Monday, April 16, 2012

Good morning my friends!


As you can see, I’ve been up for awhile already.  Don’t know how long I have before my steam runs out, but I’ll post till it does!

I sure have missed everyone on Fresh Hope, but little by little realized we could still chat here too, so I’m hoping you all find me.

I want to post a list of our prayer requests from memory next so if any of you see this and see the prayer request post, please add to it from what you remember too ok?

love_you_guys coffee_together

Don't forget  to Vote for (will open in new window)


  1. Nothing new yet from GraceNet. They're still working on the problem. Now is the time to stick together and pray and not give up our fellowship. We need to show the world what the body of Christ really looks like when there's trouble; that we stick together through thick and thin; pray for each other; encourage and help each other. I hope FH is up and running soon, but regardless of that, you're all in my heart and prayers constantly as always and in the mean time, we can communicate here.

  2. You guys know about the "member" that caused so many problems just before this happened? Well it seems he has also followed us here. I'd have to monitor this blog constantly to prevent spam or put all comments on moderation which would make it harder for us to chat, in order to prevent his comments. So I'm just going to leave them. The Lord knows the truth about me, about him and about everything he says, and the Lord Himself will avenge us.

    2 Thessalonians 1:6 (NIV) — God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you

    Psalm 109:28–30 (NIV) — They may curse, but you will bless; when they attack they will be put to shame, but your servant will rejoice. My accusers will be clothed with disgrace and wrapped in shame as in a cloak. With my mouth I will greatly extol the LORD; in the great throng I will praise him.

    Proverbs 28:5 (NIV) — Evil men do not understand justice, but those who seek the LORD understand it fully.

    Romans 12:19 (NIV) — Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.

  3. Missing everyone, I pray that FH will be back up soon..praying for all brothers and sisters

  4. Morning Marianne! It's so good to see you! I hope you're doing well! Is it hot where you are too? I couldn't believe the weather here. We were finally having an almost normal spring weather for the last week and then, all of a sudden it was in the 70's yesterday and the 80's today1 Way too hot for me!

  5. wow Cindy, what a mess ah? man...this person that has followed us here must be one bitter hateful person... how sad for them...I be praying...always praying...How's Bruce? we are all keep in touch on FB...and we all miss our home!

  6. ya know, I am not gonna be able to post much, I can't read them darn letters, it takes for ever...ugh

  7. Hello Cindy , Marianne , and everyone who is here. i have missed you all and I pray that Fresh-Hope is up and running soon. Yes , we all have to stick together and pray together for Cindy , Grace net , and the one/ones who are responsible.
    Love you guys .

    My Google account is jbholmes2 , so this is how I show up here lol

  8. I'm Jillian , Jillxz , jbholmes 2 for all those who don't know me.

  9. So true Cindy. I pray the board is up soon.

  10. Ladia J is Ladia in case you didn't know.

  11. Hello Cindy, Jillian, Ladia, Lulu.. and if I missed anyone please forgive me.. my thoughts and prayers are with you all.. the weather here in MA is very hot today Cindy.. wow. thinking of putting my air conditioner in.. if not today.. soon..lolol This blog was a great idea.. Love you all..

  12. Hi everyone! So good to see you again! It feels like it's been forever! Lulu, what letters can't you read? It's the same size as on the I'm not sure...even the same font.... Opps, phone call, gotta go!

  13. Oh, I think I know what you you mean the pop up window Lulu? hmmm but even that's still the same size...but anyway, you can read everything on the blog itself and just use this to reply...

    Sorry, still trying to get some money coming in for us somehow..

  14. For the comments, the only other option I have is to have all the comments on a different page...would you rather do it that way? Just let me know and I'll be glad to change it.

    I've got my AC on today Marianne, it's already 84 here!

  15. Wow! I missed a few days of posting and didn't know what all had happened. I am praying that GraceNet figures out the solution to the problem. I am trying to figure out how to post. Maybe this will get me in the right direction. God Bless!!

  16. Good to see you Colou! Now the board is back up though so we won't have to use this anymore!


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