First, my favorite devotionals:
Drawing Near: Daily Readings for a Deeper Faith by John MacArthur
It's a fact of life: our health declines if we don't nourish our bodies every day with food and water. That's true physically. It's true spiritually as well.
If we neglect to regularly feed our souls on the Holy Scriptures, our faith becomes weak and we start to lose touch with our Savior. Growth is stifled... if it happens at all.
Drawing Near, used daily in combination with God's Holy Word, can not only help bring you closer to God but also keep you from spiritual stagnation. This book will guide you in a growing relationship with Him.
If you desire greater understanding of the precious Word of God, if you want a daily guide to draw you closer to the Lord, this outstanding collections of 365 devotional readings by one of America's most respected and trusted Bible teachers is for you!
Strength for Today: Daily Readings for a Deeper Faith by John MacArthur
What a wonderful opportunity you have as a Christian in this modern age to open up the Bible and, with the leading of the Holy Spirit, glean its rich truths for yourself. Your vitality as a Christian depends on doing just that. For only through consistent Bible study and prayer do you gain the spiritual strength to navigate each day with wisdom, grace, and integrity.
Offering significantly more than the typical thematic or topical anecdotes of some other devotionals, the in-depth Bible exposition of this daily study gives you a firmer grasp on many of the great passages of Scripture—passages that speak at length of Christian character, the meaning behind Christ's death and resurrection, and how we benefit from life's trials.
Heart of the Matter: Daily Reflections for Changing Hearts and Lives by The Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation
Start a Year of Deep-Down Change Today!
Change that goes deeper than the surface of our lives happens as we daily remember the truths of the gospel. Every day we need to be reminded that Jesus, God’s own Son, came to this world to save us from sin, sorrow, and death. We need to remember every day how Jesus’ life, death, resurrection, ascension, and promised return change the way we view ourselves and others. This devotional will be a daily reminder of these life-changing truths.
The 366 selections, anchored in Scripture and saturated with the gospel, will help the reader to:
Learn how God in his Word addresses a host of life situations
Focus on how the gospel intersects with life
Look beyond circumstances to God’s purposes
See how God values relationship and to learn to value it too by persisting, by speaking truth in love, and by not shying away from conflict
Grow in wisdom when confronted by life’s changes.
Learn that God works change that is effective and visible.
Some of my favorite commentaries and study guides are:
1. The Bible exposition commentary By W. W. Wiersbe, (this covers the New Testament) Or the Warren Wiersbe’s Old Testament “Be” Series Or the "Be Commentary Series" by Wiersbe, in which you can buy each book of the bible separately.
2. The MacArthur study Bible
3. The Bible knowledge commentary : An exposition of the scriptures
I just LOVE Wiersbe's "Be" series of commentaries as I said before. He brings every single book alive and makes it very personal. It really helps you grow a lot! As it's more expensive (at first) to buy the whole New or Old testament series, I also wanted to list the individual titles of the entire Be series as it can be a lot easier to buy them one at a time that way.
Here's the Old Testament ones:
- Be Basic: Genesis 1-11
- Be Obedient: Genesis 12-25
- Be Authentic: Genesis 25-50
- Be Delivered: Exodus
- Be Holy: Leviticus
- Be Counted: Numbers
- Be Equipped: Deuteronomy
- Be Strong: Joshua
- Be Available: Judges
- Be Committed: Ruth & Esther
- Be Successful: 1 Samuel
- Be Restored: 2 Samuel & 1 Chronicles
- Be Responsible: 1 Kings
- Be Distinct: 2 Kings & 2 Chronicles
- Be Determined: Nehemiah
- Be Patient: Job
- Be Worshipful: Psalms Vol. 1
- Be Exultant: Psalms Vol. 2
- Be Skillful: Proverbs
- Be Satisfied: Ecclesiastes
- Be Comforted: Isaiah
- Be Decisive: Jeremiah
- Be Reverent: Ezekiel
- Be Resolute: Daniel
- Be Concerned: Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Zephaniah
- Be Heroic: Haggai, Zechariah, Ezra
- Be Amazed: Hosea, Joel, Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Malachi
- Be Loyal: Matthew
- Be Diligent: Mark
- Be Compassionate: Luke 1-13
- Be Courageous: Luke 14-24
- Be Alive: John 1-12
- Be Transformed: John 13-21
- Be Dynamic: Acts 1-12
- Be Daring: Acts 13-28
- Be Right: Romans
- Be Wise: 1 Corinthians
- Be Encouraged: 2 Corinthians
- Be Free: Galatians
- Be Rich: Ephesians
- Be Joyful: Philippians
- Be Complete: Colossians
- Be Ready: 1 & 2 Thessalonians
- Be Faithful: 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon
- Be Confident: Hebrews
- Be Mature: James
- Be Hopeful: 1 Peter
- Be Alert: 2 Peter, 2 & 3 John, Jude
- Be Real: 1 John
- Be Victorious: Revelation
Next some non fiction books that are so interesting you don't want to put them down!
Why Christians Can't Trust Psychology by Ed Rulkley, PhD
Where should Christians go to heal the deep hurts in their hearts?
Today's search for inner fulfillment has exploded into the Recovery movement, complete with twelve-step seminars, counseling programs, and self-help books. Thousands are looking to Christian psychology to help them attain victory over modern dysfunctions.
Does that mean the Bible alone is no longer adequate for the problems faced by Christians today?
Some say we need the Bible plus psychology. Others say the Bible alone is sufficient.
With deep insight and candor, pastoral counselor Ed Bulkley presents the opposing sides of this issue--and offers trustworthy, biblical answers for those who long to break away from pain and guilt and know true freedom...genuine inner peace...and a fresh beginning.
The pressures to find the solutions to human hurt and suffering have never been greater. Clear answers are urgently needed for the hurting--today.
From forgiven to forgiving by J. E. Adams
What do the following statements about forgiveness have in common? Forgiveness is obtained through apologizing. The best thing you can do is "forgive and forget". You aren't forgiven until you feel forgiven. In this book, Dr. Jay Adams carefully explores all dimensions of the process of forgiveness.A He can help you understand biblical forgiveness from beginning to end and apply that understanding to everyday situations ranging from forgiving your straying spouse or prodigal child - and being forgiven by them as well.
Dr. Jay Adams is perhaps the most well-known Biblical Counselor in the world today and has trained thousands of others from a Biblical perspective.
God is There in the Tough Times by E. E. Hindson
Our sufficiency in Christ by J. F. MacArthur, Jr.
The power of integrity: Building a life without compromise by J. F. MacArthur, Jr.
The pillars of Christian character: The basic essentials of a living faith by J. MacArthur, Today's search for inner fulfillment has exploded into the Recovery movement, complete with twelve-step seminars, counseling programs, and self-help books. Thousands are looking to Christian psychology to help them attain victory over modern dysfunctions.
Does that mean the Bible alone is no longer adequate for the problems faced by Christians today?
Some say we need the Bible plus psychology. Others say the Bible alone is sufficient.
With deep insight and candor, pastoral counselor Ed Bulkley presents the opposing sides of this issue--and offers trustworthy, biblical answers for those who long to break away from pain and guilt and know true freedom...genuine inner peace...and a fresh beginning.
The pressures to find the solutions to human hurt and suffering have never been greater. Clear answers are urgently needed for the hurting--today.
From forgiven to forgiving by J. E. Adams
What do the following statements about forgiveness have in common? Forgiveness is obtained through apologizing. The best thing you can do is "forgive and forget". You aren't forgiven until you feel forgiven. In this book, Dr. Jay Adams carefully explores all dimensions of the process of forgiveness.A He can help you understand biblical forgiveness from beginning to end and apply that understanding to everyday situations ranging from forgiving your straying spouse or prodigal child - and being forgiven by them as well.
Dr. Jay Adams is perhaps the most well-known Biblical Counselor in the world today and has trained thousands of others from a Biblical perspective.
God is There in the Tough Times by E. E. Hindson
No matter what you may be facing, God is
there to help you. This message resonates throughout this encouraging,
powerful resource designed to help readers struggling with rejection,
guilt, fear, depression, temptation, disappointment, personal crises,
and more. As readers realize God is always near, they will begin to...
- face crises with confidence
- turn problems into an opportunities
- conquer anxiety, stress, and feelings of failure
- set realistic goals for change
- rest in God’s strength in every situation
Our sufficiency in Christ by J. F. MacArthur, Jr.
Christ's divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness. —2 Peter 1:3
Pure Christianity needs no embellishment whatsoever. We find complete sufficiency in Christ and His provision for our needs. But too many Christians have bought in to the notion that all the spiritual resources we gain at the moment of salvation are not adequate to meet the real needs in today's complex world. So they look for something more—an emotionally exciting and self-edifying experience not found in God's Word. This failure to understand the sufficiency of Christ has opened the door to all kinds of worldy influences, causing many modern believers to mix biblical truths with seemingly helpful man-made methods such as mysticism and psychology. As a result, they wallow in a watered-down, pseudo-Christanity that has been drained of its vitality, effectiveness, and security. In this book John MacArthur exposes the main ways Christians have displaced their spiritual resources and explains how to avoid making the same error. It will make you newly aware of how completely God provides—and give you a renewed understanding of what it means to be "complete in Christ."
Pure Christianity needs no embellishment whatsoever. We find complete sufficiency in Christ and His provision for our needs. But too many Christians have bought in to the notion that all the spiritual resources we gain at the moment of salvation are not adequate to meet the real needs in today's complex world. So they look for something more—an emotionally exciting and self-edifying experience not found in God's Word. This failure to understand the sufficiency of Christ has opened the door to all kinds of worldy influences, causing many modern believers to mix biblical truths with seemingly helpful man-made methods such as mysticism and psychology. As a result, they wallow in a watered-down, pseudo-Christanity that has been drained of its vitality, effectiveness, and security. In this book John MacArthur exposes the main ways Christians have displaced their spiritual resources and explains how to avoid making the same error. It will make you newly aware of how completely God provides—and give you a renewed understanding of what it means to be "complete in Christ."
We live in a society that has largely
abandoned moral standards and Christian principles. Unkept campaign
promises, false advertising, exaggerated tax exemptions, employee
theft--compromise has become a way of life. Such moral concession has
even invaded the church. Faced with an opportunity to proclaim Christ to
unbelievers, we feel intimidated and keep silent. Or we water down
God's Word on ethical issues at work or in our community to avoid
rejection. Too often we prefer hypocrisy to integrity. But God
longs for His people to be different--to maintain a commitment to His
standards, no matter what the cost. Is consistent obedience to
God--integrity--attainable in this world of sin and self? By the grace
and power of God, yes!
One of the nation's most respected pastors points the way to persevering character in Christ. Drawing from scriptural examples of godly men who modeled integrity during severe testing, MacArthur makes a compelling case for the impact a man or woman of integrity can have in our world. A helpful study guide for individuals or groups is included.
One of the nation's most respected pastors points the way to persevering character in Christ. Drawing from scriptural examples of godly men who modeled integrity during severe testing, MacArthur makes a compelling case for the impact a man or woman of integrity can have in our world. A helpful study guide for individuals or groups is included.
"To love [God] with all your heart,
with all your understanding and with all your strength, and to love your
neighbor as yourself is more important than all burnt offerings and
sacrifices." –Jesus' words in Mark 12:33. Without
question the crucial issue in living the Christian life is the condition
of your heart. Actions may be temporarily deceiving, but ultimately our
outward behavior will reflect what's inside, because our internal
attitudes form who we really are. Those inner attitudes are also what
God deems most important. In this book one of Christianity's most
respected Bible teachers and pastors examines the foundational
attitudes, or "pillars," of Christian character as outlined in God's
Word. Pillars such as genuine faith, obedience, humility, selfless love,
forgiveness, self-discipline, gratitude, and worship. To some
degree each trait, on its own, marks a person as one of God's own and
reveals an active, living faith. Each is an essential element of mature
Christianity. But there is transforming power when you combine them in
your everyday living as God commands. Your character will be grounded in
godliness; you will see things from an eternal perspective; and your
faith, your actions, your witness to others will be revitalized from the
inside out.
Totally sufficient by E. E. Hindson, & H. Eyrich,
Contributors: Gary L. Almy, W. Wilson Benton Jr, Edward G. Dobson, Howard Eyrich, Ronald E. Hawkins, Ed Hindson, Arnold Hyndman, Wayne A. Mack, Paul Madtes Jr, David Powlison, C. Dwayne Shafer, Chris Thurman, Edward T. Welch.
Christian counselors agree that the Bible's message of salvation can radically change lives. Scripture can lead even the most unlikely people to faith but when it comes to everyday problems – is the Bible really enough? Here we have more than a dozen highly trained counselors, medical experts and pastors who are highly respected in their fields. Every one has at least one doctorate relevant to the area they examine in this book. Their answers to the question stated above are enlightening, thought provoking and surprising.
All really fantastic books! Not one of them is "dry" or "boring". You'll be caught up in each one in not time and not want to put them down.
I also enjoy Christian Fiction, and there are a few that can be life changing because they're so very, very good. These are the books I've found to be just that good - I highly recommend the books:
A Voice in The Wind -Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers.
An Echo in the Darkness-Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers.
As Sure As the Dawn - Mark of the Lion series by Francine Rivers.
Here's a bit about all 3:
Francine Rivers has once again captured the Roman empire of the 1st century AD. Rome, Ephesus, and Israel come alive with compelling people and small historic details. The theme of God's love and the power of forgiveness are beautifully shown through the lives of these characters. The ending was so powerful, I'm sure it will stay with me for quite some time.
....The MARK trilogy is set in the Roman Empire, shortly after the fall of Jerusalem. Using a Hebrew slave girl (Hadassah) and a German gladiator (Atretes; think the film GLADIATOR) as the main characters, three books are crafted around themes of faith, redemption, forgiveness, and sacrifice. Rivers is one of the best at writing characters and those that she creates here are absolutely convincing -- flawed and heroic on multiple layers, with developmental conflicts that relate to and parallel modern times almost seamlessly.
As with most Rivers books, this one if life-changing. This series is what the Lord used to bring me back to Him after 3 years of trying things my own way--what a gentle Lord He is. I highly recommend this series. The characters are believable, you feel for them, and you get a better sense of how God works in life (even though it is fiction). It will challenge your walk with the Lord, in a good way.
Each night I've wound up sobbing my heart out to the Lord when I'm reading it because it touches me so very deeply. These are fiction books but they're so very powerful! I've read most of her other books too and they're all good, but to me this is more like it was actually inspired by God Himself and when I read it, the Lord speaks directly to me from it. It's really amazing and very much appropriate for us who know we are in the end times.
Next are some Christian fiction books by Bill Myers that can also be life changing. If you let it, it can really open your eyes into an even deeper relationship with the Lord. These books will really make you think!
Blood of Heaven (Fire of Heaven Trilogy, Book 1) by Bill Myers
Mysterious blood has been discovered on the remains of an ancient religious artifact. Some believe it is the blood of Christ. And experiments with specific genes from the blood have brought surprising findings. Now it's time to introduce those genes into a human. Enter Michael Coleman: multiple killer, death-row resident . . . and, if he is willing, human guinea pig. There are no promises. The effects may kill Coleman or completely destroy his sanity. He agrees to the experiment, with results so astonishing that the research must continue--but not in prison. Given a new identity and new employer, Katherine Lyon, Coleman reenters society. And that's when a plot far darker than science alone could construct begins to emerge. A carefully researched science and psychological thriller, Blood of Heaven is a nonstop page turner that looks deep into the heart of man, examining the nature of good and evil, flesh versus spirit, and the ever-growing controversy over genetically determined behavior.
Threshold (Fire of Heaven Trilogy, Book 2) by Bill Myers
From the realms of science, the paranormal, and Bible prophecy emerges a novel for our times: fast-paced, carefully researched . . . with a warning none can ignore. Some say Brandon Martus has a mysterious ability to see into the future, to experience what scientists refer to as a “higher dimension.” Others insist he is simply a troubled Generation-X member plagued by the accidental death of his little sister. It isn’t until he teams up with Sarah Weintraub, the ambitious but haunted neurobiologist, that a far deeper secret unfolds. Utilizing the latest discoveries in brain research and quantum physics, the two carefully wind their way through a treacherous maze of human greed and supernatural encounters that are both legitimate and counterfeit--until they finally discover the astonishing truth about Brandon Martus.
Fire of Heaven Trilogy (Fire of Heaven Trilogy, Book 3) by Bill Myers
'My words will become a fire in your mouth that you cannot contain. They will burn until you have warned my Bride. Warn her before it is too late!' So begins a dramatic journey into holiness, as newlyweds Brandon and Sarah Martus accept the call to become Revelation's two prophets. This is not another end-times thriller, but one of the most intense and thought-provoking pieces of Christian fiction to come along in years. As the couple prepare for the final showdown against Satan himself, they must live and proclaim the truths Christ has given his end-times church. From America, to archaeological ruins dating back to Bible times, to the Himalayas, and finally to Jerusalem, Brandon and Sarah battle the forces of man and hell while learning the true cost of following Christ . . . and experiencing a Love far deeper than either could have imagined. Author Bill Myers says, 'Writing this book has changed my life.' Reading it could very well change yours.
Eli by Bill Myers
What If Jesus Had Not Come Until Today? Who Would Follow Him? Who Would Kill Him? A fiery car crash hurls TV journalist Conrad Davis into another world exactly like ours except for one detail---Jesus Christ did not come 2,000 years ago, but today. Starting with angels heralding a birth in the back of a motel laundry room, the skeptical Davis watches the gospel unfold in today's society as a Messiah in T-shirt and blue jeans heals, raises people from the dead, and speaks such startling truths that he captures the heart of a nation. But the young man's actions and his criticism of the religious establishment earn him enemies as ruthless as they are powerful. An intense and thought-provoking novel, Eli strips away religious tradition to present Jesus fresh and unvarnished. With gripping immediacy, Bill Myers weaves a story whose truth will refresh your faith.
Thunder in Paradise- Satan's Last Storm by Jonathan R. Sash.
Thunder in Paradise is absolutely fantastic!!!! It's got to be one of the very best I've read! It's about life during the millennium and it's so much better then the Left Behind book about this subject that it leaves it in the dust! I read this in two days because I simply couldn't put it down!
Fallen From Babel By T L Higley.
Fallen From Babel's about a university professor who teaches comparative religion who winds up accidentally being sent back in time to Babylon. He winds up in the body of the chief Magician and finds out first hand where "all religions" really lead!
The Silence: The End Is Near by Jim Kraus
Global catastrophes throw the world into mass panic...and virtual silence. A solar storm burns communication satellites and computers. Earthquakes shake North America. Is it the end of the world? Out of the chaos, Reverend Jerry Moses grows a tiny Illinois farm church into the "Garden of Eden," a cult-like community touting food as the new currency for a world gone silent. Tom Lyton, Megan Smith, and Peter Wilson embark on individual journeys that lead them to confront Moses' heretical teaching. This tantalizing, futuristic novel takes readers on a roller-coaster ride toward the truth as seen through the eyes of engaging characters. When global catastrophe sends the world into chaos and a small-town pastor unexpectedly rises to power, three believers journey to Illinois to challenge his claims.
Very interesting and thought provoking book of what could quite easily happen any time, here and now.
Some more great fiction that I'd recommend to give your faith a boost:
Timeflyer by Jeff Cargill.
TimeFlyer is an action-packed Christian science fiction action book. Steve Harrison, the main character, is a fighter pilot in the Air Force who is diligently seeking to honor God with his life. He feels directed to take the job of a test pilot for a top-secret military project in the Nevada desert. Jill, Steve's wife, is brilliant, but suffers from Asperger's syndrome, a mild form of autism characterized by intense concentration. She wants to be 'normal', and doesn't appreciate the gift of intelligence that God has given her. Dr. Choi Daesang escaped North Korea more than 15 years before. He is implementation director of the top-secret project. He is horrified to find that the North Koreans know where he is, and are determined to get him and his knowledge back to North Korea at any cost. The above-top-secret project, in which they are all involved, has built an aircraft that can fly back and forth in time. The first few missions go smoothly. However, the mission back 4,000 years reports physical features on Earth and in space that are totally unexpected. Steve and Jill realize they are seeing results from the global flood of Noah's time. The next mission is to fly back in time 8,000 years. Steve realizes that might be before the time of creation. He has to make a choice - fly the mission and risk the life of aircraft and crew, or refuse and risk a court-martial for disobeying orders.
Last Light A Restoration Novel by Terri Blackstock
Night Light A Restoration Novel by Terri Blackstock
True Light A Restoration Novel by Terri Blackstock
Dawn's Light A Restoration Novel by Terri Blackstock
Birmingham, Alabama, has lost all power. Its streets are jammed with cars that won't start, its airport engulfed in flames from burning planes. All communications---cell phones, computers, even radios---are silent. Every home and business is dark. Is it a natural disaster . . . a terrorist attack . . . or something far worse? In the face of a crisis that sweeps an entire high-tech planet back to a time before electricity, the Branning family faces a choice. Will they hoard their possessions in order to survive---or trust God to provide as they share their resources with those around them? Yesterday's world is gone. Family and community are all that remain. And the outage is revealing the worst in some. Desperation can be dangerous when a killer lives among them.
Solar Flare by Larry Burkett
In his latest thriller, Larry Burkett describes the potentially awesome power of a major solar flare and dramatic life-changing effects it could have on our electronic-dependent society--changes that not only affect our lives but our faith as well.
I've fallen in love with The Light of Eidon by Karen Hancock. There are 4 that are in this series, although
she's also written others that are really awesome too.
The Light Of Eidon (Legends of the Guardian-King Book #1) by Karen Hancock
The Shadow Within, (Legends of the Guardian-King Book #2)
Shadow Over Kiriath (Legends of the Guardian-King Book #3)
Return of the Guardian-King (Legends of the Guardian-King Book #4)
Book 1 of Legends of the Guardian King which follows the life of Abramm Kalladorne in his turbulent search for truth and self--a search that will transform him from a sickly, head-in-the-clouds youth to a legendary hero of strength and courage. Set in a world of swords and cloaks, of glittering palaces and mystical temples, of galley ships and ancient, mist-bound cities, his journey illustrates how God pursues and how He uses suffering to mold His children into something greater than was ever thought possible.
The first time I read this book, I was pretty well into it and still shaking my head wondering what in the world was "Christian" about it! I'd tried to figure it out, but the light bulb just wasn't going off for me. Then finally, somewhere around the beginning of part 2, I finally got it! It just never occurred to me at first that "Eidon" was the Father and that the two opposing ways of worshiping Him represented the Jews and the Christians or could also represent religions like the Catholic Church and those really born again.
The Light Of Eidon (Legends of the Guardian-King Book #1) by Karen Hancock
The Shadow Within, (Legends of the Guardian-King Book #2)
Shadow Over Kiriath (Legends of the Guardian-King Book #3)
Return of the Guardian-King (Legends of the Guardian-King Book #4)
Book 1 of Legends of the Guardian King which follows the life of Abramm Kalladorne in his turbulent search for truth and self--a search that will transform him from a sickly, head-in-the-clouds youth to a legendary hero of strength and courage. Set in a world of swords and cloaks, of glittering palaces and mystical temples, of galley ships and ancient, mist-bound cities, his journey illustrates how God pursues and how He uses suffering to mold His children into something greater than was ever thought possible.
The first time I read this book, I was pretty well into it and still shaking my head wondering what in the world was "Christian" about it! I'd tried to figure it out, but the light bulb just wasn't going off for me. Then finally, somewhere around the beginning of part 2, I finally got it! It just never occurred to me at first that "Eidon" was the Father and that the two opposing ways of worshiping Him represented the Jews and the Christians or could also represent religions like the Catholic Church and those really born again.
And now there's also:
Exiles: Realms of the Infinite, Book One by R.J. Larson
Exiles: Realms of the Infinite, Book One by R.J. Larson
Then there's:.
Arena By Karen Hancock
Callie Hayes is living a life of fear and disillusionment when she
volunteers for a psychology experiment that promises to turn her life
around. As her orientation proceeds, Callie becomes frightened by the
secrecy and evasion she encounters. When she demands to be released from
the program, she is suddenly dropped into a terrifying alien world and
into a perilous battle between good and evil. With limited resources and
only a few cryptic words to guide her, Callie embarks on a
life-changing journey. Will she decipher the plans the Benefactor has
established for her escape, or will she succumb to the deception of the
On The Edge of Time (Part 1 and Part 2) by Russell Scalzo, Steve Mamchak
On the Edge of Time involves the human heart’s earnest search for heaven in the midst of Hell come to Earth. It is two weeks after millions of people have mysteriously disappeared from the face of the earth, and, like millions of others, Jerry Westfield, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, is upset and perplexed at that loss, particularly since it took his best friends, Jeremy and Kathy Palmer. His personal concerns must be set aside, however, when the international situation frantically signals the immanent destruction of the state of Israel. It is there that Jerry is sent to cover the story of his journalistic career and is reunited with Jacob Klausman, a ‘retired’ member of the ‘Mossad,’ Israel’s secret service. It is also there that he will meet with a cataclysmic series of monsters and miracles, including Ruth, the woman who will change his mind about marriage, and the charismatic Demetrius Strapollos, who soon is hailed as the ‘Messiah’ who will rescue Israel and restore her former glory. This quick-moving tale of suspense and power on a cosmic scale is intricately detailed and researched, providing the reader with insights into international politics, Biblical prophecy, the darkness of the human heart, and the challenge of faith in the face of disillusionment and pain. As current as this morning’s newspaper, this book will challenge the reader’s belief system, introduce him or her to the intricate world of international intrigue, and insure that the reader will never look at the Mid-East situation in quite the same light ever again.
Part 2: The world of the supernatural is exposed and darkness has gripped the earth. All of creation is crying out for its Creator as Demetrius Strapollos tightens his reign of terror. In the stone city of Petra, Jerry, Jacob and their families seek protection, along with hundreds of thousands of their fellow Jews. The two prophets continue to proclaim the coming of the Lord Jesus as Strapollos and his prophet Eissen seek ways to kill them. Meanwhile, a young boy appears on the scene with some very large and powerful new friends and a battle looms in the distance as a mighty army from the East gathers to challenge the kingdom of Strapollos. Through it all, Jerry and Jacob continue their fight against the forces of evil as they patiently await the coming of the true Messiah.
Codex by Daniel Patterson
Biblical artifact recovery specialist, Zack Cole prefers to work alone. Always has, always will.
When a bizarre weather phenomenon causes the Greenland ice sheet to melt, Zack is determined to join the race of archaeologists, professional and amateur alike, to find uncovered history and treasure. He's got the knowledge. He's got the money. He's even got the equipment. Now about those permits...Zack turns to his old friend, Father Salvatore Giovanni, curator of the Chicago Museum of Biblical Antiquities to back his expedition. He says yes, with one condition... Researcher Sydney Langtry is coming with him to protect the museum's interests. Plunged together into an icy world of death and darkness, Zack and Sydney make a discovery that will rock the archaeological community. But will they make it out alive to share their discovery? Find out in The Codex!
Gods and Kings: Chronicles of the Kings #1 By Lynn Austin
Gods and Kings is the story of King Hezekiah, heir to the throne of King David. When his evil father plots to sacrifice him, Hezekiah's mother, Abijah, searches frantically for a way to save him. But only two men can help her, and neither of them seems trustworthy. In a time and place engulfed by violence, treachery, and infidelity to Yahweh, Abijah and her son must discover the one true Source of strength if they are to save themselves and their country. Book 1 of Chronicles of the Kings.
Song of Redemption (Chronicles of the Kings Book #2)
When King Hezekiah discovers that God's Law forbids him to take multiple wives, he must choose one woman to love. He must also choose to trust God's promises when he decides to rebel against his powerful Assyrian overlords. Hezekiah seeks to strengthen his nation's fortifications by building a tunnel in Jerusalem to hide his water supply. The tension mounts as the Assyrians march closer--and Hezekiah's tunnel remains incomplete.With his officials advising him to submit to the Assyrians, Hezekiah's faith is once more severely tested. Chronicles of the King Book 2.
Transgression: A Time-Travel Suspense Novel (City of God Book 1) by R.S. Ingermanson
Premonition: A Time-Travel Suspense Novel (City of God Book 2)
Retribution: A Time-Travel Suspense Novel (City of God Book 3)
What if you were studying for your Ph.D. in archaeology and decided to take a break from your crummy life by working on an archaeological dig in Israel? What if you met a great guy in Jerusalem who happened to be a world-famous theoretical physicist working on a crazy idea to build a wormhole that might make time-travel possible … someday? What if he had a nutball colleague who turned the theory into reality — and then decided to use YOU as a guinea pig to make sure it was safe? What if the nutball had a gun and went on a crazy, impossible mission to hunt down and kill the apostle Paul? It’s A.D. 57 when Rivka Meyers walks out of the wormhole into a world she’s only studied in books. Ancient Jerusalem is awesome! Rivka can’t believe her friend Ari Kazan’s theory actually worked. But when she runs into Ari’s whacko colleague, Damien West, in the Temple, Rivka starts to smell a rat. When Ari discovers that Damien and Rivka have gone through a wormhole that’s on the edge of collapse, he has to make a horrible choice: Follow them and risk never coming back — or lose the woman of his dreams forever.
Book 1: Transgression (A.D. 57)
Book 2: Premonition (A.D. 57-62)
Book 3: Retribution (A.D. 62-66)
Lion of Babylon (A Marc Royce Thriller Book #1) By Davis Bunn
Marc Royce works for the State Department on special assignments, most of them rather routine, until two CIA operatives go missing in Iraq--kidnapped by Taliban forces bent on generating chaos in the region. Two others also drop out of sight--a high-placed Iraqi civilian and an American woman providing humanitarian aid. Are the disappearances linked? Rumors circulate in a whirl of misinformation. Marc must unravel the truth in a covert operation requiring utmost secrecy--from both the Americans and the insurgents. But even more secret than the undercover operation is the underground dialogue taking place between sworn enemies. Will the ultimate Reconciler between ancient enemies, current foes, and fanatical religious factions be heard?
Rare Earth (A Marc Royce Thriller Book #2) By Davis Bunn
Strait of Hormuz (A Marc Royce Thriller Book #3) By Davis Bunn
Angels Watching Over Me (Shenandoah Sisters Book #1) By Michael Phillips
Book 1 of SHENANDOAH SISTERS. Two young Southern girls, one the daughter of a plantation owner and one the daughter of a slave, barely survive the onset of the Civil War and the loss of both their families. When these tragic circumstances bring them together, they join forces to discover if they can make a life for themselves. As their preconceptions give way to experience, they gradually learn to value their contrasting and complementing strengths and skills as they face the formidable task of keeping body and soul together in the aftermath of this devastating war. But is it possible the Lord they have come to know has something bigger in mind for the plantation than either of them can imagine?
A Day to Pick Your Own Cotton (Shenandoah Sisters Book #2) By Michael Phillips
and a bunch more after this, then he starts another series about it and the first two in the new series are:
A Perilous Proposal (Carolina Cousins Book #1) By Michael Phillips
The Soldier's Lady (Carolina Cousins Book #2): A Novel By Michael Phillips
And of course there's The Left Behind Series by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye, but I'm sure you're all more then familiar with them!
I wanted to mention the Left Behind The Kids books to everyone because even though they're written for kids, probably ages 12 and up, they're very good! They go right along with the adult series and have the adults in them too, so you get a peak at stuff that's not in the adult books, which is really neat. They don't talk down to the kids at all, but are simply easier for them to read and follow. For adults, they're fast and easy to read. I can easily read one in a couple of hours. Since there's so many of them, (40 in all) you'll probably want to get them from your local library though, unless you're like me and just have to own them so you can re-read them every so often. I'd hate for someone to not read them just because they're written "for kids". Even we adults can learn a lot from them! My older grandkids have read them too and loved them!

The Warrior by Joyce Swann. This is an incredible book about a woman who is a prayer warrior and about a young man she prays for that she's never known or met. Highly recommend it!
The Centurions Wife (Acts of Faith, Book 1) by Davis Bunn and Janette Oak is about a young girl named Leah who lives during the time of Jesus and is the niece of Pilate's wife. Because her family was disgraced, she now lives as a servant to Pilate's wife. The book starts right after the Lord was crucified and goes on from there and tells how the Christian Church got started.
The very personal story of Leah, a young Jewess of mixed heritage trapped in a vortex of competing political agendas and private trauma. Caught up in the maelstrom following the death of an obscure rabbi in the Roman backwater of first century Palestine, Leah finds herself also engulfed in her own turmoil facing the prospect of an arranged marriage to a Roman soldier, Alban, who seems to care for nothing but his own ambitions. Head of the garrison near Galilee, he has been assigned by Palestine's governor to ferret out the truth behind rumors of a political execution gone awry. Leah's mistress, the governor's wife, secretly commissions Leah also to discover what really has become of this man whose death and missing body is causing such furor. This epic drama is threaded with the tale of an unlikely romance and framed with dangers and betrayals from unexpected sources. At its core, The Centurion's Wife unfolds the testing of loyalties between two young people whose inner searchings they cannot express, between their irreconcilable heritages, and ultimately between their humanity and the Divine they yearn to encounter.
It's really fascinating and one you won't want to put down! The other books in this series are:
The Hidden Flame (Acts of Faith, Book 2)
The Damascus Way, (Acts of Faith Book 3)
Next is a great book about miracles:
Miracles: 32 True Stories by Joanie Hileman
A dying child counts angels in her room. A teenage boy stuns doctors by recovering from a massive brain injury. A bubble of protection surrounds a man about to be hit by a car...These miraculous accounts and twenty-nine more are recorded in Miracles: 32 True Stories. "Almost every month I get a request to either read or edit a book or booklet, and to be honest, I dread to see them coming, because most of them are hardly worthy of a positive recommendation. When Joan asked me to read her Miracles, I was not looking forward to reading it at all ... much to my surprise I could not stop reading it until I had read the entire book. Each story was different enough to keep my interest, and God's finger-print was all over each of the stories told. There was never one bit of doubt who authored each of those stories..." BILL IRWIN, CHRISTIAN AUTHOR AND SPEAKER
The bumps are what you climb on. by Warren Wiersbe
We are living in tough times, and everybody you meet is fighting a battle and searching for a bandage.
That’s why the emphasis in this book is on encouragement. If there are bumps on your path, I hope that what you learn from these chapters will help you use those bumps to climb higher.
An old classic that I loved as a child and still do!
The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan.
Often disguised as something that would help him, evil accompanies Christian on his journey to the Celestial City. As you walk with him, you’ll begin to identify today’s many religious pitfalls. These are presented by men such as Pliable, who turns back at the Slough of Despond; and Ignorance, who believes he’s a true follower of Christ when he’s really only trusting in himself. Each character represented in this allegory is intentionally and profoundly accurate in its depiction of what we see all around us, and unfortunately, what we too often see in ourselves. But while Christian is injured and nearly killed, he eventually prevails to the end. So can you.
The next two are true stories that are really fantastic and very inspiring:
Wednesdays We're Pretty Normal A Boy, Cancer, And God By Michael Kelley
“Wednesdays were pretty normal,” writes Michael Kelley, looking for a bright spot amidst the chemotherapy routine brought on by his two-year-old son Joshua’s cancer diagnosis. His book of the same name offers much to anyone who’s tired of prescriptive spirituality and would rather acknowledge and work through the difficulties of faith with some transparency.
Joshua battled and beat the disease, but not before his family had to reconcile what it means to believe in God despite a broken world. His dad’s personal account of that fight to survive sparks a larger discussion of how Christians must learn to walk in the light of Christ’s promises despite the dark shadows of earthly pain. Indeed, it’s pain that sometimes opens the door to a deeper experience with Jesus, an authentic relationship that holds steady even when life loses the comfort of normalcy.
When God Intervenes by Dabney Hedegard
When Dabney Hedegard was 25 years old, she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma after doctors discovered an 8-inch tumor embedded in her lungs. Six weeks pregnant, Dabney opted to forego chemotherapy until she had safely delivered the baby. This decision marked the beginning of a 10-year battle against cancer, cardiomyopathy, mitral valve prolapse, pulmonary embolism, acute pneumonia, kidney failure, respiratory failure, and heart failure. In each instance, Dabney was given less than a 30-percent chance of surviving, and twice, doctors told her husband, “She’ll never make it through the night.” But just when the medical community had given up hope, God intervened, miraculously snatching Dabney from death’s doorstep—nine times. Part medical drama, part divine intervention, Dabney’s extraordinary story is not only a fast-paced, emotional rollercoaster that will have you crying one moment and cheering the next, but it is also an indisputable testament to the sometimes mysterious—and always miraculous—power of prayer.
Well, that's it. Those are my "most favorite" from over the years. I hope if anyone else reads them that they get as much out of them as I have. You can also check out my reviews of books on Goodreads if you'd like even more books to read. Just look for Cindy LaFreniere, that's me! here's a link to me there:
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