Eva wrote:
I have some thoughts about this this period of time.
I know sin is the root of the bad life some people live.
But when you see people you know. People you grew up with choose the evil and you understand whats going on and they dont, its possible to feel sad.
It breaks my heart that my parents rejected Christ. Before they use to fake it. Now they dont. They dont even come to church and pretend to be Christians (I know that aint good either, but they might have a chance to listen to something and keep it in their hearts. Instead of that my father was fooling people that he was a believers with loud "amen" and very very loud "prayers". He came 1-2 times to church after his surgery , only to show the pastor that he was there because he visited him at the hospital, and after he never came again. He lies he cannot afford the gas to go there, but he's everyday at the center of the town (13 khm from his house) from the one supermarket to the other with my mother for shopping. The pastor tried to talk to them on phone but they dont even answer it when they see his number. And much more... It breaks my heart. And they still wonder why their lives ain't good enough. I keep praying for them. I know God gives them opportunities to know Him, and he is patient and waits and knock their doors. But they dont answer...
It breaks my heart....
I see also people that I know from before going from bad to worse because of their choices...
Also a school friend (that I have mentioned before at other threads), that survived cancer starting drinking much alcohol only some weeks after her last chemotherapy. And her mother says nothing about this... And much more. And it breaks my heart.
I see people at work doing their best to prove that "they are somebody". And they are always looking bad. Not even a real smile after the make up. Not even a proper "Good morning", only some whispers...
Why? It breaks my heart
On Christmas period we sold almost every single cell phone that was in the store, and almost all the expensive games like playstation 3 etc. And the boss said he didnt make enough money. Why?
I read an article about some immigrants from Pakistan in Athens. Kids, not adults, some young boys from 12 -16 that make sex with Greeks for two euros in a park in Athens. I hate that. And it brakes my heart
I keep on praying. I know God listens and answers... But if people dont want to listen to Gods calling nothing would change. He always calls them, they refuse to answer. And it breaks my heart.
Just some thoughts....
Yes, sin is awful and the fact that you see it this way is yet more proof that you are saved, because only through the Holy Spirit do we see this. When we are first saved, sin doesn't seem so bad. We know it is because God says so, but we don't really, truly feel it's all that bad...not all of it. Sometimes some sins even feel good and unless we are thinking about how God sees it, it's hard to see it as bad. We really don't understand it.
But the more we grow, the worse sin looks to us. Any sin. It doesn't matter if it's a single curse word or someone having homosexual sex. It's just plain bad to us and we know the pain it brings. Worse, at that stage, we seem to see sin everywhere and in everyone we see.
Then, suddenly, as we continue to grow, we realize that same sin is in us! All that sin we've been condemning in other people is in us too! And it now begins to feel really nasty to us. Like we've rolled around in a lot of dog poop and eaten some of it too. We can't get it off ourselves fast enough and it tears us up inside that we are still sinning and in the same ways all those other people are. By now, sin seems so very nasty and dirty to us, that we don't want to hear it or see it, or be anywhere near it at all.... We begin to realize just how much the Lord has changed us and done for us, and can't wait for Heaven so we won't have to deal with sin any more.
Sin is like a germ that causes a disease. It's very contagious. When a person sins, even something that we would consider a very small, little sin, that germ of sin begins to reproduce itself in that person more and more until it infects them completely, causing them to continue to sin both in the same way as before and in other ways. At the same time, that sin that's infecting that person is contagious to other people, just like many diseases are. If other people around the sinner don't have a strong, healthy Spirit, then it will infect them too. (the way we make our spirit strong and healthy is by studying God's Word with Him and praying daily. Romans 12:2 —Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. etc.)
The unsaved don't have a chance at all. They are all infected with sin already and totally corrupted with it -just as we were when we were first saved. But at that time, Jesus made us clean with His Word and it's His Word that keeps us clean and helps us get and stay strong so we can continue to defeat sin in our lives.
If you see sin like that, then you can see how it is impossible for the unsaved not to sin and impossible for them not to sin a lot. They are infected by sin and it's corrupted their whole bodies, minds and spirits.
It's just as impossible for the saved not to be infected and sin IF they are not being cleansed and renewed and strengthened by God's Word every day.
For those who are reading God's Word and praying daily, they will still get infected with sin at times, but because their spirit is kept strong by God's Word, it won't be as often and even when they do sin they will be able to stop, confess it and be cleansed and renewed all over again. You could say that it's through His Word that we are fully dressed in the armor of God which helps us avoid many sins, prevent others, and stop those that do catch us off guard so we can confess them and repent and be cleansed and renewed again. And the more we practice the better we get at it too.