Originally Posted by catt
Here are my thoughts.
Job 5:9 God controls the weather. All of it.
5:11 "He sets the lowly on high"
Shepherd boys become kings. Everyone, even
princes start as babies. A lowly Galilean is revealed to be the prince
of peace and Lord of Lords. A Roman torture device, becomes
a symbol of salvation.
Why would mourners need to be lifted to safety?
No jumping on the funeral pyre or in the river.
He keeps grief from becoming depression.
12+13. Crafty--Does not mean needle work or knitting.
God protects us all the time. Even when we are unaware.
I think it is kind of him. I don't want to know about every evil.
We only need to concentrate on Him.
14. Darkness at noon - This did happen to Paul in Acts.
He was struck blind and Jesus did let him know his error.
15. Sword in their mouths. In those days false witness
could get you executed. I love the way you said,"He protects us from
those who think they are so smart."
El Shaddai
God Almighty
The Strength of God over coming evil words.
Evil words are what Job's friends were tempting him to say.
Had you not pointed it out, I would have missed the irony.
I was tempted to cuss on the phone with my sister.
She said, "Go ahead and say it. It will make you feel better."
So, I did it. It did not make me feel better and it took me
weeks to get that word out of my internal conversation.
I am practicing overcoming the everyday misconceptions
in my own mind. I am so thankful God has given me his word.
What you said about your sister, immediately reminded me of this scripture: 1 Peter 4:3–5 —For you have spent enough time in the past doing what pagans choose to do—living in debauchery, lust, drunkenness, orgies, carousing and detestable idolatry. *They think it strange that you do not plunge with them into the same flood of dissipation, and they heap abuse on you. *But they will have to give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. * They don't understand why we don't enjoy swearing (or other sins) or why it doesn't make us feel better like they think it does them, and so they try to get us to join them. They know we used to be like them and they don't understand why or how we've changed. In fact, they think we changed ourselves since they don't understand that the Lord gave us an entirely new nature that isn't pleased by those kind of things. When we refuse to join them and continue to refuse, they begin to mock us and taunt us and even become nasty toward us because every time they see us or hear from us, it reminds them of their sin and they hate that. We don't even have to say or do anything...because the Holy Spirit within us is the one who's actually convicting them.
So when they do start reacting that way, remember that it's not "you" they're angry at, it's really themselves, although they may not consciously realize it; and it's not you that they're fighting, it's really the Holy Spirit. Yet another reason the Lord wants us to pray for them when they hurt our feelings -pray for their salvation I mean.
You asked, "Why would mourners need to be lifted to safety?" (v11) and I'm not sure if you were asking me or if you were asking yourself, but in case you were asking me, I'll answer... Consider what Eliphaz was talking about to Job...what he wanted Job to do and you'll see the answer. Mourners in this context are those who are mourning over their sin, and when we do that, God saves us by granting us first salvation if the person isn't saved yet and then, even for all, He grants us forgiveness, saving us from guilt and shame as well as our sins. So this was another jab at Job to get him to admit that he'd sinned. Let me share a few other verses that are similar here:
Matthew 5:4 —Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. *
James 4:6–10 —But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” *Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. *Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. *Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. *Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. *
Originally Posted by Fearnot
It really helped me because it dealt with certain things in Job that I would always be confused about. Like I never exactly understood why Eliphaz was saying that Job should play let's make a deal ( sort of) with the Lord.
I will repent and you will give me all sorts of blessings. But even more so how it so clearly applies to the prosperity or word of Faith gospel. Definitely some aha moments. Thank you.
I'm glad it helped Barbara.
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