Who's teaching the Truth?

How do you know if an author, teacher, preacher, ministry, etc is teaching the Truth?  How do you know that Christian fiction book you're reading isn't based on a bunch of false teachings?  How do you guard your mind the way the Bible tells us to?  Obviously the best way is to know God's Word, but besides that, there are resources that can help us determine if someone is into false teachings or not.

There are some very good resources that you can use to check and see if a teacher, author, ministry, or pastor is teaching what the bible says or is a false teacher. They don't cover everyone, but that's because there are so many and they can't list everyone immediately. It takes time to review each person and then list them. But at least there are good places to start and between them, you can usually find out if someone is scriptural or not. I'll list these sites shortly but first I want to show you a short cut you can use on them to find whatever name you're looking for since the lists can be quite long.

Once you're on the page, you'll want to use the "find" feature on whichever browser you use. On some browsers it looks like a pair of binoculars, 
but you can usually always find it in the menu part where it says "Edit". Just click on "find" and then type in the last name of whoever you want to know about and see if they are listed.

This shows where to locate the "find" feature:

Different browsers will act differently, but you'll either get a pop up window or a tool bar either at the top or bottom of your browser will show up, where you can then type in the name of the author/teacher etc you're looking for..  Such as this graphic shows:

When you click "go" or hit enter on your key board, it will then show you the first time that name shows up on the page.  If you want to, you can then continue to see if it shows up more then once.

But this makes looking through a very long list for someone's name, or the name of a book, very easy.

Now, where to find these lists:

List of Authors and Books Not Recommended

Here's a little bit about it:

LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails has been linking to Bud Press’ (Christian Research Service) “Master List” for several years. Press has been building on this list of books and authors who are promoting and involved with the New Spirituality. The following is an introduction to his list, with a link following to the entire list. It’s a great resource to keep around. Press has spent countless hours researching to guarantee the accuracy of the list. While skeptics will look at all the names and say, “Doesn’t he like anybody?,” those who can discern the times in which we live will realize just how dramatic the flood of apostasy and deception is in the world today.

From Christian Research Service:

To the Reader: The following MASTER LIST consists of authors and books found advertised and promoted within online Christian bookstores worldwide. Certain books may be ordered online from walk-in Christian bookstore databases. Although special care has been taken to provide current and accurate information, the reader is encouraged to check and verify the names prior to their removal.

While the Homosexual, Lesbian, Pro-Gay, Transgendered category contains authors who are either homosexual, lesbian, transgendered, or pro-gay, not all of the authors are homosexual or lesbian or transgendered.

In each category, the authors’ names are arranged in alphabetical order and in a single line. Information about the authors and books may be located by conducting a Google Search on the author’s name ( www.google.com ) or by reading the “Description” section on the book provided by the online bookstore. The title (name) of the author’s book is in italics.

Research Tip: Use quotation marks and the + sign to centralize your research topic. Example: “Benny Hinn” + “false prophet”.

Although positive changes have taken place within the online and walk-in Christian bookstores, it is important that website managers and employees continuously monitor their websites and databases to ensure that solid, Bible-based materials are being presented to the body of Christ. As long as a bookstore claims to be Christian, it should be Christian through and through. Indeed, the spiritual welfare of Christians and those searching for the real Jesus should be foremost in the minds of everyone involved within the Christian book industry.

This MASTER LIST will be updated regularly, and will be of great use to bookstore affiliates, customers, distributors, employees, managers, owners, publishers and vendors of both online and walk-in Christian bookstores.

Permission to Reprint: Christian Research Service makes this MASTER LIST available free-of-charge to the body of Christ and Christian bookstore industry employees. Permission to reprint is granted provided it is reproduced in its entirety, without additions or changes, and for non-profit/not-for-sale use. Making hard copies for personal use or distribution is encouraged.

Acknowledgements: The MASTER LIST has been made possible through the valuable assistance of Christians worldwide. Their love for the Lord, the truth of His word, and concern for the spiritual welfare of their fellow Christians are first and foremost in their lives. Indeed, their courage is remarkable.

Your comments and questions are welcomed. Until then, may the Lord bless you in your efforts to test all things, defend the faith, guard the flock, and expose the unfruitful works of darkness (1 Thessalonians 5:21; Jude 3; Acts 20:27-32; Ephesians 5:11).

Sincerely in Christ,
Bud Press, Director

List of Authors and Books Not Recommended

Next is:  
A directory of Authors (Three Not Recommended Lists) 
Written and Compiled by Chris Lawson and published by Lighthouse Trails

 Next is:
Broadcast Evangelists and Ministries with Aberrations from The Truth

Next is:  

The individuals listed below are Christians (past and present) who are compassionate about their faith. They are also recognized pastors, scholars and teachers of Bible prophecy and eschatology (study of end-times) who also belong to different denominations. This comprehensive list of individuals is meant to help you identify sound teaching on Bible prophecy and prophecy topics only. Some have devoted their entire lives to teaching Bible prophecy. Not all are always in agreement, and not all are sound in their doctrines. Therefore, study for yourselves, and use this as a guide only.
Though there are many good prophecy teachers, some should be avoided. With that in mind, remember that we are commanded to pray for those whom we take issue with. The below "apple" rating is solely for the teaching of Bible prophecy and prophecy topics, not for individual ministries or personal lives of those listed. You might find some listed here who teach sound Bible prophecy, yet to support other doctrines you disagree with. Their teaching on other important Bible doctrines should not necessarily be confused with the comments here. Use the Bible as your guide, just as Paul described the Bereans in Acts 17:11, "Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so."  Proverbs 4:7, "Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom.  And in all your getting, get understanding.

Who's Who In Bible Prophecy 

Next is:   Ministry Ratings

These Ministries are not listed in any particular order of importance, approval or disapproval. Although some of these Ministries/ Ministers claim a Biblical Doctrine on paper, they do not adhere to it in their teachings and life. Keep in mind that our rating system is based on a 1-10 numerical scale. We feel that any Ministry that falls below a 7 overall rating should be avoided. There is a lot more that goes into the ratings than the headings listed below would indicate and there is nothing scientific about the ratings, they are only our perspectives on the various Ministries. Keep in mind that there are literally 1000s of ministries out there and this is just a mere small percentage of them. We are convinced that there are many more good Bible teaching Ministries around the world and we are constantly on the lookout for them. P lease let us know if you are concerned about a Ministry not listed here and we will do our very best to check them out for you.

 Ministry Ratings

Finally, there's The Apologetics Index 

where you can find most false teachers/teachings listed.

Apologetics Index 

I hope these will help you guard your mind and heart so that all we read and study is pleasing to the Lord.

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