Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Deafening Silence

It's been bothering me for a long time and as I've seen more and more of it, I've become more and more appalled by the deafening silence around me. It's so loud that sometimes it feels that's all I can hear anymore. I wasn't going to say anything although every fiber of my being has wanted to scream it out and tell people to wake up and hear it for themselves. But I know that I'm viewed as some kind of fanatical idiot and goody two shoes, and those are probably the kindest things said about me. I can't be quiet though, because if I am, then I too am continuing to contribute to the silence. I just can't do it anymore. I talked to the Lord about it all day yesterday and talked to my daughter too, thinking perhaps that would be enough. But the Lord's word's burn inside me and they have to come out. I feel like I know how Jeremiah felt in Jeremiah 20:9 and Jeremiah 6:10–11 when he spoke of this. It's like I'll burst if I don't say something, so I will.

I'm sure you've heard the silence. I know I've been part of it, especially before I was saved, but even since then at times. What am I talking about? The dead silence we hear when someone we know has sinned or is sinning and others acknowledge what they're doing, even congratulating them, or at least acting and speaking as though it's perfectly normal and acceptable. Oh yes, there's plenty of noise...plenty of talking, but there's total silence concerning what God says and thinks about what they're doing.

Each time it happens now, I ask myself, "Why??? Why doesn't someone speak up???" What hit me really hard though was when someone I really respected as a mature Christian didn't speak up. That just floored me and really shook me up. It made me question if I was doing right, because I so respected them. And again I asked myself, "why didn't they speak up", and I came up with a number of reasons that could apply. Perhaps they were ignorant about what the other person was actually talking about since they're from different generations, so since they didn't know, they couldn't speak up. Or perhaps, again not realizing what had actually been done, they were in a hurry and simply wanted to encourage a youngster, not realizing they were encouraging sin. I hope and pray to God that's what happened in that instance, but I know that normally, that's not the case. Normally, no one cares, because everyone considers sin normal and acceptable; or those who do know better simply don't want to rock the boat and don't want others to be angry at them, or take the chance that they won't like them anymore. I feel I can say that because I know that's what my excuses have been in the past as well. I'm not innocent. I've added to the silence many times. I just can't do it anymore.

I'm glad that happened and made me question myself though, because I took my questions to the Lord and He assured me that I was to speak out, and not just me, but all of us. He showed me that in His Word, over and over again. I still wasn't sure He wanted me to say anything about the subject in general though. Not until I opened my bible this morning and the first words my eyes focused on were "Our Guilty Silence". Since my bible library opens up to random pages, and I don't believe in coincidences, I felt sure that was the Lord's way of confirming what He wanted to me talk about. Especially since I'd again, already brought it up to Him as I was opening my bible library.

How do we break out of our old habits of being silent when we see people we care about doing and saying things that we know are sinful, or even blasphemous, or that are leading them away from God? When we see a teenager flippantly talking back to their parents, or singing along with secular songs that are obviously about premarital sex, and other sins - an attitude totally opposite of that we're supposed to have as followers of Christ? When we hear a friend talk about getting their horoscope or seeing a psychic, or another talking about lying to their spouse, or another who defiantly insists that there's nothing wrong with looking at porn? Someone that's gotten involved with false teaching and is spreading it around? A parent who's caved to their teenager's demands and is allowing their teens boyfriend/girlfriend to live with them and sleep with their teen, or a parent who's living with someone without being married?

How can we speak up when we sin too and have even done some of those same things? All I know to do is to speak from my heart and tell them up front that I've done those things too and because I have, I know from experience that the Lord disciplines us when we sin, and I don't want to see them go through that. I think it only seems hard because we're afraid that we'll be seen as fanatics (and we will be). Because if I bought an expensive product and found it to be a piece of junk, every time I heard someone talking about that kind of product, I'd quickly jump in and warn them to never buy the one I did and I'd tell them why. It would never occur to me to be afraid of being seen in a bad light or losing them as a friend. And most would heed my advice or at least take it into great consideration. Yet for some reason, when it involves sin and God, the opposite happens!

If a child, friend or loved one, was about to get hit by a car or burnt by fire, we'd immediately jump into action and pull them out of harms way. We wouldn't even stop to think about it, because we love them and don't want to see them hurt or in pain. Yet when those same people we love are threatened with the fire of hell for eternity, or on the verge of being disciplined by the Lord for sin, we look the other way... in fact, we often run the other way as fast as we can! That doesn't make sense! Why do we do that???? The only answer I can come up with is that we've been literally brainwashed throughout our lives by Satan, the world and our flesh. But God expects us to change and to speak up. The good news is that we can, with His help. But that means spending time in His Word with Him every day, and many of us just won't do that either. (for which Satan is very grateful!) Romans 12:2 among other scriptures (Colossians 3:10; John 17:17 etc) tells us though that our minds must be renewed by God's Word in order to be sanctified and transformed. So I guess the silence will continue to grow and people will go through trials that might have been prevented, and more people will be lost to hell that might have been saved.

Father, Grant us boldness to speak the Truth with love, & to never compromise Your truth. Grant us boldness to tell others about Your gracious gift of salvation. Grant us the words & wisdom to speak so that no one will be able to resist or contradict us. Enable us to encourage, rebuke, train, and teach others in righteousness. I pray that we may be active in sharing our faith, so that we will all have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ. I ask this that You would be honored and glorified. In Jesus's Name I pray. Amen. (Luke 21:15; Ephesians 6:19; Acts 4:29; Titus 2:15; 2 Timothy 3:16; Philemon 6)

Jeremiah 20:9 —But if I say, “I will not mention him or speak any more in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot. *

Jeremiah 6:10–11 —To whom can I speak and give warning? Who will listen to me? Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the LORD is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it. *But I am full of the wrath of the LORD, and I cannot hold it in. “Pour it out on the children in the street and on the young men gathered together; both husband and wife will be caught in it, and the old, those weighed down with years. *

Jeremiah 6:12–19 —Their houses will be turned over to others, together with their fields and their wives, when I stretch out my hand against those who live in the land,” declares the LORD. *“From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit. *They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace. *Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when I punish them,” says the LORD. *This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’ *I appointed watchmen over you and said, ‘Listen to the sound of the trumpet!’ But you said, ‘We will not listen.’ *Therefore hear, O nations; observe, O witnesses, what will happen to them. *Hear, O earth: I am bringing disaster on this people, the fruit of their schemes, because they have not listened to my words and have rejected my law. *
None of us are perfect, and if we speak out as though we are, then we're sinning. But when we speak to someone because we love and care about them, and are concerned about them, it puts a totally different "tone" on what we're saying. People can tell when we love them, and when we don't. That's why I said this:

How can we speak up when we sin too and have even done some of those same things? All I know to do is to speak from my heart and tell them up front that I've done those things too and because I have, I know from experience that the Lord disciplines us when we sin, and I don't want to see them go through that. I think it only seems hard because we're afraid that we'll be seen as fanatics (and we will be). Because if I bought an expensive product and found it to be a piece of junk, every time I heard someone talking about that kind of product, I'd quickly jump in and warn them to never buy the one I did and I'd tell them why. It would never occur to me to be afraid of being seen in a bad light or losing them as a friend. And most would heed my advice or at least take it into great consideration. Yet for some reason, when it involves sin and God, the opposite happens!

I'm not suggesting though that if we speak in love that the person will always welcome what we say, because they won't, but it will plant a seed that the Lord can grow. Nor am I perfect at this because there's times I don't speak up when I know I should. With the Lord's help those times have gotten much fewer and will hopefully never happen again. But if it does happen, I know He will forgive me and that He will show me how to do a better job next time.
We all have to speak when the Lord tells us to Ruthanne and keep our mouths shut when He tells us to. One thing to keep in mind though is that He tells us when to speak in His Word, not just in our heads, and expects us to obey Him.

Many of us are afraid of confrontation, which makes this near impossible. I know I sure was. But the Lord can teach us and help us overcome that too, I know because He's done so for me. It took quite awhile, but He did it. I had to remind myself of what's more important, God or the fear of rejection. God won.

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