Friday, April 10, 2015

Parents: Watch for these red flags at school

by Linda Harvey / WND

As summer winds down, kids don their backpacks and jump on school buses once more. Yet few parents realize what’s about to descend on those innocent heads.
While your children frolicked at the lake, visited Grandma and sang songs at summer camp, the leaders of America’s education system prepared more essential “LGBT” lessons to infuse into the hearts of Chloe, Emma and James. Most will be packed with insidious, Christ-less lies that present great risk to every child’s medical, social and spiritual future.
Grassroots efforts by frustrated parents are trying to eject the leftist Common Core standards, but meanwhile, educators are being pressured to get that “gay” subject in front of as many kids as possible. Consulting the essential wisdom of the Huffington Post “Gay Voices”page, we learn that one high-school social studies teacher who just “came out” as homosexual last year is determined to weave homosexual themes into the classroom wherever possible. His method will be to assume a boy might not be heterosexual, for instance. So when chatting with a male student about dating, he will refer to his possible girlfriend or boyfriend, to make him feel more comfortable.
But what if he is straight, as most boys are (or should be)? This overheard conversation will cause speculation by other students about that student’s sexual proclivities. Good plan, teacher! Put our boys on the spot. Start rumors. Fuel adolescent insecurities. But it’s all for the greater cause of deceptively painting the “gay” identity with glorious rainbow colors, and not in the blackness of sin it deserves.
That same student may be forced to read literature that normalizes homosexuality. The National Education Association’s New Business Item 51,passed at its recent Denver annual meeting, directs the union to publish a list of books about what they term “LGBTQ and gender non-conforming themes.” This augments the trend toward lessons about actual or imagined homosexuals in social studies curricula, called “gay history.” The primary event on the timeline of an honest history of homosexuality would start with Genesis 19, Sodom and Gomorrah. That’s not going to happen anytime soon.

It may be up to parents to prepare children ahead of time. No, Abraham Lincoln was not a homosexual and, yes, Oscar Wilde was and he even had relations with boys. And yes, that is still illegal. …..

…  One book recently published by a homosexual man “married” to “his husband” and sure to show up in school libraries is called “The Princes and the Treasure.”It promotes homosexual relationships and same-sex “marriage.” The ALA is surely ecstatic over this book but routinely bypasses conservative titles while still claiming to oppose book banning.

The lessons would have taught children as young as middle school, for instance, that the anus is a genital. The high risk of anal sex was also being concealed, a medical reality that would not come as a surprise to HIV-infected homosexual males and public health professionals.

So, this year if you really would rather your son or daughter not be taught that homosexuality is inborn, that it’s no big deal, and that the Bible’s instruction against homosexuality is wrong, hateful, or dismissible, watch for the presence of these “gay agenda” elements at your child’s school:

1) “Gay” history, which attempts to normalize, exalt and sometimes invent the homosexual preferences of famous historical figures. Whatever other talents these folks possessed, they would always have done better without any “gay” behavior.

2)“LGBT” advocacy disguised as “civil rights.” It’s not hateful, but constructive, to question homosexual behavior or gender confusion, and this vicious, deceitful movement is nothing like race relations.

3) Same-sex families being portrayed as a normal, uncontroversial variation in stories or lessons, even in math class. “Jenna and her dads bought milk. How many cups are in a gallon?”

4)“Health” education that smoothly advocates homosexuality but fails to note the 30,000 new HIV cases among male homosexuals each year in the U.S., and that the rate among the youth segment alone has more than doubled in the past decade. HIV is not “everyone’s” disease, condoms are unreliable and abstinence remains the best option.

5) “Gay”-straight alliances as legitimate school clubs, whose existence creates the false impression that homosexuality and gender change are acceptable. Educate your children that, while unkind behavior is off limits, none of these students should be engaging in these behaviors and these students are not a different category of human. True equality is that in God’s eyes; He expects the same avoidance of sin from them as He does from all of us.

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check out the link to that book they're stocking up on now!

I'm worried about this because I have grandchildren in public school and my grandkids love to read. I couldn't find the list they're talking about as it apparently hasn't been done yet. But I did find a list of LGBT children's authors so at least a parent can check any book against this list to see if the author is on it. I'm sure they don't have the name of every author, but it's a place to start anyway.

I also found this:

Gay Author Wins Prestigious Children’s Literature Award

In all my excitement over the latest
Rainbow Bibliography and Stonewall Children’s and Young Adult Literature Award, I neglected to mention that prolific children’s author and illustrator Tomie DePaola—who happens to be gay—won this year’s Laura Ingalls Wilder Award from the American Library Association. The award “honors an author or illustrator whose books, published in the United States, have made, over a period of years, a substantial and lasting contribution to literature for children.” With well over 200 books to his name, including Caldecott honor book Strega Nona and Newbery honor book 26 Fairmount Avenue, DePaola is certainly deserving of the award.
DePaola, although gay, has not written books with overt LGBT content. In fact, many (but not all) of his books have religious themes, including Patrick: Patron Saint of Ireland and his latest, Let The Whole Earth Sing Praise. DePaola left the Catholic Church in the 1960′s, concerned that the Church was becoming more conservative—but he almost became a monk earlier in his life, according to a 2009 interview in the New England Journal of Aesthetic Research. Personally, I love that a gay author is producing children’s books with religious content. It puts lie to the claim that there is a battle between the LGBT community and religion, or that one can’t identify with both.
While his books may not have clear LGBT content, it doesn’t take a big leap to see that his 1979 book, Oliver Button Is a Sissy, has definite resonance for the LGBT community.


Watch out for his books because he's not on the list!

I also found another possible resource to check:

LGBT Childrens Literature (72 books) - Goodreads

since it's only 72 books and has a picture of the book by each one, it should make it easy to check and see if your child/grandchild has one of these. And finally here's another similar list: LGBT Children's Books

More to Beware Of! 

I’ve seen and heard of other really bad things happening in our children’s elementary schools and higher too.  Now many of the children are being brainwashed by the world in mandatory “Guidance classes” as early as kindergarten!  Some of what the children are told is harmless and most parents don’t have a problem with it.  But I saw this coming when my children were in school and now that it’s here, it’s worse then even I thought it would be!  In many schools they’re teaching the children New Age meditation techniques, only calling them by different names.  Why is that bad?  Because those techniques call for the person to “empty their minds” and that goes against God’s Word.  God says we’re to be in control of our thoughts at all times and that we’re to never empty our minds and just allow whatever wants to come in to do so! I’ve heard of them also teaching the children yoga and other similar things.  Again, many ask what’s wrong with that, let me simply say that again, it' goes against God’s Word.  Don’t take my word for it though, do some research on it yourself and find out.  It will be worth your while!  Of course another thing taught in these guidance classes is that homosexuality and bisexuality is normal and perfectly OK.  Anything said against them is consider bullying and hate speech. They also work against God by teaching your children something you yourself were taught, and that’s all about having a good self esteem, putting themselves first, taking care of themselves, etc. Again that’s against God’s Word.  He says we’re to put Him first, others second and ourselves last!  He says we’re to find our worth in Him and Him alone, not in ourselves because there’s nothing good in us except that which He gives us when we’re saved.

here are some links on some of these things to get you started:

Sola Sisters: Yoga Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

Sola Sisters: "Christian" Yoga?

Sola Sisters: A Christian Woman and Her Frightening ...

Sola Sisters: Nondenominational Meditation?

Transcendental Meditation Promoted as Health Benefit

Sola Sisters: What Is Mysticism?

Sola Sisters: Monvee: Mysticism For The Masses

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