So, how do my fellow American's feel about being blackmailed by their own government now? Fun, huh? We weren't going to sign up just because we don't like being blackmailed, but I caved at the last minute, and you won't believe what happened! Let me preface what happened to me, with what various friends from my area have told me about the insurance they were forced to get through obamacare first though, and you'll see other reasons why we didn't want anything to do with it.
Most of the people we know don't have a lot of money. They live in NH as we do and live pay check to pay check or are on fixed incomes due to disability. Since we don't have hardly any money at all coming in anymore as Bruce still has been unable to find a job and NH cut everyone's unemployment, we assumed our experience would be similar to theirs.
1. All but one person was forced to pay ridiculous amounts for their insurance - amounts they not only couldn't afford, but were way more then they could afford.
2. Everyone that had insurance beforehand, of course lost their insurance, even though obama promised that we could keep our insurance if we liked it.
3. Most are unable to see their doctors they had before...many which have gone to the same doctor all their lives, but can't any longer. Nor can they use our local hospital any longer, but instead will have to drive long distances if they need to go to one.
4. Quite a few of these folks are on meds that can't be suddenly stopped and if not taken could be life threatening. Of course these meds are also very expensive. Due to obama's insurance though, they've had a great deal of trouble refilling their meds or in some cases getting a new prescription for them since they had to change doctors and the new doctor knew nothing about them. Some went several weeks without their meds due to this. NOT good!!!
5. All but one (again lol) now has to pay a HUGE deductible before they'll get any help at all from their wonderful new obamacare insurance. I'm talking HUGE, like $4000 or $5000 dollars and more! Until that's paid they get 0 help with doctor visits, prescriptions, or anything else. So what good is it?
6. The same folks I spoke about in #5 who have those huge deductibles, for some of them, the ONLY thing the insurance would cover even once that deductible was paid, was hospitalization. No help at all with anything else.
Since I know you guys all have good heads on your shoulders, even though our president doesn't seem to be smart enough to figure this out, I'm sure you can see by the above that these things create very big problems for a great many of the seniors, the elderly, those on disability, or with serious medical problems. (aren't those the ones it was supposed to help though?)
So I'm sure you can see why we weren't all that crazy about signing up for it. But good old obama didn't give anyone much of a choice did he? As a matter of fact it reminds me a great deal of the Mark of the Beast. The antichrist will force folks to take that mark or they won't be able to buy or sell anything. Today, we're forced to have this insurance or we'll have to pay a penalty. So, if you're too poor to pay for insurance, then you'll have to pay the penalty, right? Yeah...makes a lot of sense to me too....
But I can see it's preparing the way for the Mark. People in America are getting more and more used to being told what they must do.
So, I go to the marketplace and of course the site was down. I go back later and am then told that they're too busy but I can leave my email address and they'll let me know when they can help me. So I do. I never got a reply. So I called them the next day, April 1st and explain what happened. First lady tells me "tough, you'll have to pay the penalty". I admit, I got rude... I said, "Oh, so Obama lied when he said if we had problems getting through that we could have an extension and still get it?"She didn't have a comeback for that
but simply kept repeating verbatim, an obviously typed out statement that I'd have to pay the penalty. I told her I wanted to speak to a supervisor. She got a little snotty then, but finally did connect me to one.
I told the supervisor the same story and she immediately said, "no problem, I'll sign you up!" Supervisors are great
So I spend the next hour with her giving her all the facts and figures and swearing I wasn't lying etc. She puts it all through her little computer and comes back and tells me she has "good news and bad news". The bad news was that I couldn't get any insurance at all unless I paid full price for it. Now, you're all probably thinking that she's going to say it's because we make too much money so they're tables say we can afford to pay, right? Wrong!!!! She said we'd have to pay full price because we didn't make enough money!!!!
She quoted the bottom figure for getting help paying for health insurance and then told me that with our income, we'd literally have to make twice as much as we did, plus a couple of dollars, in order to get help.
Well, I couldn't help it. By then I was laughing and couldn't stop! (she started laughing too)
When I could get the words out, I finally asked her what the "good news" was. She said that because of the situation, we wouldn't have to pay the penalty. So the bottom line is that we're too poor to get insurance of any kind, but that obama will at least let us off the hook so we won't have to pay the penalty. Isn't that nice of him????
Of course, because of obamacare, we can't see any of the specialist doctors we go to, like Bruce's cardiologist, or our rheumatologist, because the hospitals they work out of no longer will help people who have little or no income. But, at least since we don’t have obama’s insurance yet, we can still see our primary care doctor, who we've both known forever, (yeah, we're that old
) and go to our local hospital. So that's better then nothing, but it's only because they're not effected by obamacare since our hospital isn't part of the obamacare plan in NH. Next year will be a different story however. We’ll have to again decide if we’re going to allow ourselves to be blackmailed by our government into getting their health insurance.
So, how did the rest of you fare with obamacare? I sure wish I still lived in America...the way it used to be.....
Most of the people we know don't have a lot of money. They live in NH as we do and live pay check to pay check or are on fixed incomes due to disability. Since we don't have hardly any money at all coming in anymore as Bruce still has been unable to find a job and NH cut everyone's unemployment, we assumed our experience would be similar to theirs.
1. All but one person was forced to pay ridiculous amounts for their insurance - amounts they not only couldn't afford, but were way more then they could afford.
2. Everyone that had insurance beforehand, of course lost their insurance, even though obama promised that we could keep our insurance if we liked it.
3. Most are unable to see their doctors they had before...many which have gone to the same doctor all their lives, but can't any longer. Nor can they use our local hospital any longer, but instead will have to drive long distances if they need to go to one.
4. Quite a few of these folks are on meds that can't be suddenly stopped and if not taken could be life threatening. Of course these meds are also very expensive. Due to obama's insurance though, they've had a great deal of trouble refilling their meds or in some cases getting a new prescription for them since they had to change doctors and the new doctor knew nothing about them. Some went several weeks without their meds due to this. NOT good!!!
5. All but one (again lol) now has to pay a HUGE deductible before they'll get any help at all from their wonderful new obamacare insurance. I'm talking HUGE, like $4000 or $5000 dollars and more! Until that's paid they get 0 help with doctor visits, prescriptions, or anything else. So what good is it?
6. The same folks I spoke about in #5 who have those huge deductibles, for some of them, the ONLY thing the insurance would cover even once that deductible was paid, was hospitalization. No help at all with anything else.
Since I know you guys all have good heads on your shoulders, even though our president doesn't seem to be smart enough to figure this out, I'm sure you can see by the above that these things create very big problems for a great many of the seniors, the elderly, those on disability, or with serious medical problems. (aren't those the ones it was supposed to help though?)
So I'm sure you can see why we weren't all that crazy about signing up for it. But good old obama didn't give anyone much of a choice did he? As a matter of fact it reminds me a great deal of the Mark of the Beast. The antichrist will force folks to take that mark or they won't be able to buy or sell anything. Today, we're forced to have this insurance or we'll have to pay a penalty. So, if you're too poor to pay for insurance, then you'll have to pay the penalty, right? Yeah...makes a lot of sense to me too....
So, I go to the marketplace and of course the site was down. I go back later and am then told that they're too busy but I can leave my email address and they'll let me know when they can help me. So I do. I never got a reply. So I called them the next day, April 1st and explain what happened. First lady tells me "tough, you'll have to pay the penalty". I admit, I got rude... I said, "Oh, so Obama lied when he said if we had problems getting through that we could have an extension and still get it?"She didn't have a comeback for that
I told the supervisor the same story and she immediately said, "no problem, I'll sign you up!" Supervisors are great
Well, I couldn't help it. By then I was laughing and couldn't stop! (she started laughing too)
Of course, because of obamacare, we can't see any of the specialist doctors we go to, like Bruce's cardiologist, or our rheumatologist, because the hospitals they work out of no longer will help people who have little or no income. But, at least since we don’t have obama’s insurance yet, we can still see our primary care doctor, who we've both known forever, (yeah, we're that old
So, how did the rest of you fare with obamacare? I sure wish I still lived in America...the way it used to be.....
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