As I said in the thread, I used to think that I couldn't ever be an idolater... when I was first saved, I thought idolatry was when you believed in and worshiped some false god like the old roman gods... you know, like Athena, and Zeus. It wasn't until I'd studied God's Word more that I began to understand that it's idolatry whenever you put anything ahead of God in your life. It doesn't mean that we have to pray to someone or something else or even think of them as a "god" in order for it to be idolatry. That really blew me away when He showed me that and changed me quite a bit too. It had to change me because there were a lot of things that I had put before Him without even realizing it. But I wrote about all that in that thread.
The Lord had yet another lesson for me though. One I'd studied before, but certainly hadn't applied it to myself - about adultery -spiritual adultery.
I knew that venerating people or objects or dabbling in the occult, was spiritual adultery, and I certainly didn't do that, so I didn't think I had anything to worry about as far as that was concerned. I knew that worshiping idols was also spiritual idolatry but again, I wasn't guilty of that either.
It started to get personal though when I discovered that "friendship with the world" was also considered spiritual adultery. Adultery is something that violates the covenant commitment to our spouse, and spiritual adultery is something that violates our covenant commitment to Christ. Friendship with the world, isn't just doing the things that are very obviously wrong, but it's what we might consider the little things as well. Even when we hang out with unbelievers and just laugh at their coarse jokes, or swear and use foul language like they do, both are friendship with the world. It's when a wife insists on being the head of the home instead of encouraging her husband to do so. It's also when a wife refuses to submit to her husband. It's when we cheat on our taxes, gossip with our neighbors (or about them), It's when we put down others who have hurt us, instead of forgiving them and loving them anyway; it's when we hold a grudge. It's whenever we consistently do things the worlds way instead of God's way. I don't mean when we slip up once in awhile, or even when we're first learning that something is a sin, and we still mess up a lot as we haven't yet completely overcome it. I'm talking about when we do those things habitually. When those things are part of our way of life, of how we live, of who we are. Because when we do that, we're not being faithful to our Husband.
We're committing adultery, because we know our husband has commanded us not to do those things. He's told us that we're brand new people and that we're to put on our new self and get rid of the old one. So when we hang on to our old ways, our old selves, or parts of our old ways or selves, we're committing spiritual adultery.
When we have a strong focus on or drive for material possessions, money, or immaterial ones like beauty, looking or acting young, or just a strong focus on our physical bodies, (like someone who might obsess about losing or gaining weight all the time, or other similar things, those are all ways of committing spiritual adultery. All of those things are putting God at least second in our lives because we spend more time focused on them then we do on Him.
Adultery is something that violates the covenant commitment to our spouse, and spiritual adultery is something that violates our covenant commitment to Christ. So anything that we spend more time on, including time spent thinking about them, then we spend on the Lord is something that we may very well be committing spiritual adultery with. And I had to admit that I could see myself in a number of different things. I've found as that devotional said, "If we follow Him with our entire being—setting aside all that stands between us and Him—the world will look different." - or at least our little part of it, because we'll be different. Seriously though, everything begins to look different to us, the more we set aside the things that stand between us and the Lord. I doubt if I've found everything in my life that's between me and the Lord, but I'm keeping my eyes open, and I've asked the Lord to show me anything that needs to be removed or put in it's place, and I know He will. He always does when He knows we're serious. It seems like a constant battle sometimes, because as soon as I figure I've got it all under control, bam! Something else shows up and I realize I've allowed something I thought I'd taken care of to creep back in. But like Paul said, all we can do is keep plugging away, doing our best with His help and looking forward to that day when our salvation will finally be complete and we'll no longer have to deal with a sin nature. Come soon Lord! Matthew 6:24 —“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money. * Ephesians 4:22–24 —You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; *to be made new in the attitude of your minds; *and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. *
Colossians 3:9–10 —Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices *and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. *
John 14:15 —“If you love me, you will obey what I command. *
John 15:10 —If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father’s commands and remain in his love. *
LiveJournal Tags:
Ezekiel 6:1–8:18,
God first,
idolatry today,
spiritual adultery
It Will Eat You Alive
Ezekiel 6:1–8:18
Idolatry eats at our souls. And God puts up with it for only so long.
“And the word of Yahweh came to me, saying, ‘Son of man, set your face to the mountains of Israel and prophesy against them, and you must say, “Mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord Yahweh, thus says the Lord Yahweh to the mountains and to the hills, to the ravines and to the valleys: ‘Look, I am bringing upon you the sword, and I will destroy your high places, and your altars will be desolate, and your incense altars will be broken, and I will throw down your slain ones before your idols, and I will place the corpses of the children of Israel before their idols, and I will scatter your bones around your altars’ ” ’ ” (Ezek 6:1–6).
Ezekiel portrays God’s view of the true nature of idolatry and the ramifications of living an idolatrous life. When people put wood and stone, or gadgets and entertainment, before their relationship with Yahweh, they are giving up the most valuable part of themselves.
Today, most people place entertainment above God. We value celebrity more than Jesus. We may deny this, but if we closely examine how we spend our time and money, we find that we love our idols as much as the ancients did.
How can we as Christians be instruments for the changes God wants to bring to the world if we conform ourselves to the expectations of our culture? Where we invest our time, assets, and attention reveals what we care about most. If we give ourselves over to worldly priorities instead of God’s, we deserve the same fate that Yahweh prophesied for the children of Israel in Ezek 6:1–6.
But our good and gracious God wants to redeem us, and we should commit ourselves to seeking His blessing instead of His judgment (John 3:16–17; Rom 8). If we follow Him with our entire being—setting aside all that stands between us and Him—the world will look different. Idolatry will be revealed for what it is: a thief and a glutton, stealing the very lives God has in store for us. If we seek God with all our being, idolatry will hold no power over us. It will die from neglect while our lives take on new vitality as we boldly proclaim the glory of our life-giving God.
What idols stand between you and the life God has for you?
Barry, J. D., & Kruyswijk, R. (2012). Connect the Testaments: A Daily Devotional. boy this really got to me! Especially when he said, where we invest our time, money and attention reveals what's most important to us. It reminded me of what I wrote in I used to think that I couldn't ever be an idolater... I guess I should go and update that thread with the new things I've discovered about idolatry.
I used to think that I couldn't ever be an idolater, but boy was I wrong! I also used to pride myself that I could never be called an adulterer and again, I was wrong! When I was first saved, my idea of "sin" was breaking one of the commandments and I took all of them quite literally. (not that there's anything wrong with that). As I grew in my faith though, I came to realize that anything and anyone I put before God was idolatry. Then I got a real shock when God showed me that an idolater was also committing spiritual adultery!
Tell you what, those revelations really knocked me down a peg or two! I'm a pretty stubborn person though,which, by the way, is usually also a sin unless it's being purposely used to obey the Lord, and I was determined that I wasn't going to let anything come before the Lord in my life. Needless to say, the Lord seemed to immediately start throwing wrenches in the works to show me the truth about myself.
One of the hardest things for me to get straight was "other people" and where they fit in my life with the Lord. It seemed like every time I decided to spend time with the Lord, I'd be interrupted. My kids needed this or that, husband wanted something, or others would call and things like that. I knew I was supposed to love others and think of others before myself, so at first I always jumped up and did whatever was asked of me, even if it was just visiting with someone. The hard thing about this was that often when I did that, by the time I was finished, I had to go do something else, like housework, errands, etc. and before I knew it, the day was over and I hadn't had my time with the Lord and His Word.
Then I realized that by allowing that to happen, I was putting all of those people and things before God.
I just didn't know what to do then, because I knew that people were important to the Lord but that I also really needed that time with Him and His Word every day. So, I asked Him for help. I asked Him to help me by protecting my time with Him. I'd love to say that He did and no one ever bothered me again during that time
but that's not what happened. Nothing really changed much at all.
Finally though I realized that I was going to have to speak up and let people know that I was spending time with Him and would like to have some privacy during that time. My family was fairly cooperative but it was still hit and miss, and again I realized that it was mainly my fault. I didn't have a "routine" set up. I just did it whenever I "felt like it" each day, or whenever I "had the time". So I decided to make a routine for myself to follow and actually schedule time for the Lord at the same time each day. This took some trial and error for me as well as I had to find the time that worked best for me, both physically as well as spiritually. I finally settled on first thing every morning and have been doing it at that time for more years than I care to count now.
Once I had my routine in place, I had to again let everyone know that 6am to 7am was my time with the Lord and I didn't want to be disturbed. Once I did that, the Lord did protect my time with Him, and I've rarely been disturbed. When I was disturbed at first, I simply reminded them about it and that was that. Now, all I have to do is let "new folks" know so they know not to call during that time.
Sounds fairly easy and straight forward doesn't it? It is really, but for me, it was hard to tell people I loved not to disturb me during that time. It wasn't until later that the Lord showed me that by doing that though I had set a good example for my children and everyone else. There was/is no question in their minds that I mean it when I say that's my time with the Lord and no one else. It let them know that He was and is that important to me.
The other part that was hard for me was forcing myself to spend time with the Lord even when I didn't feel like it. I know, it sounds just awful to say that out loud, but there were times when I just didn't want to study His word, or times when I just didn't feel like praying and times when I didn't want to do either one, especially if I wasn't feeling well. It took time, but the Lord eventually showed me that I was once again being idolatrous when I did that. I was shocked because there was no one before Him! But there was. I was putting myself and my feelings before Him. As I prayed about it, I remembered when Jesus prayed in the garden and knew then that He most likely didn't "feel like" being crucified that day either. I felt pretty ashamed of myself then, and since then simply have reminded myself of what He did for me and that took care of that bit of idolatry.
I have to share too though that every single time that I didn't "feel like" spending time with the Lord and His Word, but did it anyway, within a few moments of starting, 5 at the most, the Lord always, always, got me so interested in what we were studying, that I'd wind up not wanting to stop!
He's always like that though. Every time we take the smallest step toward Him in obedience, He blesses us so much more then we deserve!
I've also learned over the years that having a routine like this really helps prevent us from backsliding too. Because once you've done something like this long enough, it becomes second nature to's not something you even think about doing, you just do it. When we're studying His Word daily with Him, it nourishes our spirits so they become stronger and which enables us to fight sin and temptation in our lives and win. It enables us, with the Lord's help, to live a life of victory here and now as we apply His Word to our lives each day. Plus, it's through His Word and staying in communion with Him, that He changes us to be more and more spiritually mature.
My idolatrous ways were finally over then, right? Nope. I found another one. Oh, I kept my routine, but sometimes I'd find myself "cheating" and just kind of skimming through things or praying in general or out of duty rather then from my heart. Those were always times when I felt that I was "running behind schedule" and that I had to get here to Fresh Hope and start posting. After all, this was/is God's site and He gave me this job, so didn't' I have to be here for X hours a day every day to do it? If I was "late" wouldn't that mean I was being disobedient to Him? If I was the Lord, I'd have been pulling my hair out over me by this time. Thankfully though, He showed me that working for Him, wasn't as important as being with Him. I always get this picture in my mind of not being plugged in to Him, when I didn't have my time with Him first, so since I wasn't plugged into Him, I therefore couldn't do my job for Him the way it was/is supposed to be done. (my version of the vine and the branches
) I wish I could say that I realized that truth quickly but I didn't. Once He got that through my thick head though, I repented from that as well.
I do still ask myself and the Lord every once in awhile if I'm putting anything or anyone before Him, because I don't ever want to be guilty of that again. Isn't it amazing just how many stumbling blocks we put in our own way when it comes to spending time with Him and His Word daily ....even when we know there's nothing more important??? I guess it shows us just how stubborn our sin natures are though....
Related threads: oh boy, this really convicted me!
Something about Noah's time hit me the other day and I wanted to share it, even though it sounds totally crazy. I recently did a study about Genesis 4:16 through Genesis 5:32 and in that study the Bible talks about Cain's line and what they accomplished. In Genesis 4 it shows a huge population explosion, that they're living in cities and forged all kinds of tools, and weapons from metals, etc. In other words, contrary to what evolution would have us believe, they have a very advanced civilization and weren't living like cavemen in caves. For some reason, as I was considering this the other day, Ecclesiastes 1:9–10 —What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. *Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new”? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. * and Ecclesiastes 3:15 — Whatever is has already been, and what will be has been before; and God will call the past to account. popped into my mind. I've always gotten a kick out of those verses...even as a child. I don't know why, I just thought they're really neat.
It just suddenly hit me the other night, what if that's literal? What if God is actually saying that everything we see as great inventions, have been invented before? I know they've discovered batteries and all kinds of things that shouldn't be there, things there's just no explanation for, in excavations of very ancient sites, so maybe it's not all that far fetched. In fact, it seems like I remember reading about something like that that was discovered around the sites of ancient Sodom - that they'd discovered something indicative of nuclear weapons and were suggesting that might have been what God used to destroy them.
(I'm not suggesting that's necessarily true, just throwing that in as something I've read about)
What got me thinking along these lines was that thread in Christian chat about What have we exchanged for TV? and how technology has grown so much and we've misused it so badly. I hadn't carried the idea as far as it is now when I first started that thread, so I was a bit surprised when I realized just how bad it's gotten and how vast it's influence has been on families especially which is the foundation of our society. While I realized some of the damage it's done, I guess I hadn't realized the full extent of how it's been used by Satan to destroy the family.
That reminded me of Genesis 4 and how they began to develop technology and became so evil that God had to wipe out the whole world!
In turn, that reminded me of how often it's been pointed out that we've come full circle since the founding of the Church, which is another point showing it's the last days of the end times. I'd forgotten, but I even posted a thread about that awhile ago: [I Coming Full Circle in yet another way (I just looked at it and it's about the letters to the churches like my last post lol)
That saying, "come full circle" kept going round in my head and I began wondering is we had maybe come full circle in yet another way too..... Perhaps, we've also come full circle in how we handle all the advancements of civilization, (such as technology) just as in the days of Noah.
Crazy? Maybe.... but then again, maybe not. It's a lot to chew on, that's for sure. But something tells me that we just may have hit on something important here. Something that the Lord wants us to see and realize.
So, what have we got? In Noah's day, people were just going on with their lives as normal. If you look at what Jesus says, it sounds a lot like today because it sounds like they had become very self centered, just as our society is today. They apparently didn't care about anything that didn't have to with them or didn't affect them. Neither did they want to hear about anything that might make them reconsider their way of life. We know that because we know that Noah preached and begged them to repent and be saved for 120 years and every one of them ultimately ignored him. Seems that they much preferred self help sermons to sermons about what God wants and expects. They preferred gathering like a social club instead of gathering to worship God. They were more interested in their football games and races then in attending a worship service. They certainly had plenty of idols and false teachers and false religions, worshiping both demons and the creation instead of the Creator.
Jesus said they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood actually happened. But how could that be when we know that Noah was preaching for all those years, and that they knew he was building a boat? That seems impossible until you think about how even many "Christians" are today. Many of them know nothing of what's going to happen soon either because they haven't bothered to study their bibles enough to even know what true salvation looks like or what God wants and expects of them, much less what He intends to do very soon. They're much to busy watching their favorite TV shows, and going to their favorite football games to consider that there just might be something important in the Bible they have on their shelf. Besides, they go to their church most every week and hear what their pastor says...(although they couldn't tell you if he's really a believer even) The one thing that strikes me about both groups is that they both seem very self centered and very shallow. But then I guess being self-centered leads to being shallow.
That brings up one final point. I've heard some pastors suggest that the human race is not evolving like many of today's scientists would have us believe. Instead they say that we're devolving - mentally, physically, and spiritually. The more I reflect on that, the more I have to agree that it certainly seems that way to me as well.
What do you think? Have I lost it? It's certainly a lot to chew on.
Matthew 24:37–39 —As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. *For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; *and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. *
LiveJournal Tags:
days of Noah,
end times,
false teaching,
full circle,
nothing new,