Saturday, February 27, 2010

Stress and the Christian

I know that so many of us are feeling so very stressed right now and it just breaks my heart for each one of you. I've been praying for you each but I really wanted to do more. I wanted to help some how...but wasn't sure how I could. I've finally decided that perhaps the best way I could help was to share what the Bible says about stress and how God expects us to overcome it. I hope anyway that everyone here knows that the Lord loves them and that He doesn't want us to feel stressed, not even in the midst of the severe trials that we've all been going through.

Most of the time we tend to think of God not wanting us to be stressed the same way we think of our parents or another loved one telling us that they don't want us to be stressed. That's all very well and good, and we're glad to know they don't want us to be stressed but it doesn't do anything at all to prevent it! Thankfully though, unlike other humans, God can and does give us a way both to prevent it and to stop it cold if it's already happening. This is what I hope to share with everyone.

I'm not ready to actually start this today, but I will tell you that God's way is both as easy as breathing (assuming you have healthy lungs lol) and as difficult as algebra is for those of us who don't like math. It's something that small children do naturally when they are born to loving parents, but as adults our hearts have been hardened by the world and we've been taught by the world things that are the opposite of what God says which undermine our ability to not be stressed.

So I will be studying His Word and praying that He will give me His Words to share with you all that we might all learn to give up our stress and live the way He intended for us too. I would ask that you too would pray for me that I will be able to do this, as I really, really want to be able to help. Pray too that the Lord will help me to keep my posts short LOL! (I'm serious LOL)

I realize I have other studies already on going, and I will attempt to keep up with those as well. Perhaps I can alternate on them or something...but one way or another, I really want to do this one!

Read and  Reply to the study on Stress here

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