True Barbara, and all of that is covered in this verse which should have been the first one I thought of:
Ephesians 5:3-4 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.
I would like to add one other thing that hit me last night when I was thinking about this. I actually thought of a whole bunch of things last night, but will write about that in a bit. But it suddenly hit me about 'calling a godly person" to find out about something. While there's nothing wrong with listening to what a godly person has to say, and we certainly should, we should never, ever, consider that their word is the final authority of whether or not something is right or wrong or is what God says about something. I certainly hope no one ever says that about the stuff I say here in the bible study forum or anywhere else for that matter. God and only God should be our final authority. When we want to know "for sure" what God thinks about something, the only place we should to go is to Him in prayer as we search His Word. When we ask others, all we're getting are other people's opinions and that includes me as well.
That's why I started this thread/bible study in the first place. First I thought it would be an interesting subject to see what others had to say. (like calling a friend to see what they think) It wasn't because I disagreed with others that I then copied the thread and turned it into a bible study, it was because even though finding out what others think is interesting and fun, it doesn't do anything toward discovering what's important and that's what God thinks about it. The only way I could determine what God thinks about this was to ask Him and do a bible study on it, so I changed this to a bible study thread and began posting the passages He gave me as I got them.
Whenever I do a bible study here I always post the scriptures and try to post them in context so that others who are reading can follow my train of thought and so they can see for themselves what the scriptures say in context. I no longer post all the scriptures I find in my bible studies (and haven't for years) because I've been told that it's just way too much info by most people. So I try to just post the most relevant ones. On average however, I generally have at the very least double the number of scriptures as the ones I've posted in any study. That's mainly because I like to be very thorough and not leave any stone unturned on whatever subject I'm studying. I guess I'm just naturally curious and have a tendency to want to know everything about everything lol The point is though, that no one should ever assume that because I've posted 8 scriptures that that is all there is about it in the bible. Trust me, there's a LOT more about any topic I've done a study on, then what I've posted. It's there for you to find if you pray and dig, looking for His treasure in His Word.
The other point I wanted to make though was that I'm no better then anyone else here. I'm just a fellow believer searching out God's Will and trusting Him to teach me and guide me in all His ways. I may know the bible a little better then some here, but then there are others that know it better then I do. And while I may know a lot in one area, someone else may know more in another area. That's how we learn and grow together. The very last thing I want to do is appear "self righteous" or "holier then thou".
Even in this subject matter I've admitted that I sin in this area and it was the Lord convicting me of that sin that caused me to begin this whole thing. All I want is to learn what the Lord has to say about things so I can do my best to live the way He wants me to. So whatever it is I'm learning from the Lord about, I share with others here so that anyone else that's interested can join in too.
Anyway, I'll post more about what all I got last night a little later.
what is your take on swearing (bible study thread)
Ephesians 5:3-4 But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving.
I would like to add one other thing that hit me last night when I was thinking about this. I actually thought of a whole bunch of things last night, but will write about that in a bit. But it suddenly hit me about 'calling a godly person" to find out about something. While there's nothing wrong with listening to what a godly person has to say, and we certainly should, we should never, ever, consider that their word is the final authority of whether or not something is right or wrong or is what God says about something. I certainly hope no one ever says that about the stuff I say here in the bible study forum or anywhere else for that matter. God and only God should be our final authority. When we want to know "for sure" what God thinks about something, the only place we should to go is to Him in prayer as we search His Word. When we ask others, all we're getting are other people's opinions and that includes me as well.
That's why I started this thread/bible study in the first place. First I thought it would be an interesting subject to see what others had to say. (like calling a friend to see what they think) It wasn't because I disagreed with others that I then copied the thread and turned it into a bible study, it was because even though finding out what others think is interesting and fun, it doesn't do anything toward discovering what's important and that's what God thinks about it. The only way I could determine what God thinks about this was to ask Him and do a bible study on it, so I changed this to a bible study thread and began posting the passages He gave me as I got them.
Whenever I do a bible study here I always post the scriptures and try to post them in context so that others who are reading can follow my train of thought and so they can see for themselves what the scriptures say in context. I no longer post all the scriptures I find in my bible studies (and haven't for years) because I've been told that it's just way too much info by most people. So I try to just post the most relevant ones. On average however, I generally have at the very least double the number of scriptures as the ones I've posted in any study. That's mainly because I like to be very thorough and not leave any stone unturned on whatever subject I'm studying. I guess I'm just naturally curious and have a tendency to want to know everything about everything lol The point is though, that no one should ever assume that because I've posted 8 scriptures that that is all there is about it in the bible. Trust me, there's a LOT more about any topic I've done a study on, then what I've posted. It's there for you to find if you pray and dig, looking for His treasure in His Word.
The other point I wanted to make though was that I'm no better then anyone else here. I'm just a fellow believer searching out God's Will and trusting Him to teach me and guide me in all His ways. I may know the bible a little better then some here, but then there are others that know it better then I do. And while I may know a lot in one area, someone else may know more in another area. That's how we learn and grow together. The very last thing I want to do is appear "self righteous" or "holier then thou".
Anyway, I'll post more about what all I got last night a little later.
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