Many of you know that I've listened to Moody Praise and Worship Radio for
many years and have recommended it to others, as it's mostly music with only a
little talk, and the talk was always the Truth from God's Word. I'd never
heard any false teaching on there at least not until this year.
I was just sick at heart this year when I heard them reading from the book, "Jesus
Calling". I immediately prayed about it and then wrote an email
to them asking them to please look into this book and sharing one of the very
best articles I've read about it that shows exactly why it's not
When I hadn't heard back from them after 2 months, I felt really let
down, but realized too that they probably get a lot of email, so thought I'd
try one more time. I forwarded my original email to them again, adding
that I'd really appreciate a reply. I told them that I was sad that I
would no longer be able to support their ministry or listen to their station
and was praying that the Lord would open their eyes to the damage they were
doing to the Body of Christ. Just two hours later, I was surprised to
receive a reply back from them, and thrilled to death when I read
it. Let me share with you what they said:
My apologies for no one getting back to you in January, this is the
first I’ve seen this so I do want to investigate. I wasn’t aware of the
book, but a quick check with some of our professors reinforces that we
shouldn’t be using it. I’m checking with the Praise & Worship
Channel air staff to learn more, but I’m sure it was an innocent
oversight. I was told it takes new age material and ‘cloaks it in
evangelical garb’, so it may have fooled someone who received the book from
Thomas Nelson and assumed it was OK. I am investigating, and appreciate your
concern. I’ll get back with you when I learn more. Thanks again for
letting us know.
Just a few hours later, I received another reply from them:
I did find one of our weekend personalities who had apparently used
it, not realizing the new age undertones. As our resident Bible
scholar Dr. Charlie Dyer told me, the off-beat philosophies are ‘cloaked in
evangelical garb’. It is surprising that it was published by Thomas
Nelson, that gives it credibility to the unaware. We won’t be
using that as a devotional source in the future.
All I could do was praise the Lord, for the battle was
His and as always, He won! I wanted to share this with you all as it shows what
God can do through just one person who will obey Him. You can read that
same article that I sent them about this book, here:
About: “Jesus Calling”—Don’t read this if you’re afraid of the Truth...
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