Sunday, March 9, 2014

Thinking about Psalm 19:14 changed my life

Psalm 19:14May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

I often pray this to the Lord, and I really mean it when I do. Some time ago however, as I was thinking about it, I realized just how far from pleasing many of my thoughts and reflections are to Him. I began asking myself if He would be pleased with the all the books, catalogs, and the things on line that I read and looked at. I discovered that the answer to that question was "no". I now have several boxes of books that I'm getting rid of because of that. They're books that most folks wouldn't see anything at all wrong with, but that's because like me, they're looking at them with their sin nature and not their new nature. They used to be some of my most favorite sci fi books, but I'll have nothing to do with them anymore.  The Lord tells us to guard our hearts above all else and He even goes so far as to tell us how to determine what type of things we should allow into our minds and hearts.

Philippians 4:8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. 

That part of the scripture that says, "whatever is true" isn't just talking about things that aren't lies, it's talking about anything at all that's contrary to His Word, for His Word is Truth. Our bodies really are temples for the Holy Spirit and God doesn't want anything in our minds or hearts that could defile us.

Like so many other people, I used to think it didn't really matter what we read, especially if it was fiction, because, after all, we knew it wasn't true. But then I remembered these verses and realized that i was very wrong.  I was simply doing what Adam and Eve had done when they sinned and all of mankind has done ever since....making excuses for myself so that I could continue to sin, because I didn't want to give up my books.

This same thing holds true for what we watch on TV, movies, videos, etc.  Even the music we listen to. Are they things that Jesus would sit and watch with you and enjoy too?  Don't answer that question on your own.  Ask the Lord, and let Him answer the question, and then abide by what He tells you.

The Lord tells us over and over that we are sanctified and we are to be growing in our faith, not sliding backwards. He tells us that we're to be separate from the world so that we won't be influenced to do things their way instead of His Way, to think their way instead of His way, etc.  That's the very sin that caused Israel to fail.  They became polluted by the world, and so are we.  If we're watching, reading, or listening to things that are sinful, but are portrayed as "normal" or good, that's wrong.  That's something the Lord tells us to guard our hearts and minds against, not to take into them.  

The Lord says we're to, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.", but it's not loving, Him when our minds or hearts are contemplating things that are objectionable to Him. Instead, that's actually putting those things above Him since we know He doesn't like them. I now try to make sure that whatever I'm reading or watching, is something that He would like and approve of.  Something that will edify me and build me up in my faith, that will make Him proud of me and will bring glory to Him if or when others see me reading or watching it.

The following are a few of the other scriptures I've used since then to reflect on and to determine if what I'm allowing into my heart and mind are things the Lord wants in there.
Proverbs 4:23Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. * 
Galatians 5:9“A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.” * 
1 Corinthians 10:31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. * 
Proverbs 14:8The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception. *   
1 Corinthians 15:33Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 
Proverbs 13:20He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. 
1 Peter 4:11If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. *
1 Corinthians 6:20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
Matthew 22:37–39Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ *This is the first and greatest commandment. *And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Proverbs 17:4A wicked man listens to evil lips; a liar pays attention to a malicious tongue.
 Psalm 141:3–41 Corinthians 5:6–81 Peter 3:10Ephesians 4:29–30 —1 Peter 4:7  


  1. Cindy, I just love you! Thank you so much for this... it fits perfectly with what we covered in our Precept class this afternoon - and Philippians 4:8 was one of the verses we discussed, along with the one about taking captive our thoughts (which immediately reminds me of you, every time I hear it!). I have some areas where I need to improve.... Thanks again for a thought-provoking article, and all the scripture.

    1. I love the way the Lord does that, showing us the same thing from more then one source just to make sure we get it. I'm glad it was helpful to you Leigh. I can clearly remember how I thought before this and wouldn't have ever believed I'd change my mind LOL But then, I guess I didn't change my mind, the Lord changed it for me.

  2. I know I've been watching some shows that don't have swearing or almost nothing sexy and is sci-fi but in the back of my head I've been thinking its at least a waste of time. It has pointed out the hubris of secular science and non-believing scientists and what horror they may yet wrought by playing god. Still this is probably another notice from the Lord. I keep thinking its a 5 years series and I only have maybe 10 more until the never ran past 5 years.
    OHHHH This is Barbara not Leonard. Leonard has ordered a very very inexpensive tablet to replace the 2nd broken laptop in a year. It should get here in about 10 days and then I will sign in as myself again.

    1. lol glad to know who you are1 You know what's weird is that during this time the Lord was teaching me this, I realized that I actually felt differently when I read, watched, or listened to things that He'd approve of than when I was reading or watching something He wouldn't approve of, like many of my Sci Fi books or fantasy books.I also noticed that that "feeling" continued for awhile after I'd read or watched it. It's very hard to explain the difference in how I felt though. I think the only way anyone can know is to really pay attention to how you feel when you're reading something like that and compare it to how you feel when you're reading something He'd approve of. It's a subtle but very real difference. It was actually realizing how much it affected me, affecting even my feelings, that caused me to get rid of those books.

  3. Oops I deleted my comment by accidentally signing out...

  4. Rats, every time I try to enter my comment I'm accidentally hit "sign out"!! This is making me mad!!!!!

    THIRD try: what did you do with your books Cindy? How did you get rid of them? We have some sci-fi and fantasy books & DVDs that I would not really want anybody to see even though they're not explicit. Should I give them away or throw them away?

    1. Good question Leigh! Some of mine I traded on Swaptree for good Christian fiction books and then ran into the same problem you're asking about. I'm honestly not sure. At the moment I have several boxes full of them sitting on the porch because I haven't decided what would be best yet. Sell them? Throw them away? Give them away? I'm just not sure. I think it's something each person will have to decide with the Lord's help for themselves. I don't think there's one general answer that would be correct as every book is different, know what I mean? For really bad ones I suppose burning them or throwing them away would be good. As for the rest....again, that's got to be between each person and the Lord I think.

  5. When I finally gave up reading sci-fi and fantasy, i did not donate the books or give them to a thrift store, I threw them in the gabage or used them to burn in a fireplace if I had one at the time.
    But I am watching netflix which I find harder to turn from than books. However, I have stopped several right smack dab in the middle but there is this one that I am on the last 5th year...but cindy is right, there is a feeling of unease and even depression almost. The strange thing is they do bring God into the discussion from time to time. Like coming to the conclusion there are somethings man should leave to God and not thru hubris meddle just because they figure out a way to do something well evil ( in that they should have never pushed the limits).
    Its so strange, I have been musing if this is another one to drop but this one is a wee bit harder because I am like 10 or so more left until the end. So timely.

    1. Yes, it's not always easy. The only thing I can suggest is to ask the Lord what He wants you to do and then do it. Because it really doesn't matter what we think or want, it's what He wants that matters; right?

    2. I am sure it's don't watch any more, so I didn't....last night LOL No I am pretty sure I won't fold. Now I have several other different ones to probably do the same with. Are there any you would watch these last days?

      Oh I should clarify, Leonard will still be posting under bystillwaters but he won't be saying he is himself, I will just keep saying when I use his name that it's me and not him posting in this one, Barbara Here.

  6. I honestly don't watch much at all Barbara. Currently I watch "When Calls the Heart" which is on Hallmark and is a Christian series. Other then that I will watch Little House, The Waltons and a few others like that. They aren't perfect by any means but they're not bad either.


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