Monday, July 19, 2010

Re: what is your take on swearing (bible study thread)

I don't think there's anything wrong with just saying you're upset, but swearing allows us to supposedly express ourselves without saying what's really wrong. If we don't swear and don't replace those words with something else, then we have to actually start thinking about why we're feeling what we're feeling. And I have a sneaking suspicion that once we do start doing that, that things won't sneak up on us all of a sudden and burst out when we accidentally sill the milk, if you know what I mean.

This is the list I made for myself to start with

  • anger
  • frustration
  • sudden and unexpected pain,
  • sudden unexpected fright,
  • fright in general
  • hurt-hurt feelings
  • habit
  • for shock effect
but I'm going to change it a little bit:

  • anger
  • frustration
  • hurt-hurt feelings
For now I think the above three are the most important ones for me to focus on. I know for me that sometimes those three things actually combine into one angry lump. I think that perhaps I'm using the swearing as a way to hide my feelings on the one hand and yet on the other hand when others aren't able to decode and understand my feelings, even though I haven't said anything, that makes me more upset. Really brilliant of me isn't it? LOL
  • sudden and unexpected pain,
  • sudden unexpected fright,
These next two, I'm not real sure yet how to deal with, so I'll need to reflect on what God's Word says and how it applies to this for awhile first. Plus I think i should probably add another one of just plain old "surprise" to it as that kind of fits there and I know I've heard others swear when they're surprised, even pleasantly.... (if others do it, then I probably would too)
  • fright in general
  • habit
  • for shock effect
These last three will each have to be dealt with separately I think and again I'm going to need to reflect on God's Word about these too.
Very good points! The only thing I might disagree with is this:

If people were relaxed and calm, would they cuss? Maybe if they hit their finger with a hammer.....
And if someone gives you a big scare, I think the s word is quite normal and very few people can control this reaction.....
Whether or not I disagree would depend on how you're using the word "normal" in this sentence. If you mean it's normal for a worldly person, someone who is not born again, then yes it probably is; but only because they've been conditioned by the world to swear at times like this.

I would imagine that centuries ago before swearing became the "norm", that when people hit their finger with a hammer or were scared suddenly, that they probably screamed rather then swore. That would be the body's "natural" reaction to something like that because of the "flight or fight" response" we all have built into us. Satan has perverted that though and turned our response from screaming to swearing/cussing/ whatever you want to call it, which is ungodly.

You've expressed your rebellion in a way that gives you momentary control by "staring down" a situation through what in effect a cursing of what bad has happened.

another very important point regardless of whether or not we're actually cursing someone/something or just saying a vulgar word. It is a form of rebellion. The world would have us believe back in the 60's and 70's that we were rebelling against the older generation, the government, the "establishment", but in fact what everyone was rebelling against was God! This isn't what I say, it's what scripture says.

Thanks so much for pointing that out as I hadn't even thought of that! I'd like to continue with more about this tomorrow.

what is your take on swearing (bible study thread)