Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Police-State America Strikes Homeschool Families Again:

Police-State America Strikes Homeschool Families Again:7 Children Taken from Parents During Search for “Miracle” Treatment Chemical

LTRP Note: A Lighthouse Trails reader from Arkansas called today and told us of this story that happened in the same state. She said she believes this is a family who loves the Lord and whose parents are loving parents to their seven children. This is one of many stories over the past seven years where heavy-handed, gestapo-like children’s services in the United States have taken children out of their homes for extended periods of time. You may visit the Stanley family’s Facebook page here.

By Josh Berry

A “miracle” mineral treatment alleged to be a remedy for cancer and aids is at the center of an law enforcement search warrant. The investigation ended in the removal of seven children from their home in Garland County.

Stanley family children being removed from home during the night because the father allegedly used an unapproved mineral supplement. Photo from the Bringthestanleykidshome Facebook Page.

The family has cried foul, saying only the father has taken it and it’s mostly used for purifying water for their garden.

The substance in question is referred to as “MMS” or Miracle Mineral Solution. The FDA has weighed in on the substance citing serious health concerns reporting that it can turn into a potent bleach and cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea if taken.

The Stanley family however say it wasn’t grounds for the way they were treated during a search Monday (1/12) night that ended with their seven children taken away.

“Policemen here, policemen here,” Hal Stanley pointed, standing on his front porch. “Over here, on the side roads full of policemen.”

Hal and Michelle Stanley with seven of their children on Jan. 16, when the parents were permitted to visit the kids, who are now in state custody. (Courtesy of Hal Stanley)

Stanley opened his door Monday afternoon to find a warrant waiting for him and his home surrounded by State and Garland County agents.

“It said we’re here to search your house,” Stanley explained.

Click here to read more.

posted with permission:

Can Satan be saved?

Can Satan or demons be saved? Should we pray for them?

I asked the same question many years ago and the Lord showed me in His Word why they can't be saved and we aren't to pray for them.

God's Word is true and written in stone. It cannot be changed and the Lord never, ever contradicts Himself. So if He has stated something in His Word, that's the way it is, period. And according to His Word, Satan is going to the Lake of fire. (Revelation 20:10) And that's just for starters.

Only human beings can be saved, not angels.
Satan and the fallen angles have seen God, spoken to Him, had a closer relationship with Him then Adam and Eve, for they saw Him constantly in all His glory, yet still chose to sin.
God tells us that everyone is judged according to how much knowledge they had, and no one could possibly have more then the fallen angels and especially Satan. So they are greatly deserving of God's wrath.

See, we can be saved because God provided an atonement for us - Jesus. In order for Jesus to save us, He had to have a human nature as well as being God. If He hadn't had a human nature as well, we couldn't have been saved. He became human like us, in order to pay the price of our sin. Therefore, in order for Satan or an angel to be saved, God would have to do the same for them. He would have to take on an angelic nature to provide an atonement for them, but He hasn't, and won't. If you read Hebrews 2 among many other scriptures, you'll see that God has not arranged salvation for angels, but only for humans.

God doesn't give help/save the angels or Satan because they have seen Him in all His glory and yet still chose to sin. See, we were tempted (by Satan no less!) to sin. He and the angels were not tempted, they knowingly chose evil over God, and so cannot be saved. When I say, "knowingly", I don't mean it the way we at times sin knowing that we are doing so, but rather that they had ALL the information. They knew and know all about God and themselves. They knew exactly what they were doing and what the consequences would be, and they knew it was evil. I know I'm not putting it very well, but I can't think of anything better to explain it.

God also tells us repeatedly to hate evil and they personify evil. God will show them no mercy, for they deserve none. We don't really have a clue how much pain and misery they've caused humans, including ourselves here on earth over the years, but you can bet it's a lot more then we can imagine. That makes God angry. To understand who Satan is, read what Jesus says about Him and what the apostles say. From these it's quite clear that God opposes Satan and doesn't love him. Instead He hates the evil he has become. Jesus defeated Satan, and in fact, that's why Jesus came to earth - to save us and defeat Satan! (
1 John 3:8)

Another thing we can look at to show that Satan can't and won't repent is is some verses such as Revelation 20. This tells us that Satan is bound in a bottomless pit for 1000 years. I would think that 1000 years would be more then enough time for someone to repent if they were ever going to. (I'm not saying that's why God bound Him, because it's not, only that if we use human reasoning, that would be true) But, what does he do the second he's released? Does he beg forgiveness? No! He immediately begins an attack on God and on God's children again! No, I'm sorry, but the Lord says that Satan is totally corrupt and cannot and will not change and therefore He does not offer him that opportunity. God is much wiser then we are too, so sometimes, when we just can't wrap our mind around something, we simply have to remember that, and remember that and accept that whatever He does, He does for a good reason.

Here are a few scriptures you can use to help you get started if you'd like to begin to study this with the Lord yourself:

Hebrews 2:16–17For assuredly He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the descendant of Abraham. *Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. *

John 8:44You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. *

Luke 8:12Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. *

1 Peter 5:8Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. *

1 Thessalonians 3:5For this reason, when I could stand it no longer, I sent to find out about your faith. I was afraid that in some way the tempter might have tempted you and our efforts might have been useless. *

Ephesians 6:11–12Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. *For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. *

1 John 3:8 —He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. *

If you ask the Lord to show you His Truth in His Word about it, He will, and He will give you understanding. 
In response to a reply about this:
As I said, I hope no one prays for him, because if they do, they're sinning against the Lord and His Word. I'm afraid that I don't feel any compassion at all for Satan, but neither would I revile him as Jude1:9 tells us even the archangel Michael wouldn't do that.

God didn't say that He was good and then turned evil, God tells us in His Word that Satan was wicked "from the beginning". (John 8:44, 1 John 3:8; etc) So Lucifer may have looked "good" and even acted "good" for a time, (just as many false Christians do), but inside he was wicked and evil from the very start.
The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. No, God didn't create evil, everything God created was good, but Satan chose evil from the very start.

It's an interesting subject though, and a deep one. God has good reasons for all he does and we have to be very careful not to judge Him using our puny human knowledge. Those who do are on very dangerous ground, that's for sure! But God knows what He's doing, that we can be sure of, and we can be sure that His reasons are not only good but are driven by love for us. We do know too though that one of the things that Satan does best is deceive us, and this very subject is one of his earliest and favorite deceptions! In fact, I believe it may very well be at least part of the deception that the AntiChrist will use.

We know for a fact that Satanists have been teaching for ages that Satan is the good guy and God is the bad guy; that poor little Satan didn't deserve what he got. That's a great example of an unbeliever's mind and how very corrupted and deceived their thinking is. But we have the mind of Christ, we don't have to think that way anymore and shouldn't. God tells us we're to take those kind of thoughts captive (stop them) and replace them with His Truth.

The same goes for the way the atheists talk about him saying that God was bad for allowing Satan into the garden when He knew that Adam would sin. The thought behind it is that poor Adam didn't stand a chance against the evil Satan, but that's simply not true. Adam did have a chance. He had a choice and he chose to disobey God. If I walk up to you, and tell you to beat your child black and blue, would you do it? I certainly hope not! If you did, would I be to blame? No, I may have suggested it, but you're the one who chose to do it. No court would convict me, but you would go to prison. People for some reason tend to think Adam wasn't all that smart, but in fact he was most likely far more advanced in his thinking then we are!

Besides all of that, we know that God never tempts anyone, so God wasn't responsible for what Satan did. God gave everyone, including Satan free will. Satan chose to do evil and so did Adam and Eve, and so do we. We also know that God never gives us more then we can bear, so this wasn't beyond Adam or Eve's ability to make the right choice. (nor was it beyond Satan's ability in the beginning to choose to love God rather then hate Him).

What I find interesting about it all too is that during the Millennium when Satan is locked away, there will still be a great deal of sin. In fact, millions of people will turn away from God and wind up in hell before the end of it, and without any help at all from Satan. That amazes me most of all, and I personally think that one of the reasons the Lord has arranged things this way is to show us humans who think we know it all, that we will choose sin over Him every time, with or without Satan's help. In other words, Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan, but if they hadn't been, they most likely would have sinned anyway.

The big problem is pride. Satan wouldn't accept that he needed God, just as many of us won't accept it. The angels who did accept that, knew they couldn't obey God without His help, but Satan would have none of it. He wanted to be God himself, not accept help from God to make the right choices. Like most two year olds, all he could say was "I wanna do it myself!" We're told though to submit to God and He will lift us up; submit to Him and He will help us, guide us, teach us, care for us. When, like the 2 year old, we refuse, He lets us go our way, and we wind up with our lives in a rotten mess, just like Satan has, though he won't admit it. That's one thing the Millennium will finally prove to everyone beyond any doubts.

A Short Psalm with a Big Lesson!



This morning, the Lord has shown me such amazing things in His Word, and how truly incredible and generous He is toward us. I've begged Him to allow me to share with you what He's shown me, so I'm going to try. He has so very much for us, and gives us more every day as we grow through studying His Word with Him. He can't just dump it all on us all at once, because much that He has for us is so powerful that it wouldn't be safe for us to have it if we didn't first understand more. That's why we're told over and over that those who are really His disciples will remain/continue/stay in His Word (John 15:7).

I've been asking the Lord to help me learn to be content as He tells us we're to be. I know that I often exhibit the exact opposite of that and I don't want to be that way. Today, I finally understood what He's been trying to teach me for so long. The lesson began with Psalm 131.

Psalm 131:1–3 —My heart is not proud, O LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. *But I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child with its mother, like a weaned child is my soul within me. *O Israel, put your hope in the LORD both now and forevermore. *

I finally understood what David was saying in this psalm and how it applied to me. He said he'd been trying to fix things himself, do for himself instead of relying on the Lord and depending on Him. He hadn't forgotten about God, but was at first while trying to do for himself, also trying to figure out how God might help him...what God could do to help fix the situation he was in. I could sure relate to that, because I've done that a lot of times! David then realized his mistake and said he wouldn't concern himself with matters like that anymore because he realized he couldn't possibly understand the way God thought or how He might work things out. If we could do that, we wouldn't need God, we'd be God ourselves! It's basically the sin of pride....again, showing it's ugly head. Pride in even thinking we might be able to do this for ourselves or figure things out. Oh sure, we've done it all our lives, (we think) and sometimes even managed to get things to turn our in the way we thought was "right". The problem is that what happened all those times, wasn't really due to anything we did, we had simply continued to accept Satan's illusion that it was.

So he says that instead, he'd stilled and quieted his soul like a weaned child. Meaning that he'd stopped striving to figure out how he could manipulate people and situations so that they'd work out the way he thought was best, and instead was relying on God. When a baby is nursing, they immediately go for the mother's breast every time they're put near it, and even when they're not near it. If the mother simply touches the baby's cheek gently, the baby will immediately turn it's head toward the touch, seeking the mothers breast. It's like that's all that's on the newborns mind. But a weaned baby no longer does that. The weaned baby knows that they'll be fed when they need it and so no longer are constantly seeking for it. They're content in the love of their mother.

So what had David been weaned of? He'd been weaned from Self-sufficiency, self-will, and self-seeking from dependance on himself so he could be happy and have all he needed. Basically from a self centered life. He instead would trust God to provide for his happiness and all he needed in this life. Because of that, he was no longer full of anxiety, striving to figure things out. He didn't have to stay up late worrying, he could simply go to bed and rest in the complete assurance that God loved him and would provide for him. We're like the weaned child when we can go about our day, happily and contentedly, regardless of how things look, without worrying about "how" God will take care of us or provide what we need, and without worrying about "when" He will do it. Then we're content in the love of our Father.

David's relieved (as I was!) to have learned this lesson and so advises Israel and us, to put our hope in God rather then in ourselves. And so ends this short psalm, that's packed full with a big lesson!

What did you do to Jesus yesterday?

What did you do to Jesus yesterday? 

This is a question I've been reminding myself of every morning and trying to remember to ask myself every evening. I began doing this awhile ago when it really hit me that everything we do and everything we say, we're in essence, doing and saying to the Lord. It doesn't matter if it's a stranger, our boss, our spouse, a neighbor, or a driver that's being a jerk. What we say and do, we're saying and doing to our Lord. That really made a HUGE impression on me because, when I think of my words and actions that way, it's honestly more then a little embarrassing and humiliating.

I guess for the most part, I'm pretty laid back and fairly easy going, but then there are times when I get aggravated or frustrated, or just plain hurt or angry. Or the times when the pain is extra bad or I haven't slept well in awhile, or I'm feeling sick, and those times, my words and actions can leave a lot to be desired.

Then of course, as always, the Lord took it deeper then that, and showed me that it wasn't even just my words and actions, it was my attitude - what was in my heart, regardless of what winds up coming out of my mouth.

It really all goes together with the other things He's been working on me about: having a gentle quiet spirit, and being content; and loving everyone -offering mercy the way He does me, instead of demanding they make things right.

Every morning I ask him to rid my heart, mind and spirit of any attitudes of bitterness, rage, anger, malice, slander, gossip, deceit, unforgiveness, hatred, jealously, grudges, selfishness, self pity, self-righteousness, self centeredness, pride, & conceit; & fill them instead with His love, forgiveness & humility. I've found if I don't start off that way, I don't stand a chance. I can't do it on my own, but it's really amazing what we can do with Him!

It's been really amazing to experience the changes the Lord has been making in me. I'm no where near where I want to be or should be yet, but I've taken the first steps. The neat part too is how the Lord encourages me along the way and gives me confirmation when I'm doing well. And, when I don't do so well, He's always right there, ready to forgive and help me start over again. What a precious, wonderful, amazing God we have! I guess, the more I realize how wonderful and how loving He is to me, the more I love Him, and the more it hurts me to think that when I come back at people with an angry, nasty or snide remark, that I'm in effect, saying it to Him. That makes me want to crawl in a hole and pull it in after me.

I love to see how the Bible always seems to tie everything together... and this for me was one of those "Aha!" moments. When I realized that the entire bible revolves around God's love for us, and us loving Him in return. And then how because of our love for Him, we share that same love with all others, even our enemies. I enjoy too how the Lord illustrates His points all through His Word. Like the story of how Paul was converted on the road in
Acts 9. Remember how Jesus stopped him asking Him why he was persecuting Him? Then Paul asked who He was and He told him that He was Jesus. But Paul had been persecuting followers of Jesus, not literally Jesus Himself. (I'm afraid if it had been me, I'd have been making excuses like that!). Paul got it though, he understood that what he'd done to others, he'd done to Jesus and that cut him to the quick.

If only I could remember that 100% of the time! I know how thick headed I am, so I'm sure that many of you probably got this a long time ago. If you have any tips that would help, I'd sure love to hear them!

Oh, here's a few of the scriptures that relate to this in case someone wanted them:

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’” (Matthew 25:40)
“He will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’” (Matthew 25:45)
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12)
Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”” (Matthew 22:37–40)
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men,” (Colossians 3:23)
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)