Thursday, March 26, 2015

I saw something in the news that was disturbing to me

Not that that's anything new...but I thought I'd post about it. I haven't seen it online and only caught part of the story. I can't remember what city it was in but I believe it was California. It was about firemen and 113 of them had taken the test to become a captain and only one man passed the test. Not only did he pass it, he aced it. But, he was passed over and not given the promotion. Why? Because he's white. Yep. They gave the promotion to a guy that didn't deserve it simply because he was black and they "needed" a black guy to be "fair". They showed the force there and it certainly seemed to be a very mixed group without a real majority of any one race, but the whites and hispanics are now suing because they get passed over for blacks and it's not fair. Of course they showed the blacks too and how upset that are because they said if they lose this case it would be just disastrous for their race as a whole.

It just made me want to scream

!!! I mean what in the world does race have to do with it???? And why should race have anything at all to do with it???? A test was given. The promotion should go to the person or persons that passed the test period. I could care less what color their eyes are or their hair is or their skin is! If more then one passes, it should obviously go to the one with the highest score. If there's a tie, and for some reason both can't be given the promotion then other things can be considered such as time on the force, experience, etc, but NOT race!!!

To me this is just an example of how stupid we've become as a nation. It's one of the reasons I've always stayed away from politics in the past. It all just seemed so incredibly stupid to me. Like supposedly intelligent people get elected and then have a celebration and take a handful of stupid pills or something. I'm serious!

Race shouldn't be an issue for any job or any application anywhere for anything. If someone can't pass the test, poor baby, go study harder and stop whining about what a rotten break you've gotten. You got a rotten break because you were so busy whining you didn't study!

I'm just sick to death of hearing people whine that because they're black or hispanic or white or green or red or whatever, that they got treated badly and didn't get what they deserved etc. No wonder the country is in such a mess! We have people that can't even pass the exams to get the positions they hold, running corporations, businesses, fire departments, police departments, schools, stores, hospitals, treating people and calling themselves doctors even though they couldn't get into med school on their grades and were passed because of their race or nationality and for no other reason; so people die for that!

can you tell this upsets me just a little?


  1. Cindy, it's Pinkroses2002 here! I agree with you wholeheartedly! What will it take to do things the right way and hire the one that gets the highest score? I sure hope this "low score" firefighter doesn't mess up and get someone killed because they aren't the most qualified.

  2. I meant to add "I hope the "low score" firefighter doesn't mess up and get someone killed OR fails to rescue someone because of lack of knowledge.

  3. Hi Pinkroses, I agree and sadly it's entirely possible that the community will suffer because the best man didn't get the job. Sadly this happens all the time, thanks to the current laws all over the country.


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