I hope you are feeling better soon. I was going to call you yesterday, but seeing that you are doing well, thought I'd wait until today, but you are no better, so I'm not going to disturb whatever rest you might be able to get, so you can start feeling better. ((hugs)) I'm praying for you.

    2. You're so sweet Cheryl! Well, if you notice my post earlier below, you'll see I've certainly must have gotten enough rest for 2 people now LOL Amazingly I didn't even turn my phone off as I didn't have any idea I'd sleep so late, but for the first time in I don't know how long, no one called! So feel free to call whenever you want to. I don't know if the kids were planning on coming over today or not, as I haven't heard from them yet either, but I'll let you know when I do find out. Love you!

    3. nope, kids not coming over today so it's a day to just relax. Feel free to call!

    4. Cindy, I'm sorry. I only just now saw this. And it's almost 6pm my time, and almost 7pm your time, and I really need to get in there and fix supper. Maybe tomorrow? Or are you having your bible study then?

    5. Yeah today is the bible study. We usually go from noon till 4:30 so it takes up most of the day...sorry hon....

  75. I don't know about you guys since I get CNN international I got new craze for their one of reporter

    Richard Quest he is that Brit dude speak loudly that guy is so AHD he so hyper

    Yeah I still watch Al Jazeera America and BBC world news boy that guy is hyper LOL!

  76. wow, I can't believe it. I think I've set the world record, at least for me, because I just woke up a few minutes ago at 11:10! All I've done is get a cup of coffee and turn on my computer and come here. So I just wanted you all to know that I'm still alive...unless of course I'm dreaming LOL Give me awhile to wake up and spend some time with the Lord and I'll be back to see how everyone here is doing.

  77. I took some pictures of the yard yesterday as I want proof of how much snow is still on the ground at the end of March LOL. We're supposed to get just a little more today too, but they said there's a possibility of us getting hit with another blizzard about the middle of next week. I think every person in NH groaned when they heard that LOL and are hoping that it'll stay too far out to sea to hit us.

    A friend sent me a link of a story that I think you'd all find interesting so I'm going to go post it on the End Times chat board for you. Going now...

  78. That weird I think we only got 8 days of rain in whole winter season

    I hear Vlady try take over Ukraine base in Crimea at this hour according to two stories on infamous Al Jazeera America and BBC world news

    So far CNN is not covering it they still with that crazy Brit Richard Quest

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Lisa, where did you go? I wanted to let you know that if you look below the Blog Archive on the right hand side of each page, you'll see a list of our other blogs, which includes one for prayer requests. I also wanted to let you know that I let everyone know that Karen went Home to our Lord on the "News about Fresh Hope" post on the main page of this blog. I'm so sorry for your loss. Are you related to her or a friend? Tell us a little about yourself ok?

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi Lisa, I found you lol. I wanted to let you know that if you look below the Blog Archive on the right hand side of each page, you'll see a list of our other blogs, which includes one for prayer requests. I also wanted to let you know that I let everyone know that Karen went Home to our Lord on the "News about Fresh Hope" post on the main page of this blog. I'm so sorry for your loss. We'll be praying for you hon.

  81. Please pray for me as my mom (Servant4him aka Karen) has went home to be with the Lord on January 10, 2014 around 11:30 pm.

    It all started on Thursday, Jan. 9, 2014 when she went in to a local hospital and the surgeon took out the her kidney stones and decided to put a stent in...he goes well since everything is alright let's send her home. No, they forgot to do a cardiac consultation and see if she was well enough to come home. Well we came home and all she did was sit on the couch and watch tv and do my medications like she normally does. Well, Friday morning came and when she got up she went to the kitchen table and I can see she was struggling to put on her knee braces so I decided like a good daughter would do and help her and then I went to work @ Goodwill in Dutchess County in NY and when I got home that's when I saw her sleeping and she told me in a still small voice "I'm not feeling well" and when 3:30 pm EST came around my brother came in for lunch, then 4:00 pm came around my dad called and I said she's still sleeping, then I got a phone from my associate Pastor Ray Weickel and he was checking in on me and I said mom is still sleeping, so as soon as 9 pm EST came that's when I had the guts enough to say "hey, let me go check up on Servant4Him, so I did and that's when I opened her eyelid and saw that her eye was rolled back and when I called dad at work he called my brother and my brother called me and said look our mother and wife of 29 years this August has gone home to be with the Lord."



    1. Hi Lisa, I wanted to let you know that if you look below the Blog Archive on the right hand side of each page, you'll see a list of our other blogs, which includes one for prayer requests. I also wanted to let you know that I let everyone know that Karen went Home to our Lord on the "News about Fresh Hope" post on the main page of this blog. I'm so sorry for your loss. We'll be praying for you hon.

    2. Lisa, thank you for having the courage to come and tell us about the loss of your mother. I know that it was very difficult for you to write this. My prayers are with you, and your family during this heart breaking time. Love and Hugs, Cheryl

  82. praying for you Lisa....(((hugs)))

  83. Just stopping by to say hello to all.

  84. Morning all! Getting ready to do my bible study with friends here at my house. I love being able to do this, it's the best!

    I hope you all have a great day today!

  85. evening...we spent the day at the beach...beautiful Sonday....sending love and hugs to you all..

  86. Hi everybody! It got cold again here.

  87. Hi Leigh! (Not sure about using real names here) It's been snowing here all day. You can guess how I feel about that.

  88. LOL, I'm sure you are THRILLED Cindy -- yay, more snow for you!

  89. BTW we have warm weekend here in SO CAL Palm Sunday March 29 got into mid 80s latst weekend it was 90 OH BOY LOL! I wonder next time we get rain which here in Cali We desperate needed

  90. Hi everyone! Well it's finally made it up to 36 here today so maybe some of this snow will finally melt. It has to sooner or later! Going to go try and make some headway on my emails now.

  91. That heat wave in Alaska btw Cindy you probably hear about Alaska lack of snow they move interord race it is true now they saying Anchorage is middle of drought not as bad as my state California getting there

    Going be upper 70s today here in SO CAL but may go to mid 80s by end of this weekend possiblty we may get rain probably next Thursday or Saturday not sure YET

  92. Hi Cindy and Kellyann! Cindy, glad to hear it's warming up for you... 36 still sounds awfully cold to me, but I hope your snow did begin to melt. I'm in Georgia for a couple of days and it has been nice and warm day, probably more like Kellyann's weather. Everybody's dying from the pollen! I did not realize about the drought in Alaska.

    1. I'd heard about the droughts in both Alaska and California. I was hearing more about them yesterday. California's sounds really awful! Since I've just been studying Isaiah it keeps reminding me of God's judgments. Not that I think He's judging just California, but rather the whole US and the whole world to be honest. Things just keep getting worse. Well, on that note, lol, hope you have a good time in Georgia! It's all the way up to 40 here today! Whoohoo!!!

  93. Yeah I think so also lack of rain Hippie Guru Govenror Jerry Brown promote the climate change he also promote that crazy high speed train that not go nowhere

  94. Well we may get rain probably this Tuesday or early Wednesday hey we taking any rain now since our drought here in Cali BTW I really looking into drought resistence plant I want something with colors is there any drought resistant plant that don't need a lot of water still have colors can't find anything

  95. Well today we may get some serious rain hey any rain we would welcome so far it still partly cloudy here in SO CAL today it feel I need heavy jacket so you know what it is cooler today

    1. It's finally warming up here and looking nice! In fact, they said that today's temps would be the warmest we've had since last October! It's supposed to get up to the 60's today! Praise God!!!! Hopefully the rest of the snow will melt!

  96. We may get our first show of heat probably this weekend may change I don't know LOL!

    1. It was a great day yesterday and we're having another today. We still have snow on the ground though, but maybe it'll be gone after today. I sure hope so!


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