Thursday, March 5, 2015

Did you realize what's going to actually happen to you at the rapture?

I've been thinking about the rapture a lot lately and talking to the Lord about it and realized something that I've never really reflected on much before. We're all very aware that God spoke everything into existence and that Jesus is the Word. We're all familiar with all the times Jesus simply spoke a word and healed people while He was here before. We've all read in Revelation about how God calls the two prophets up to heaven after resurrecting them. And we're all excitedly waiting for the Lord to call us to come and join Him in the air, right? (1 Thessalonians 4:16)

We know that the instant He calls us, our bodies will begin to rise to meet Him. It won't matter whether the person believes or even knows about the rapture. It won't matter if they want to go or not (although I can't imagine anyone not wanting to!) There will be no warning, no discussion, no questions and answers, just a command; and we will obey because our bodies will have no choice in the matter.

For the very first time in our conscious memories, we will personally experience the commanding voice of our God. This is the voice Jesus used when He cursed the fig tree when He was here before. It's the voice He used when He called the stars and planets into being, and the voice He used when He formed our bodies in our mothers womb. It's the voice He uses when He calls the two prophets Home after they've completed their mission during the tribulation in Revelation 11:12.

And to know that His command for us to rise to meet Him contains another command in it - the command for our bodies to change - (1 Corinthians 15:51–54) and again, the command will be obeyed instantly and we will be in immortal, incorruptible bodies with no sin nature! Doesn't that just give you goosebumps???? It sure does me! I can't wait!!!!!

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

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